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Environmental & Recycling Program


"In the loop" supply chain sustainability

  • Scrap baling and sales to recyclers
  • Restoration of worn textiles to prime condition
  • Recycled cotton fills our cotton mattresses

The U.S. auto industry has been mandated to include a minimum of 25% recycled material in the manufacture of new vehicles. Some of that material is derived from out-of-service U.S. Postal mailbags. First, we remove the metal mailbag locking cord fasteners and return them to the Postal Service for reuse. Then, all non-repairable nylon and plastic postal bags are baled for sale to private vendors who, in turn, convert these goods into pellets which are sold to auto manufacturers and other industrial operations to produce recycled components

We waste virtually nothing. Even scrap material from factory cutting tables is collected for sale to recyclers, and used to produce items such as carpet lining for automobile trunks. Our factories also recycle packing boxes and pallets received from fabric-cutting vendors which we use for final shipments to our government customers. Approximately 170,000 boxes are recycled each year.

The Government also looks to us for "life extension." Our repair capabilities enable us to restore innumerable items to prime condition such as parachutes, ponchos/liners, field packs, and sleeping bags. During these times of shrinking appropriations, we are proud to do our part to help agencies maximize their funding.

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