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External Services About Us

Sharon Pugh
(816) 926-5203
View Contact Details

GSA provides financial services which include standard general ledger reconciliation, payment processing, systems analysis, and regulatory and managerial reporting. GSA's comprehensive accounting system allows the following functions to be performed for external clients: accounts payable; accounts receivable; travel payments; relocation payments; collection of debts; delinquencies and surcharge fees; billing by automated or manual processes; and the preparation of daily cash deposits. GSA will provide these services at various levels of support. All of this within the guidelines of generally accepted accounting principles.

GSA has developed special automated systems simplifying the budget, acquisition, and payment process for Federal Express billings and the Government VISA credit card, which feed into our major financial system. This provides an excellent audit trail for all transactions. GSA uses an electronic notification process for travel payments made through Electronic Fund Transfer. Vendors or employees are notified via email as to the dollar amount paid, the date of deposit, and the bank account where the deposit was made.

GSA also monitors client funds and prepares both internal and ad hoc accounting reports, as required by clients. Some of the external reports prepared are the Report on Budget Execution, Yearend Closing Reports, Report on Receivables Due from the Public and various reports mandated by the Office of Management and Budget or the Department of the Treasury.  Also, the consolidated financial reports which are required by the Tax Dollars Accountability Act of 2002 are compiled.

GSA'S List of Clients
  • Antitrust Modernization Commission
  • Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
  • Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship & Excellence in Education Foundation
  • Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation
  • Commission on Civil Rights
  • Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
  • D&L National Heritage Commission
  • Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
  • Delta Regional Authority
  • Dwight Eisenhower Memorial Commission
  • Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship, Inc.
  • Election Assistance Commission
  • Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund
  • Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
  • Federal Coordinator for Alaska Gas Transportation Project
  • GSA Child Care Subsidy Program
  • Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
  • Helping to Enhance the Livelihood of People Around the Globe Communion (HELP)
  • Inspector General Criminal Investigators Academy (IGCIA)
  • Interagency Council on Homelessness
  • James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
  • Japan-United States Friendship Commission
  • John C. Stennis Center for Public Service
  • John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
  • Marine Mammal Commission
  • Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
  • Morris K. Udall Scholarship & Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation
  • National Council on Disability
  • National Credit Union Administration
  • National Park Service Child Care Subsidy Program
  • National Veterans Business Development Corp.
  • Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
  • Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
  • Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission
  • State Justice Institute
  • Superior Courts of the District of Columbia
  • U.S. Army Child Care Subsidy
  • U.S. China Security Review Commission
  • U.S. Coast Guard Child Care Subsidy
  • U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
  • U.S. Government Printing Office
  • U.S. Arctic Research Commission
  • U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
  • U.S. Institute of Peace
  • Vietnam Education Foundation