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NOAA National Operational Model Archive & Distribution System

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NOMADS Data Access

NOMADS Data Access by Provider and Data Type
Introduction/How To Use This Site
Data Access User Guide
National Weather Service (NWS)
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
- Numerical Weather Prediction
North American Mesoscale (NAM 12km)
Global Forecast System (GFS 1 degree)
Rapid Update Cycle (RUC 13 and 20km)
GDAS Model Input Assimilation Data
AWIPS NOAAPort Grids (06/2003-05/2005)

- Ensembles
NCEP GFS Ensembles
NOMADS Ensemble Probability Tool
Probability Tool Users Guide (using multi-member forecasts)

- Reanalysis
North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) (32km)
Global Reanalysis (R1 & R2)
CFSRR (Summer 2009)

- Climate
Climate Forecast System (CFS)

NWS Programmatic
NWS High Availability Real-Time NOMADS Server (R/T NOMADS)
National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) Data Access
NDFD Information
Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) Data Access
Service Records Retention System (SRSS) access

National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS)
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
- NCDC In-situ Reference Quality Datasets
Blended Ocean Winds
Reynolds SST
Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN)
Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA)

- Climate
Paleoclimate Datasets

- NCDC Mirror R/T NOMADS Server

- NOMADS Live Access Server


- NOMADS GrADS Data Server

National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
- NODC AVHRR Pathfinder Version 5.0 SST Dataset

NOAA Office of Atmospheric Research (OAR)
Geophysical Fluid Dynamic Laboratory (GFDL)
- Climate
CM2.X Coupled Climate Model data (selected subsets)

Air Resources Laboratory (ARL)

Department of Energy (DOE)
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI)
Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP)

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
NCAR Data Portal
Community Climate System Model (CCSM)

Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)

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Top of Page Introduction

This web site provides access to the model data repository at NCDC. This repository contains both archived (i.e., off-line) and on-line model data. We provide a variety of ways to access our weather and climate model data. You can access the on-line data using traditional access methods (web-based or ftp), or you can use open and distributed access methods promoted under the collaborative approach called the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS). With the NOMADS Web Interface you can create, display, and download plots, use ftp to download parameters and files, and use the NOMADS Distributed Data Server using OPeNDAP and the GrADS Data Server (GDS) to access the data directly from your preferred client or desktop. You can also perform remote calculations using scripts under the GDS.

To see what datasets we have available, first vist the NCDC Model Data Inventories section to locate datasets of interest and view dataset documentation.

After you determine which datasets you want to further explore, visit the Data Access Guide page and learn about the different access methods and features provided.

To browse the inventories, directly read and analyze data, or retrieve model data visit the sections below. The following access functions are provided.

  • plot - allows you to build a collection, then select parameters from the collection, and create plots
  • grid/scale - type, resolution and domain of grid
  • ftp4u - allows you to build a collection, select files or parameters from the collection, and ftp selected data to our anonymous ftp server.
  • ftp - browse lists of files on our server and download files using the ftp protocol.
  • http - browse lists of files on our server and use your browser to download files.
  • gds - access GrADS DODS/OPeNDAP server for this dataset. Use the GDS server to obtain the URL for files you want to access from your desktop DODS/OPeNDAP enabled client.
  • OPeNDAP - access DODS/OPeNDAP server for this dataset. Use the DODS server to obtain the URL for files you want to access from your desktop DODS/OPeNDAP enabled client.

Top of Page NCEP High Resolution Global Forecast System (1 degree GFS), North American Mesoscale (12km NAM), and Rapid Update Cycle (20km RUC)

The table below lists the weather model datasets we have on-line or archived at NCDC. Each entry in the table below provides you links to access methods for that dataset. See the Section Above for descriptions of these access methods. Note: These data may be delayed up to one day. For real-time access go to the NCEP R/T NOMADS.

