The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Table B-8 Complaints Filed Bases and Issues - Grand Total

TITLE VII Equal Pay Act ADEA Rehabilitation Act All Statutes Totals
Race and Color Religion Sex National Origin Male Female Age Bases By Issue Complaints By issue Complainants By Issue
American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian American / Pacific Islander Black White Color Male Female Hispanic Other Mental Physical Reprisal
Appointment/Hire 12 30 160 50 53 34 94 123 38 74 0 0 257 26 127 190 1,268 646 604
Assignment Of Duties 27 57 503 154 181 69 224 483 103 115 0 0 499 118 402 781 3,716 1,700 1,636
Awards 3 10 110 28 34 9 76 89 65 29 0 0 120 11 42 171 797 383 368
Conversion To Full Time 0 2 12 3 1 1 6 34 2 3 0 0 19 3 14 11 111 47 47
Disciplinary Action 27 110 912 281 363 148 532 728 190 209 0 0 829 296 700 1,514 6,839 3,136 3,039
A. Demotion 4 4 42 9 10 5 16 25 2 7 0 0 29 8 13 32 206 92 90
B. Reprimand 10 36 236 106 107 43 180 245 63 58 0 0 293 65 225 524 2,191 974 943
C. Suspension 7 41 295 100 135 54 192 231 74 68 0 0 264 86 220 524 2,291 1,054 1,011
D. Removal 5 20 261 53 88 33 119 176 38 62 0 0 188 119 204 298 1,664 762 748
5. Other 1 9 78 13 23 13 25 51 13 14 0 0 55 18 38 136 487 254 247
Duty Hours 1 21 186 54 73 37 83 191 47 40 0 0 172 42 242 323 1,512 688 677
Evaluation/Appraisal 13 43 317 76 114 60 121 267 55 93 0 0 281 59 125 526 2,150 979 920
Examination/Test 0 1 15 4 5 0 15 14 2 6 0 0 19 6 17 24 128 56 56
Harassment 61 153 1,313 423 522 250 708 1,939 272 362 0 0 1,228 431 1,101 2,680 11,443 5,129 4,842
A. Non-Sexual 61 153 1,313 423 522 250 606 1,445 272 362 0 0 1,228 431 1,101 2,485 10,652 4,550 4,276
B. Sexual 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 494 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195 791 579 566
Medical Examination 1 3 18 5 10 7 13 27 3 4 0 0 43 25 78 48 285 125 121
Pay Including Overtime 6 39 256 106 123 43 159 218 101 73 20 29 251 57 305 462 2,248 1,024 988
Promotion/Non-Selection 51 99 926 313 287 154 561 588 194 239 0 0 1,328 98 411 1,116 6,365 2,937 2,774
Reassignment 5 30 227 109 105 41 148 240 58 63 0 0 326 62 236 404 2,054 882 860
A. Denied 2 17 123 45 69 23 85 127 28 32 0 0 155 33 138 197 1,074 476 467
B. Directed 3 13 104 64 36 18 63 113 30 31 0 0 171 29 98 207 980 406 393
Reasonable Acommodation 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 846 392 1,518 992 942
Reinstatement 1 3 14 2 6 3 6 11 2 3 0 0 30 12 19 21 133 62 62
Retirement 3 8 22 13 18 14 19 21 3 22 0 0 75 23 60 38 339 135 126
Termination 12 45 365 112 127 65 190 318 62 105 0 0 401 146 400 404 2,752 1,343 1,317
Terms/Conditions Of Employment 19 65 573 227 254 126 355 627 125 159 0 0 658 178 636 1,124 5,126 2,300 2,176
Time And Attendance 9 34 352 102 133 67 174 352 66 78 0 0 307 155 442 726 2,997 1,248 1,206
Training 5 25 204 51 76 35 93 136 29 49 0 0 207 34 116 255 1,315 597 573
U. Other 4 15 201 47 77 49 70 163 41 48 0 0 166 65 166 346 1,458 676 643
Total Issues By Bases 260 795 6,686 2,160 2,562 1,264 3,647 6,569 1,458 1,774 20 29 7,216 2,075 6,485 11,558 0 0 0
Total Complaints Filed By Bases 168 552 4,478 1,491 1,700 800 2,522 4,123 1,006 1,158 20 28 5,088 1,288 4,137 7,105 35,664 0 0
Total Complainants By Bases 155 502 4,154 1,406 1,544 742 2,340 3,897 948 1,069 20 28 4,743 1,190 3,820 6,181 32,739 0 0

This page was last modified on June 22, 2006.

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