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  Take Action

Contact your elected representatives on the following bills:

- Senate Bill 3
Autism Insurance

- Senate Bill 27
Hearing Aids

- Assembly Bill 75
State Budget


Look here for current information on state disability issues, the state budget, activities of the Legislature, and links to national disability issues.


Join the DAWN email alert network, and receive brief and timely action alerts. Sign up here


Information on the Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations, advocacy tools, and advocacy training opportunities


Information on grant opportunities for disability advocates.

  News From DAWN (Posted in the last 30 days)

DAWN News Service

DAWN is happy to announce our new Community News Service. The new network will announce major changes to the DAWN website along with advocacy opportunities, events, and trainings. Please send us your WI advocacy announcements for inclusion into our news feed.

2009 DAWN Grassroots Advocacy Grants

(Added 05/12/2009) More
The application process for the 2009 Grassroots Grants has started. This year there will be a two-step process.

CEED Summer Courses

(Added 05/08/2009) More
CEED welcomes registrations for our summer session of online courses.

Newport State Park Sib Camp

(Added 05/08/2009) More
Sib Camp -- August 4-7, 2009 Enjoy adventure, relax, have fun and "Celebrate Me"

Family Care Ombudsman Program (Waukesha County)

(Added 05/05/2009) More
Come and join the Adaptive Community Approach Program (ACAP) as they learn more about the Family Care Ombudsman Program.

BC+ Core Plan "Advocate's Training"

(Added 04/30/2009) More
A Workshop on Health Care Coverage Options for Adults with No Dependent Children

2009 Mental Health Consumer Conference

(Added 04/30/2009) More
 June 29th and 30th 2009, Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI

State Budget Bill

(Added 04/27/2009) More
The next two-year state budget bill, AB-75, is being debated by the Joint Finance Committee.  They completed public hearings around the state earlier this month.  Last week they started to make decisions on funding matters.

Hearing Aids Bill

(Added 04/27/2009) More
A big “Thank you” goes out to all of the advocates who sent emails to their legislators in support of this bill.  Your effort helped this bill get passed.

Report Released on the Seclusion and Restraint of Wisconsin Children

(Added 04/24/2009) More
A  press conference was convened by Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW), Wisconsin FACETS, and Wisconsin Family Ties (WFT), who released their brand new report entitled, Out of Darkness…Into the Light: New Approaches to Reducing the Use of Seclusion and Restraint with Wisconsin Children.

Exploration by Design: How Stuff Works

(Added 04/21/2009) More
A Two Day Workshop for Students with Disabilities and their Parents or Guardians from June 24-25, 2009

Take Action is Back

(Added 04/13/2009) More
Please note that the DAWN “Take Action” tool for contacting your state legislators on pending bills is back and ready for your action.

Spring Election

(Added 04/13/2009) More
The Spring Election was Tuesday, April 7, 2009.

Circles of Life

(Added 04/08/2009) More
The annual Circles of Life Conference is celebrating 25 years in 2009.

Health Care and Community Supports training for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and/or Disabilities

(Added 04/07/2009) More
Do You Know How to Advocate for Your Child's Health Care Needs? Have You Ever Said, "I wish I'd had that iInformation for my child when I needed It?" If you answered, "Yes", take a crash course with us!

Information displayed above is gathered from several different organizations as a service to people who visit the DAWN site. The display of this information does not connotate support or endorsement of the event or the position of that group by the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities or DAWN.

More About DAWN

Dawn is a statewide grassroots cross-disability network of people who care about disability issues. DAWN supports legislative change in the programs and systems affecting people with all disabilities.

DAWN focuses on the most important issues affecting all people with disabilities. It includes people with disabilities, family members, friends, service providers and others who are committed to enhancing the lives of people with disabilities.

The Wisconsin Council on Developmental Disabilities funds DAWN as part of the State Plan on Developmental Disabilities. [More About DAWN]