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Indian Health Service
Rockville MD 20852

Program #20

JUN 25, 2007

TO: Deputy Director for Management Operations

FROM: Director

SUBJECT: Delegation of Authority, "Program #20, "Senior Travel Official"



Pursuant to the authorities delegated to the Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), as specified in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Travel Manual, Chapter 1-10, Subsection 50, “Designation of OPDIV Senior Travel Official,” I hereby designate the position of Deputy Director for Management Operations (DDMO) as the IHS Senior Travel Official (STO) is responsible for:


1. reporting directly to the Director on all matters related to travel policy, programs, and practices,

2. serving as the principle liaison between HHS Office of Acquisition Management and Policy/Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, the IHS, and the subordinate components within the IHS on all matters regarding travel policy, programs, and practices,

3. communicating travel-related policy and operational information to all travelers and approving officials in the IHS,

4. conducting appropriate oversight within the IHS of all travel and adherence to travel policy,

5. ensuring timely filing and certifying the accuracy of reports of travel activity required by law, regulation, or Departmental policy, and

6. attending training and information sharing meetings and sessions to discuss travel policy, its application, and matters related to travel programs and practices.


Deputy Director for Management Operations


This authority may be redelegated within the restrictions below.


The STO must be a full-time federal employee at the Senior Executive Service level or equivalent and who, for purposes of serving as STO, reports directly to the Director, IHS.


The HHS Travel Manual, Chapter 1-10, Subsection 50, supersedes Delegation of Authority, Administrative#6 “Conference Management,” of the Indian Health Manual.


This delegation is effective upon date of signature.

Signature of Charles W. Grim, D.D.S., M.H.S.A., Assistant Surgeon GEneral