DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES                       Public Health Service

                  APR 4 1995

                 To : Director,Indian Health Service

                  From : Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Management Operations

                  Subject : Delegation of Personnel.Management Authorities for the IHS
                                Area and Service Unit Personnel Staffs

                Authority Delegated and to Whom

              1. Pursuant to the authority delegated by the Assistant
                  Secretary for Personnel Administration (ASPER) to the
                  Assistant Secretary for Health-on February 22, 1995, and
                  the January 14, 1991, Delegation of Personnel
                  Administration and Personnel Management Authorities from
                  the Acting Assistant.Secretary for Health to the Deputy
                  Assistant Secretary for Health Management Operations,
                  PHS, I hereby delegate to the Director, Indian Health
                  Service (IHS),. PHS, the personnel management authorities
                  listed below for the employees in the IHS Area and
                  Service Unit personnel offices. These authorities were,
                  previously delegated to the Regional Directors in
                  Regions VI, VIII, IX and X.

                  This delegation includes authority to:

                  a.    Select employees;

                  b.  Make decisions on final.performance ratings and
                       performance awards;

                  c. Grant incentive awards;

                 d.   Propose and make decisions on adverse actions under
                       HHS Personnel Instruction 752-l;

                e.    Propose, decide and concur in reductions ingrade
                       and removals under HHS Personnel Instruction 432-1;

                f.    Issue grievance decisions under HHS Personnel
                      Instruction 771-3;

               g.    Grant leave, excuse absence, and approve the
                      restoration of annual leave

                h.  Approve overtime;

                 i.  Determine action on Quality Step Increases;

                j,  Determine action on Within Grade Increases; and

                k. Approve training.

                Redelegations and Restrictions

               2. The authorities delegated in paragraph 1 above may be
                   redelegated. Where authorities are covered by existing
                   redelegations of authority from the Director, IHS, to other
                   IHS management officials, additional redelegation
                   is required

             3. The authorifies delegated in paragraphs la. and b., above,
                 require prior concurrence by the Director, Division of
                 Personnel Management, IHS,  for supervisory positions at GS-
                 12 and above

                 Information and Guidance

                 4. Information and requiremants for exercising these
                     authorities are contained in various laws, regulations and
                     HHS and PHS Personnel Instructions associated with the
                     subject areas.
                   Effective Date
                   5. This delegation is effective April 1,1995.