GSA Issues Request for Information on New Telecom Program

GSA #10051

October 17, 2003
Contact: Mary Alice Johnson (202) 501-1231

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) Federal Technology Service (FTS), in coordination with the Interagency Management Council (IMC), today issued a Request for Information (RFI) for a major new telecommunications initiative, the FTS Networx program. 

The RFI, posted on, has two purposes: (1) to provide information to potential industry offerors and interested parties about the GSA FTS Networx program and
(2) to solicit comments from interested parties about the government’s approach and the extent to which industry can meet the government’s requirements.  FTS developed the Networx acquisition strategy in partnership with the IMC, which includes representatives from federal agencies using the current FTS contracts. 

“The FTS Networx program will serve as the centerpiece of our strategy for delivering top quality, best value telecommunications services and solutions to our agency customers over the coming years,” stated FTS Commissioner, Sandra Bates.  “We are really looking forward to receiving feedback on all aspects of our preliminary approach.”

Current plans for the Networx program reflect two acquisitions: Networx Universal and Networx Select. Networx Universal will establish competitive, full service contracts for a comprehensive range of domestic and international network services. It will provide continuity of service for the expiring FTS2001 while providing the government with attractive pricing for service offerings.  Networx Select will serve as a complement, seeking leading edge solutions from offerors that may not offer the broad service coverage available through Networx Universal but have solutions to meet the federal government’s diverse needs.
FTS and the IMC have requested comments from interest parties on the overall strategy and on specific topics including: the technical offerings planned for the acquisition, contract type and duration, minimum revenue guarantees, commercial practices in use for billing and service order management, and other subjects of interest. Comments must be submitted by November 17, 2003.

GSA is a centralized Federal procurement and property management agency created by Congress to improve government efficiency and help Federal agencies better serve the public.  It acquires, on behalf of Federal agencies, office space, equipment, telecommunications, information technology, supplies and services.  GSA, comprised of 14,000 associates, provides services and solutions for the office operations of over 1 million Federal workers located in 8,300 government -owned and leased buildings in 1,600 U.S. communities.

Last Reviewed 10/1/2008