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Agency Child Care Subsidy Program Administration

The following is information about Child Care Subsidy Program Administration.

Public Law 107-67 was enacted November 12, 2001. The law permits the executive branch of the government to assist federal employees with their child care costs. This program provides one of the best benefits for working parents, which makes it of equal significance to their agency. GSA would be happy to help administer the program and can provide as much or as little assistance as required. Some of the processes are:

  • Review applications;
  • Approve or Disapprove applications;
  • Monitor paperwork;
  • Statistical reporting to Agencies regarding the Disbursement of Funds;
  • Verify accreditation of Child Care Centers;
  • Track funds to individual Child Care Centers;
  • Track funds paid on employee's behalf; and
  • Help and information desk for agency personnel.

GSA's experience will aid in working to tailor the program to meet an agency's requirements and needs. This is just another area where GSA adds value to agency missions.