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Stop Red Light Running Program – Plan a Campaign

Stop Red Light Running Logo

In 1995, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) created the Stop Red Light Running Program, designed to educate the public on the dangers of red light running and increase enforcement efforts at a grassroots, community level. In 1998, DaimlerChrysler and the American Trauma Society (ATS) joined the FHWA to bring the Stop Red Light Running program nationwide. Since its inception, the program has been piloted in numerous communities. For a complete list see

The SRLR campaign is intended to be unique to each community, based on its readiness to implement the program and local planning calendar. However, all local programs should follow a logical sequence of events. Each community can build the campaign upon national events for increased media attention and public awareness.

For assistance with media relations, please contact Christopher Galm at the National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running at: 202-828-9100,,



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