The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Dr. David S. C. Chu

Dr. David S. C. Chu
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

CAP Logo

Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program

Mission and Purpose

The Department of Defense (DoD) Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) liberates people with disabilities by making assistive technology and services readily available.CAP is the federal government's centrally funded accommodations program.It buys, pays for, and delivers the hardware, software, and services people with disabilities need to function in the workplace.CAP frees individuals to compete by eliminating the cost and nuisance factors that often have kept accommodations from being made. CAP makes the electronic environment accessible and usable for individuals with hearing, visual, dexterity, cognitive, and communication disabilities.

New Technologies

CAP strives to bring new forms of assistive technology to the workplace as quickly as possible by working with organizations such as the Federal Laboratory Council on Disability Research to link real needs in the workplace to recent advances in technology. CAP also collaborates with the Department of Commerce Technology for All Americans initiative to promote market-based creation of new technologies.

Evaluation Center

In order to meet the needs of the changing electronic information environment and the requirements of its customers, the CAP Technology Evaluation Center (CAPTEC) was established to provide demonstrations and assessments services. Over 15,000 customers have visited CAPTEC since it opened in August 1995.CAPTEC has also been instrumental in assessing needs for CAP’s newest customers -- wounded service members.CAP’s Wounded Service Member Initiative provides assistive technology during medical treatment, rehabilitation and for reemployment purposes.This initiative supports Walter Reed, Brooke and Tripler Army Medical Centers, the Naval Medical Centers in San Diego and Bethesda, and several other Defense hospitals. CAP conducted 78 needs assessments and provided 347 accommodations for wounded service members during FY2005.

Employment Opportunities

CAP also trains organizations to promote understanding of CAP’s mission and services in support of federal goals to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. This training shows how to integrate disability issues into President Bush’s Management Agenda and how to create and manage essential elements of disability employment programs, including recruitment, placement, promotion and retention of people with disabilities.

CAP also assists with the government-wide Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities, which offers summer jobs to encourage federal careers. CAP provided 112 accommodations for interns in 27 agencies in FY2005.


CAP makes the electronic environment accessible to and usable by individuals with hearing, visual, dexterity, cognitive, and communication impairments. Since its inception in 1990, CAP has filled nearly 50,000 requests for accommodations, as part of its efforts to help the federal government serve as the model employer for people with disabilities. In addition to serving the military departments and defense agencies, CAP partners with 64 other federal agencies to provide assistive technology outside DoD.

CAP's award-winning website at supports the President’s E-Government initiative with a comprehensive collection of resources for managers, supervisors, and people with disabilities.

This page was last modified on June 14, 2006.

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