Hi-Res NCEP NWP Model Datasets in NCDC Repository
model grid/scale runs/day fcst proj plot | ftp http
data server
High Resolution Analysis and Forecasts
Meso-ETA 218 Domain 4/day 0-60 hrs. plot | ftp4u --- ---
GFS-AVN 003 Domain 4/day 0-240 hrs. plot | ftp4u --- ---
Near Real-Time and Historical
NAM (WRF-NMM) 218 Domain 4/day 0-60 hrs. plot | ftp4u http gds tds
GFS 003 Domain 4/day 0-180 hrs. plot | ftp4u http gds tds
GFS 004 Domain 4/day 0-180 hrs. plot | ftp4u http
RUC 252 Domain hourly 0-3,6,9,12 hrs. plot | ftp4u http gds tds
0-3,6,9,12 hrs.
Analysis-Only, Period of Record (March 02, 2004 to latest full month)
4/day 0,(3-6 pcp.) plot | ftp4u http gds
NAM-ANL 218 Domain 4/day 0,(3,6 pcp.) plot | ftp4u http gds

NAM (WRF-NMM) * North American Mesoscale model, As of 2006-Jun-20
( Weather Research & Forecasting - Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model )
Legacy versions and dates: ETA, Meso-ETA (Pre 2005-Feb-15), NAM (2005-Feb-15).
The analysis from all these are unified under NAM-ANL.

Problems? Contact the NOMADS team at Please provide a detailed description of the issue.

Top of Page NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (32km, 25 years)


NARR fields use Earth relative winds, which do not need adjustment when used with GrADS and GDS.

Monthly Means:
The NARRMON dataset contains a monthly average (computed at NCEP) of all the fields in the NARR. The NARRMON-3hr dataset is a monthly average of all fields, seperated into eight three-hour time periods for each day throughout a month.

North American Regional Reanalysis
Model Grid/Scale Frequency Plot ftp http Data Server
NARR-A 221 - Domain 3 Hours 00-21 Z plot | ftp4u http gds tds
NARR-B 221 - Domain 3 Hours 00-21 Z plot | ftp4u http gds tds

North American Regional Reanalysis: Monthly Means
NARRMON-A 221 - Domain Monthly 25 yrs. plot | ftp4u http gds tds
NARRMON-B 221 - Domain Monthly 25 yrs. plot | ftp4u http gds tds
NARRMON-3hr-A 221 - Domain Monthly 25 yrs. plot | ftp4u http gds tds
NARRMON-3hr-B 221 - Domain Monthly 25 yrs. plot | ftp4u http gds tds

Problems? Contact the NOMADS team at Please provide a detailed description of the issue.

Top of Page NCEP GFS Ensemble Probabilities

The following interfaces are testbed capabilities to multiple members of the NCEP Ensembles run under the Global Forecast System. These interfaces allow user selectable flow-dependant probabilities predictions of several meteorological sensible weather elements. These pages are in development. Please report feedback to

NCEP GFS Ensembles
NOMADS Ensemble Probability Tool
Description of NOMADS Global Ensemble Weather Prediction Forecast Probabilities

Top of Page Coupled Climate Forecast System

The Climate Forecast System (CFS) is a fully coupled model representing the interaction between the Earth's oceans, land and atmosphere. This model became operational in August 2004, and has been run in retrospective mode back 25 years to 1981.

Presently, NCDC-NOMADS does not maintain an archive for the Climate Forecast System data. There are plans to archive this dataset in the future.

Users seeking access to CFS archived and real-time data should visit the National Centers for Environmental Prediction's CFS homepage.

Available on the site are retrospective daily and monthly data, climatologies, links to operational CFS model runs, CFS documentation, news, and other products.

Top of Page NCDC Climate Datasets

Below are several operational data sets provided by the NCDC and NOMADS.

