[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 34, Volume 2]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 34CFR361.49]

[Page 308-309]
                           TITLE 34--EDUCATION
      Subpart B--State Plan and Other Requirements for Vocational 
                         Rehabilitation Services
Sec.  361.49  Scope of vocational rehabilitation services for groups of individuals with disabilities.

    (a) The designated State unit may also provide for the following 
vocational rehabilitation services for the benefit of groups of 
individuals with disabilities:
    (1) The establishment, development, or improvement of a public or 
other nonprofit community rehabilitation program that is used to provide 
vocational rehabilitation services that promote integration and 
competitive employment, including, under special circumstances, the 
construction of a facility for a public or nonprofit community 
rehabilitation program. Examples of ``special circumstances'' include 
the destruction by natural disaster of the only available center serving 
an area or a State determination that construction is necessary in a 
rural area because no other public agencies or private nonprofit 
organizations are currently able to provide vocational rehabilitation 
services to individuals.
    (2) Telecommunications systems that have the potential for 
substantially improving vocational rehabilitation service delivery 
methods and developing appropriate programming to meet the particular 
needs of individuals with disabilities, including telephone, television, 
video description services, satellite, tactile-vibratory devices, and 
similar systems, as appropriate.
    (3) Special services to provide nonvisual access to information for 
individuals who are blind, including the use of telecommunications, 
Braille, sound recordings, or other appropriate media; captioned 
television, films, or video cassettes for individuals who are deaf or 
hard of hearing; tactile materials for individuals who are deaf-blind; 
and other special services that provide information through tactile, 
vibratory, auditory, and visual media.
    (4) Technical assistance and support services to businesses that are 
not subject to Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 
and that are seeking to employ individuals with disabilities.
    (5) In the case of any small business enterprise operated by 
individuals with significant disabilities under the supervision of the 
designated State unit, including enterprises established under the 
Randolph-Sheppard program, management services and supervision provided 
by the State unit along with the acquisition by the State unit of 
vending facilities or other equipment, initial stocks and supplies, and 
initial operating expenses, in accordance with the following 

[[Page 309]]

    (i) ``Management services and supervision'' includes inspection, 
quality control, consultation, accounting, regulating, in-service 
training, and related services provided on a systematic basis to support 
and improve small business enterprises operated by individuals with 
significant disabilities. ``Management services and supervision'' may be 
provided throughout the operation of the small business enterprise.
    (ii) ``Initial stocks and supplies'' includes those items necessary 
to the establishment of a new business enterprise during the initial 
establishment period, which may not exceed 6 months.
    (iii) Costs of establishing a small business enterprise may include 
operational costs during the initial establishment period, which may not 
exceed 6 months.
    (iv) If the designated State unit provides for these services, it 
must ensure that only individuals with significant disabilities will be 
selected to participate in this supervised program.
    (v) If the designated State unit provides for these services and 
chooses to set aside funds from the proceeds of the operation of the 
small business enterprises, the State unit must maintain a description 
of the methods used in setting aside funds and the purposes for which 
funds are set aside. Funds may be used only for small business 
enterprises purposes, and benefits that are provided to operators from 
set-aside funds must be provided on an equitable basis.
    (6) Other services that promise to contribute substantially to the 
rehabilitation of a group of individuals but that are not related 
directly to the individualized plan for employment of any one 
individual. Examples of those other services might include the purchase 
or lease of a bus to provide transportation to a group of applicants or 
eligible individuals or the purchase of equipment or instructional 
materials that would benefit a group of applicants or eligible 
    (7) Consultative and technical assistance services to assist 
educational agencies in planning for the transition of students with 
disabilities from school to post-school activities, including 
    (b) If the designated State unit provides for vocational 
rehabilitation services for groups of individuals, it must--
    (1) Develop and maintain written policies covering the nature and 
scope of each of the vocational rehabilitation services it provides and 
the criteria under which each service is provided; and
    (2) Maintain information to ensure the proper and efficient 
administration of those services in the form and detail and at the time 
required by the Secretary, including the types of services provided, the 
costs of those services, and, to the extent feasible, estimates of the 
numbers of individuals benefiting from those services.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

(Authority: Sections 12(c), 101(a)(6)(A), and 103(b) of the Act; 29 
U.S.C. 709(c), 721(a)(6), and 723(b))

[66 FR 4382, Jan. 17, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 7253, Jan. 22, 2001]