
Mental Health and the Economy

More than two-thirds of American women interviewed for an American Psychiatric Association survey say that the nation’s sagging economy has negatively affected their lives and the lives of their loved ones. The findings also indicate women may be neglecting their own needs while focusing on other concerns.

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Talking to Kids


This recent health scare is not easy for anyone to comprehend or accept. Understandably, many young children feel frightened and confused.

As parents, teachers, and caring adults, we can help them cope with stressful events and experiences. Although these may be difficult conversations, they are important. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to talk with children about this and other stressful events.

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Real Stories. Real Lives.

Listen to Cynthia Evans’ message about depression and hope.

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Let's Talk Facts About Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common of emotional disorders and affect more than 25 million Americans. Although each anxiety disorder has its own unique characteristics, most respond well to two types of treatment: psychotherapy and medications.