U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
 Medical and

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Program Services & Activities


  • HIV counseling & HIV testing.
  • Training of HIV counselors.
  • Clinically based intervention with infected and at-risk clients.
  • STI prevention.
  • STD/HCV/HIV Integration
  • Prevention Case Management (PCM).
  • Training.
  • National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC).

Care & Treatment

    HIV Support Group

    This drop-in group, led by an HIV nurse case manager provides the opportunity for mutual support and exchange of information, as well as mini updates on HIV/AIDS.

      • Fee: FREE

      • Schedule: "Stepping Stone" 1325 N. Fourteenth Street (see map below), 3rd Wednesday of each month, 3:00-5:00 p.m.

      • Contact Information: Call Shirley Tracey @ 602-263-1200 x1835 or Rita Lookingglass @ 602-263-1502 to register for this class.

        street map indicating location of address

  • Early intervention integrating medical, behavioral, and traditional Native American healing concepts.
  • Treatment & care across the continuum of HIV disease.
  • Comprehensive, medically managed and culturally competent HIV case management.
  • Provider training in collaboration with AETC at the University of California, Irvine.
  • Develop HIV standards of care and treatment guidelines.


  • Seroprevalence study to project care and treatment needs.
  • Retrospective chart review/utilization study to quantify specific resource and program needs.
  • Provider needs assessment to identify training needs and establish comprehensive training component.
  • Collaborative NIH/IHS regional technology transfer conference (research, treatment, and intervention).


HIV/AIDS Support Ribbon graphic

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852