The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


# # % # % # % # % # % # % # % # % # % # % # % # %
1996 6,563 3,476 52.96 3,087 47.04 107 1.63 120 1.83 2,754 41.96 2,102 32.03 424 6.46 707 10.77 171 2.61 131 2.00 20 0.30 27 0.41
1997 6,328 3,351 52.96 2,977 47.04 99 1.56 114 1.80 2,667 42.15 2,037 32.19 394 6.23 676 10.68 173 2.73 129 2.04 18 0.28 21 0.33
1998 6,221 3,235 52.00 2,986 48.00 97 1.56 110 1.77 2,553 41.04 2,019 32.45 397 6.38 695 11.17 172 2.76 140 2.25 16 0.26 22 0.35
1999 5,203 2,729 52.45 2,474 47.55 57 1.10 56 1.08 2,133 41.00 1,700 32.67 349 6.71 569 10.94 174 3.34 133 2.56 16 0.31 16 0.31
2000 6,042 3,150 52.14 2,892 47.86 105 1.74 99 1.64 2,429 40.20 1,968 32.57 400 6.62 649 10.74 196 3.24 153 2.53 20 0.33 23 0.38
2001 6,000 3,135 52.25 2,865 47.75 100 1.67 95 1.58 2,417 40.28 1,962 32.70 396 6.60 636 10.60 205 3.42 152 2.53 17 0.28 20 0.33
2002 5,898 3,119 52.88 2,779 47.12 100 1.70 90 1.53 2,401 40.71 1,894 32.11 398 6.75 623 10.56 206 3.49 151 2.56 14 0.24 21 0.36
2003 5,519 2,949 53.43 2,570 46.57 94 1.70 82 1.49 2,257 40.90 1,759 31.87 388 7.03 576 10.44 196 3.55 136 2.46 14 0.25 17 0.31
2004 5,161 2,834 54.91 2,327 45.09 89 1.72 69 1.34 2,159 41.83 1,579 30.59 384 7.44 533 10.33 188 3.64 133 2.58 14 0.27 13 0.25
2005 4,909 2,767 56.37 2,142 43.63 90 1.83 61 1.24 2,067 42.11 1,436 29.25 385 7.84 495 10.08 213 4.34 137 2.79 12 0.24 13 0.26
1996 45,718 27,583 60.33 18,135 39.67 1,638 3.58 812 1.78 20,101 43.97 12,126 26.52 4,719 10.32 4,620 10.11 850 1.86 409 0.89 275 0.60 168 0.37
1997 44,209 26,639 60.26 17,570 39.74 1,615 3.65 748 1.69 19,687 44.53 11,812 26.72 4,186 9.47 4,358 9.86 890 2.01 479 1.08 261 0.59 173 0.39
1998 40,545 24,328 60.00 16,217 40.00 1,260 3.11 633 1.56 18,282 45.09 11,021 27.18 3,767 9.29 4,007 9.88 774 1.91 394 0.97 245 0.60 162 0.40
1999 38,076 22,883 60.10 15,193 39.90 1,211 3.18 592 1.55 17,068 44.83 10,204 26.80 3,557 9.34 3,824 10.04 812 2.13 420 1.10 235 0.62 153 0.40
2000 35,300 21,026 59.56 14,274 40.44 1,124 3.18 551 1.56 15,788 44.73 9,595 27.18 3,122 8.84 3,589 10.17 773 2.19 390 1.10 219 0.62 149 0.42
2001 22,651 13,200 58.28 9,451 41.72 730 3.22 291 1.28 9,494 41.91 6,139 27.10 2,360 10.84 2,674 11.81 462 2.04 242 1.07 154 0.68 105 0.46
2002 21,698 12,469 57.47 9,229 42.53 721 3.32 317 1.46 9,019 41.57 5,981 27.56 2,153 9.92 2,611 12.03 425 1.96 217 1.00 151 0.70 103 0.47
2003 20,763 11,929 57.45 8,834 42.55 649 3.13 307 1.48 8,673 41.77 5,688 27.39 2,109 10.16 2,523 12.15 364 1.75 222 1.07 134 0.65 94 0.45
2004 21,685 12,707 58.60 8,978 41.40 707 3.26 330 1.52 9,155 42.22 5,783 26.67 2,333 10.76 2,543 11.73 383 1.77 230 1.06 129 0.59 92 0.42
2005 21,501 12,596 58.58 8,905 41.42 656 3.05 329 1.53 9,082 42.24 5,732 26.66 2,328 10.83 2,516 11.70 398 1.85 296 1.38 132 0.61 92 0.43
