Office of the Inspector General for the GSA

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Office of Counsel to the Inspector General

With a staff consisting of attorneys and support personnel headquartered in Washington, DC, the Office of Counsel  provides legal services to the nationwide operations of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). The Counsel performs the Inspector General's statutory function of reviewing legislation and proposed regulations, as well as representing the OIG in personnel matters and providing support to U.S. Attorney's Offices and the Department of Justice in False Claims Act litigation.

The Office of Counsel is responsible for the OIG's Standards of Conduct and ethics program and works closely with management to ensure that OIG employees comply with the highest standards of ethical behavior. The Office also manages the OIG's disclosure obligations under the Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.A.) and Privacy Act, and discovery requirements in judicial and administrative litigation.

You may contact us at:

Office of Counsel to the Inspector General
U.S. General Services Administration
1800 F Street, N.W., Suite 5324
Washington, DC 20405
Telephone:  (202) 501-1932
Fax:  (202)501-0414