NCDC Climate Datasets
dataset grid/scale freq plot ftp http Data
Ocean Wind
Blended Ocean Winds
0.25 °
6 hr / daily / monthly
1987 to Present
ftp http gds las tds
Ocean SST's
Extended Reconstructed SST's
2.00 °
1854 to Present
plot | ftp http gds las tds
Reynolds SST O/I v2.0 1.00 °
1981 to Present
plot ftp http tds
Reynolds Daily Optimum Interpolation SST 0.25 °
Jan 24, 1985 to Present
--- ftp http las tds
Surface and Upper-Air
Global Historical Climate Network (Temperature Anomalies) 5.00 °
1880 to Present
plot | ftp --- gds
Global Historical Climate Network (Precip. Anomalies) 5.00 °
1900 to Present
plot | ftp --- gds

Top of Page NODC AVHRR Pathfinder Version 5.0 SST Dataset

The 4 km AVHRR Pathfinder Version 5.0 SST Project (Pathfinder V5) is a new reanalysis of the AVHRR data stream developed by the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) and the NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). This reprocessing uses an improved version of the Pathfinder algorithm and processing steps to produce twice-daily global SST and related parameters back to 1985, at a resolution of approximately 4 km, the highest possible for a global AVHRR data set. Temporal averages for 5-day, 7-day, 8-day, Monthly, and Yearly periods are also produced. Current key improvements over the original 9 km Pathfinder SST data set include a more accurate, consistent land mask, higher spatial resolution, and inclusion of sea ice information. Other improvements are under development and will be implemented in the next reprocessing, which will commence in mid-2004.

NODC AVHRR Pathfinder Version 5.0 SST Dataset
dataset grid/scale freq images ftp http
AVHRR Pathfinder SST 4 km 2x daily images ftp http Kenneth Casey Danny Brinegar

Top of Page NCEP Model GDAS Assimilation Dataset (in BUFR & GRIB format)

Below are several operational data sets provided by the NCDC and NOMADS.

Please see NCEP (Keyser) for additional background information on GDAS and other NCEP models. Also visit: EMC/Mesoscale Modeling Branch Publication Listing.

We will be adding plotting and ftp capabilities as programs are completed.

NCEP GDAS Assimilation Data (in BUFR & GRIB)
Snow Ice SST
Snow, Ice, SST, Satellite/Ship/Aircraft
Data Server
Snow, Ice, SST, Satellite/Ship/Aircraft

Top of Page Climate Model Datasets

Through the NOMADS Collaboration, model output and documentation from a set of multi-century experiments performed using GFDL's CM2.0 and CM2.1 global climate models are being made available at GFDL's NOMADS Data Portal. Datasets are available at their GFDL CM2.x Coupled Climate Models page.

The Community Data Portal (CDP) is a collection of earth science datasets from NCAR, UCAR, UOP, and participating organizations in the following research areas:

  • Oceanic
  • Atmospheric
  • Space Weather
  • Turbulence

Top of Page Paleoclimate Datasets

The paleoclimate model data sets available here are derived primarily from climate model experiments associated with peer reviewed scientific publications. The archive includes many of the experiments performed as part of the Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project (PMIP), plus other, PMIP-like experiments. Also included here are other model runs such as transient simulations of the past 1,000 years, and some data sets related to model forcing and model boundary conditions. Additional information on paleoclimate model data sets, including tools to access and plot model data and a web form to search for data, are available on the paleoclimate modeling page.

Paleoclimate model output on NOMADS GrADS Data Server
Paleoclimate modeling page at NCDC
PMIP II web site

Top of Page National Digital Forecast Database

NCDC NOMADS provides access to NCDC's archive of the National Weather Service National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD). Due to the volume of this dataset, access is provided through the NOMADS automated offline order system for one day of data. To place an order, use the access point below. Due to current incompatibilities with our plotting software, the native GRIB2 NDFD data is converted to GRIB1 after the data has been pulled from the HPSS archive.

Access NDFD offline order interface

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