News Releases

GSA and Veterans Affairs Merge Energy Supply and Management FunctionsNew Addition Allows GSA to Expand Services, Save Millions of Dollars Each Year

GSA #9563

March 2, 1999
Contact: April Kaufman
(202) 501-1231

WASHINGTON, DC -- This week the Department of Veterans Affairs transferred control of the National Utilities Management Program (NUMP) to the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). This transfer allows GSA to continue to serve as the federal government's leader in energy management and positions the agency to further decrease federal agencies' energy costs.

"The staff and program that have been transferred from the Department of Veterans Affairs have a proven track record and will provide a strong core on which to build a complete range of cost-effective utility procurement services," said GSA Administrator Dave Barram.

After the Department of Veterans Affairs determined that NUMP was not part of the agency's core mission, GSA's Energy Center of Expertise reviewed the program and determined it would provide a unique opportunity to concentrate all GSA utility procurement requirements in a single well-run organization. Former NUMP staff will report to the Energy Center of Expertise. Staff and functions will be combined with the Public Utilities Section, now renamed The National Center for Utilities Management, which will procure all energy and water utilities.

GSA's Energy Center of Expertise works continually to reduce utility costs by promoting optimal energy use while protecting the environment and ensuring a quality workspace for its Federal clients.

Bringing NUMP to GSA will allow the agency to better compete in the deregulated industry environment. GSA's services will be broadened to provide natural gas and management services to NUMP's customers, including the Bureau of the Mint, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. GSA will continue to provide high quality, low cost electricity and energy management to its federal customers, as well as continue to provide competitive electricity to agencies in states where the electric industry is deregulated.

NUMP was founded 13 years ago as part of an effort to assist Department of Veterans Affairs facilities procure natural gas. The program has grown to over 70 facilities and saved over $5 million for the Federal government in fiscal year 1997 alone.

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Last Reviewed 9/30/2008