MEMORANDUM                                           DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE
                                                                                                                        PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE
                                                                                                             HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                                  OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR                   FROM : Administrator
                 On SEP 28 1979, the Assistant Secretary for Health delegated to
               the Administrator, Health Services Administration, with authority
               to redelegate, all of the authorities under Public Law 85-151
               (42 USC 2005 et seq.) for the authorization of funds to assist in
                the construction of community hospitals which will serve both
                Indians and non-Indians.                I hereby delegate, with authority to redelegate, to the Director,
               Indian Health Service, all of the authorities under Public Law
               85-151, providing for the authorization of funds to assist in
               the construction of community hospitals which will serve both
               Indians and non-Indians, excluding those authorities delegated by the
               Administrator, Health Services Administration, to the Regional
               Health Administrators.

               The July 27, 1978 delegation by the Administrator, Health Services
                Administration, to the Director, Indian Health Service, is hereby
                superseded as It pertains to the authorization of funds to assist
                in the construction of community hospitals which will serve both
                Indians and non-Indians, as established by Public Law 85-151.

                Previous delegations and redelegations made pursuant to the
                July 27, 1978 delegation may continue in effect for no more than
                90 days from the effective date of the delegation by the Assistant
                Secretary for Health to the Administrator, Health Services
                Administration, providing they are consistent with this delegation.

                                                                            George I. Lythcott, M.D.
                                                                            Assistant Surgeon General