Education Department's Monthly TV Show Opens 2008-09 Season
Back-to-School Special to Profile Ways to Improve Student Achievement
Archived Information

September 16, 2008
Contact: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-2310

The U.S. Department of Education's monthly TV show, "Education News Parents Can Use," opens its 2008-09 season tonight with a back-to-school special profiling key strategies for improving student achievement and a message from U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings.

Examples of schools that have closed the achievement gap and helped students succeed will be spotlighted, as well as tips from outstanding teachers who are part of the Education Department's Teaching Ambassador Fellowship program.

The program will be carried from 8 to 9 p.m. EDT tonight on the Dish Network, dozens of PBS stations and numerous cable outlets. Others, including The Learning Channel, will broadcast the show on a tape-delayed basis. A complete listing of viewing options is available at In addition, the program will be available via archived webcast at

Among the guests will be four of the 25 Education Department Teaching Ambassador Fellows. These outstanding classroom teachers will discuss improving learning and helping all students achieve. They will also talk about how to use test data to target instruction and get results, as well as suggest tips and resources for parents to help ensure their children succeed this academic year.

The broadcast will address such questions as:

Participants include U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings (pre-recorded), as well as principals and teachers recognized for improving student achievement:

The "Education News Parents Can Use" TV series airs monthly during the school year.



Back to September 2008

Last Modified: 09/17/2008