News Releases

FTS Deputy Commissioner Self to Retire

News Release
U.S. General Services Administration

Tuesday, May 20, 2003
GSA #10015
Contact: Mary Alice Johnson, (202) 501-1231

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announced today that Charles Self, Deputy Commissioner at the Federal Technology Service (FTS) is retiring from government service in July 2003, ending a 34-year career of dedicated public service to the federal government.

"Charlie's commitment to excellence and dedication to GSA's FTS has contributed significantly to our ability to add real value to our government customers. His commitment to innovative acquisition strategies and solid business practices have been key drivers in FTS's success," said FTS Commissioner Sandra Bates. "I have enjoyed working with him and am confident that he will succeed in any endeavors he may choose to pursue outside government."

Self's government career began in the U.S. Air Force as a Lieutenant where he quickly rose to the rank of Captain and ultimately transitioned into civilian public service. He later moved to the Department of Veterans Affairs, before joining GSA's FTS in January 1986 to serve as Director of the Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM).

Under Self's leadership as Director of FEDSIM, the organization became the federal government's center of expertise for large-scale systems integration and acquisition projects. FTS tapped Self to serve as Assistant Commissioner for the Information Technology Service (ITS). Sales for the IT Solutions business line rose from $1 billion to over $4 billion during his tenure resulting in significant savings governmentwide.

Throughout his 10-year tenure leading ITS, Self increased FTS's suite of value added acquisition services to the government by developing and implementing a number of acquisition vehicles and programs including the FAST Program (a commodity based program that coupled the agility of small business with the reach of the Internet) and many Government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) including Millennia, ANSWER, and Millennia-Lite.

Charles Self is largely responsible for the growth and success of the IT Solutions business line of FTS. His leadership in fee for service operations, early adoption of streamlined acquisition business processes, and constant attention to best value solutions for FTS's customers have fueled customer satisfaction rates and revenue growth that are the envy of many Fortune 100 companies.

"FTS and all the FTS associates will really miss him; he was liked by all," said Mary Whitley, FTS Assistant Commissioner for CRM and Sales.

This year, as Deputy Commissioner, he was instrumental in managing the Federal Technology Service (FTS)/Federal Supply Service (FSS) realignment ensuring improved services to GSA's many clients.

GSA is a centralized federal procurement and property management agency created by Congress to improve government efficiency and help federal agencies better serve the public. It acquires, on behalf of federal agencies, office space, equipment, telecommunications, information technology, supplies, and services. GSA, comprised of 14,000 associates, provides services and solutions for the office operations of over 1 million federal workers located in 8,300 government-owned and leased buildings in 1,600 U.S. communities.


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