The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Permanent Workforce: 918 Temporary Workforce: 99 Total Workforce: 1,017

Workforce Composition

Employee Pool Total # Men Women Hispanics Whites Blacks Asian Americans/ Pacific Islanders American Indians/ Alaskan Natives Individuals with Targeted Disabilities
Permanent Work Force 918 48.80% 51.20% 3.05% 70.92% 21.79% 3.92% 0.33% 0.65%
Major Occupations:
General Attorney 518 54.83% 45.17% 3.28% 85.14% 7.34% 4.05% 0.19% 0.58%
GS-14 and GS-15* 525 59.43% 40.57% 2.67% 86.48% 6.67% 4.00% 0.19% 0.76%
Senior Pay Level* 40 67.50% 32.50% 0.00% 95.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
First-Level Officials/Managers 1 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Mid-Level Officials/Managers 46 47.83% 52.17% 2.17% 69.57% 26.09% 2.17% 0.00% 4.35%
Senior-Level Officials/Managers 232 68.53% 31.47% 0.86% 93.97% 3.88% 1.29% 0.00% 0.00%
Unclassified Managers 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

*Does not include pay-banded employees

EEO Complaint Processing

  1. Counseling

    Of the 24 pre-complaint counselings (without remands) completed in FY 2005, FTC timely processed 100%.

  2. Issues and Bases of Complaints Filed

    Of the 2 complaints filed at FTC, the top 3 issues of alleged discrimination were: (1) Harassment - Non-Sexual; (2) Assignment of Duties; and (3) Terms/Conditions of Employment. The top 3 bases of alleged discrimination were: (1) Reprisal; (2) Sex - Female; and (3) Equal Pay Act - Female.

  3. Complaint Processing Times

    FTC's average time for completing an investigation was 203 days. The government-wide average was 237 days in FY 2005.

    FTC's average processing time for all complaint closures decreased from 847 days in FY 2004 to 319 days in FY 2005. The government-wide average was 411 days.

  4. Pending Inventory

    FTC had a total of 5 complaints pending at the end of FY 2005, with none pending acknowledgment; 1 pending investigation for 23 days; and none pending the issuance of final decisions.

  5. Costs

    FTC made no payments in FY 2005 for pre-complaint settlements with benefits. FTC expended a total of $7,868 for 2 complaint investigations, for an average expenditure of $3,934.

    FTC agreed to pay a total of $15,000 for 1 complaint closure through settlement agreement, final agency decisions, and final agency orders fully implementing AJ decisions. For complaint closures with benefits, the average award was $15,000.

Outcome of Counselings Completed in FY 2005

Counseling Outcomes Completed by EEO Counselor Completed Using ADR All Completed Counselings
# % # % # %
Pre-Complaint Counselings: 24 0 24
Settlements 1 4.2% 0 0% 1 4.2%
No Complaints Filed 20 83.3% 0 -- 20 83.3%
Complaints Filed* 2 8.3%
Decision to File Complaint Pending at End of Fiscal Year 1 4.2%

*Includes only complaints filed in FY 2005 where counseling was also completed during FY 2005.

Agency Use of ADR for EEO Dispute Resolution

Counselings / Complaints

ADR Offers*

ADR Participation*
# # % # %
FY 2004 Completed/Ended Counselings 21 22 100% 0 0%
FY 2005 Completed/Ended Counselings 24 24 100% 1 4.2%
Percentage Change from FY 2004 to FY 2005 14.3% 9.1% --
FY 2004 Complaint Workload ** 12 6 100% 0 0%
FY 2005 Complaint Workload ** 7 0 0% 0 0%
Percentage Change from FY 2004 to FY 2005 -41.7% -100% --

*Using newly collected data, EEOC revised the formula for calculating the ADR offer and participation rates in FYs 2004-2005.

**Includes all complaints filed in the fiscal year, including those where the counseling was completed in the prior fiscal year.


Total # # Timely % Timely FY 2004 APD* FY 2005 APD % Change
All Completed/Ended Counselings (minus remands) 24 24 100%
All Investigations 2 1 50% 169 203 20.1%
All Complaint Closures 2 846.6 319 -62.3%
Merit Decisions (no AJ) 1 1 100% 167 342 104.8%
Dismissal Decisions (no AJ) 0 0 0 --

*APD = Average Processing Days

Outcomes of Complaints in FY 2005

Complaint Outcomes Complaint Closures Final Agency Decision (no AJ decision) Final Order (AJ Decision Fully Implemented) Final Order (AJ Decision Not Fully Implemented)
# % # % # % # %
Total Complaints Filed 2
Total Closures 2
Settlements 1 50%
Withdrawals 0 0%
Total Final Agency Actions 1 50% 1 100% 0 0% 0 0%
Dismissals 0 0% 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Merit Decisions 1 100% 1 100% 0 0% 0 0%
Finding Discrimination 0 0% 0 -- 0 -- 0 --
Finding No Discrimination 1 100% 1 100% 0 0% 0 0%

This page was last modified on June 22, 2006.

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