1996 2,580 1,383 53.60 1,197 46.40 39 1.51 47 1.73 1,189 46.09 849 32.91 111 4.30 272 10.54 33 1.28 25 0.97 11 0.43 4 0.16
1997 2,503 1,350 53.94 1,153 46.06 38 1.52 37 1.48 1,161 46.38 821 32.80 106 4.23 263 10.51 32 1.28 28 1.12 13 0.52 4 0.16
1998 2,454 1,317 53.67 1,137 46.33 39 1.59 33 1.34 1,133 46.17 811 33.05 103 4.20 257 10.47 29 1.18 31 1.26 13 0.53 5 0.20
1999 2,420 1,312 54.21 1,108 45.79 38 1.57 32 1.32 1,130 46.69 792 32.73 104 4.30 251 10.37 28 1.16 29 1.20 12 0.50 4 0.17
2000 2,533 1,340 52.90 1,193 47.10 39 1.54 41 1.62 1,155 45.60 863 34.07 109 4.30 259 10.23 25 0.99 27 1.07 12 0.47 3 0.12
2001 2,655 1,386 52.20 1,269 47.80 38 1.43 43 1.62 1,200 45.20 922 34.73 109 4.11 271 10.21 27 1.02 29 1.09 12 0.45 4 0.15
2002 2,561 1,291 50.41 1,270 49.59 39 1.52 43 1.68 1,118 43.65 916 35.77 101 3.94 279 10.89 22 0.86 27 1.05 11 0.43 5 0.20
2003 2,377 1,214 51.07 1,163 48.93 44 1.85 43 1.81 1,037 43.63 815 34.29 93 3.91 274 11.53 28 1.18 25 1.05 12 0.50 6 0.25
2004 2,140 1,106 51.68 1,034 48.32 43 2.01 44 2.06 946 44.21 727 33.97 83 3.88 233 10.89 24 1.12 23 1.07 10 0.47 7 0.33
2005 525 303 57.71 222 42.29 11 2.10 5 0.95 254 48.38 152 28.95 29 5.52 57 10.86 7 1.33 5 0.95 2 0.38 3 0.57
1996 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1997 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1998 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1999 925 454 49.08 471 50.92 49 5.30 48 5.19 344 37.19 346 37.41 40 4.32 73 7.89 19 2.05 4 0.43 2 0.22 0 0.00
2000 960 487 50.73 473 49.27 51 5.31 49 5.10 367 38.23 340 35.42 47 4.90 79 8.23 20 2.08 5 0.52 2 0.21 0 0.00
2001 960 515 53.65 445 46.35 46 4.79 41 4.27 397 41.35 317 33.02 45 4.69 81 8.44 24 2.50 6 0.63 3 0.31 0 0.00
2002 1,004 537 53.49 467 46.51 45 4.48 43 4.28 409 40.74 314 31.27 55 5.48 102 10.16 25 2.49 8 0.80 3 0.30 0 0.00
2003 949 509 53.64 440 46.36 47 4.95 40 4.21 376 39.62 285 30.03 61 6.43 107 11.28 23 2.42 8 0.84 2 0.21 0 0.00
2004 1,045 582 55.69 463 44.31 50 4.78 40 3.83 126 12.06 288 27.56 79 7.56 122 11.67 24 2.30 12 1.15 3 0.29 1 0.10
2005 1,116 648 58.06 468 41.94 50 4.48 45 4.03 452 40.50 283 25.36 110 9.86 123 11.02 32 2.87 16 1.43 4 0.36 1 0.09

*Includes data for only those agencies reported by CPDF. Does not include data for AAFES, TVA, USPS, or intelligence gathering agencies. Separate data for "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" was unavailable at time of publication. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.

**Agencies that have been established within last ten years or whose work force has recently reached 500 or more employees

***Defense summary consists of data for those agencies shown in this table except the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.

This page was last modified on October 4, 2005.

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