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National Gallery of Art - ONLINE TOURS
Collection Tours: The National Gallery of Art houses one of the finest collections in the world illustrating major achievements in painting, sculpture, decorative arts, and works on paper from the Middle Ages to the present.   Feature: Edward Ruscha: Lisp   Architecture Tours of the East Builing, West Building, and Sculpture Garden   Sculpture of Angkor and Ancient Cambodia
Take a virtual tour of Sculpture of Angkor and Ancient Cambodia   Image: Pierre Brebiette, Bacchus with Diana and Minerva, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund, 1971.36.1   Cézanne outside his studio at Les Lauves, photographed by Gertrude Osthaus on April 13, 1906
Photo credit: Foto Marburg/Art Resource, NY   Feature: Art for the Nation, Collecting for a New Century

Collection Tours
Choose a tour by school or medium and explore the National Gallery's collections of painting, sculpture, works on paper, photographs, and decorative arts. Many guides are available as PDF (Portable Document Format) files and can be downloaded in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

In-Depth Study Tours
Explore an artist, work of art, or theme in these specially designed features, which are listed alphabetically.

Jacopo Bassano

The Art of Romare Bearden

Valentin de Boulogne

Eugène Boudin at the National Gallery of Art

The Prints of Félix Buhot: Impressions of City and Sea

Alexander Calder

Julia Margaret Cameron

Christo and Jeanne-Claude
in the Vogel Collection

Pieter Claesz

Edgar Degas

Edward Hopper

All the Mighty World:
The Photographs of Roger Fenton, 1852–1860

Dan Flavin: A Retrospective

William Harnett

Winslow Homer in the National Gallery of Art

Jasper Johns

Jasper Johns: An Allegory of Painting, 1955–1965

J.M.W. Turner

André Kertész

Thomas Moran

Irving Penn: Platinum Prints

Let the World In: Prints by Robert Rauschenberg from the National Gallery of Art and Related Collections


Frederic Remington

The Cubist Paintings of Diego Rivera: Memory, Politics, Place

Mark Rothko

States and Variations: Prints by Jasper Johns

Edward Steichen

Gilbert Stuart

Gerard ter Borch

Claude Joseph Vernet

Johannes Verspronck

Architecture Tours

West Building

Sculpture Garden

East Building

  Art Works

John Singleton Copley: "Watson and the Shark"

Edouard Manet: "The Dead Toreador" and "The Bullfight"

Edouard Manet: "The Railway"

Pablo Picasso: "The Tragedy"

Jackson Pollock: "Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist)"

Rembrandt's Late Religious Portraits

Edward Ruscha: "Lisp"

Augustus Saint-Gaudens' Shaw Memorial

Johannes Vermeer: "Woman Holding a Balance"


American Art: Explore 10 Themes

American Impressionism and Realism

American Masters from Bingham to Eakins: The John Wilmerding Collection

Artistic Exchange:
Europe and the Islamic World

Art for the Nation

Art Nouveau, 1890–1914

Bronze and Boxwood: Renaissance Masterpieces from the Robert H. Smith Collection

Colorful Impressions:
The Printmaking Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France

Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya

Fabulous Journeys and Faraway Places: Travels on Paper 1450–1700


Foto: Modernity in Central Europe, 19 18–1945

Impressed by Light: British Photographs from Paper Negatives, 1840–1860

Index of American Design

Masterpieces in Miniature:
Italian Manuscript Illumination from the J. Paul Getty Museum

Monumental Sculpture from Renaissance Florence:
Ghiberti, Nanni di Banco, and Verrocchio at Orsanmichele

Palace and Mosque:
Islamic Art from the Victoria and Albert Museum

Photographs of International Expositions

Private Treasures: Four Centuries of European Master Drawings

Revelations from Reproductions: Fifteenth-century Italian Paintings

Small French Paintings

Still Life

"That the Freedom of the Human Spirit Shall Go On" World War II and the National Gallery of Art

The Age of Watteau, Chardin, and Fragonard: Masterpieces of French Genre Painting

The Art of the American Snapshot, 1888–1978: From the Collection of Robert E. Jackson

The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt

Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre

Virtual Exhibition Tours
As you "walk" through these QuickTime VR tours of NGA exhibitions, you can select specific works of art for larger image views, close-up details, streaming audio commentary, and information about the object.

Van Gogh's Van Goghs
    QuickTime VR tour
    non-plugin tour
    (Dowload Quicktime)

Sculpture of Angkor and Ancient Cambodia: Millennium of Glory
    QuickTime VR tour
    (Dowload Quicktime)

Alexander Calder: 1898-1976
    QuickTime VR tour
    (Dowload Quicktime)

Thirty-Five Years at Crown Point Press
    QuickTime VR tour
    (Dowload Quicktime)