The U.S. Census Bureau

Federal, State, and Local Governments
2007 Census of Governments

A Census of Governments is taken at 5-year intervals as required by law under Title 13, United States Code, Section 161. The census covers three major subject fields - government organization, public employment, and government finance.

Organization Phase

The organization phase of the census provides a universal list of government units, classified according to type of government, for use in the employment and finance phases of the census.

89,527 governments were counted in 2007, of which 89,476 were local governments.

Individual State Descriptions 2007
Individual State Descriptions provides information about the organization of state and local governments. There is a separate summary for each state and the District of Columbia.
*  Technical Documentation for Government Organization  *

Number of governments by state
*  Local Governments and Public School Systems by Type and State: 2007  HTML    Excel
 Reference Information for Government Organization Phase
2007 Census of Governments - Directory Survey of Special Districts (G-30) * Census form that was mailed to special district governments (such as water districts, fire protection districts, library districts, etc.)
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Employment Phase

Employment and payrolls of governments for March 2007, available by type of governmental activity (function), level of government, and geography.

* Federal Summary table available in PDF and spreadsheet.
* State governments only Data available by geography. Includes only state governments and state-affiliated agencies.
* State and local governments Data available by geography, including all governments. Available as viewable tables or as a downloadable data file.
* Local governments only Data available by geography, showing all local governments added together. Available as viewable tables or as downloadable data files. Downloadable data files include local governments summed by counties and individual data for local governments.
* Build-a-Table -- dynamic tabulation system Custom-tabulate your data by type of governmental activity (function), by geography, and by level of government (state government only, all local governments, or state and all local). Your results may be saved as an Excel spreadsheet or as a PDF.

Finance Phase

The government finance phase of the census includes statistics on the revenue, expenditure, debt, and assets of state and local governments. The statistics will be aggregated nationally, by state area, and by type of government.

* State governments only Data released on November 25, 2008.
* State and Local governments Data to be released in summer of 2009.
Previous annual data
 Contact Information
Contact us by email or by phone at (800) 242-2184.

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