[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 34, Volume 2]
[Revised as of July 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 34CFR381.10]

[Page 437]
                           TITLE 34--EDUCATION
               Subpart B--How Does One Apply for an Award?
Sec.  381.10  What are the application requirements?

    (a) Regardless of the amount of funds appropriated for the PAIR 
program in a fiscal year, an eligible system shall submit to the 
Secretary an application for assistance under this part at the time and 
in the form and manner determined by the Secretary that contains all 
information that the Secretary determines necessary, including 
assurances that the eligible system will--
    (1) Have in effect a system to protect, and advocate for, the rights 
of eligible individuals with disabilities;
    (2) Have the same general authorities, including access to records 
and program income, as in part C of the DDA;
    (3) Have the authority to pursue legal, administrative, and other 
appropriate remedies or approaches to ensure the protection of, and 
advocacy for, the rights of eligible individuals with disabilities 
within the State;
    (4) Provide information on and make referrals to programs and 
services addressing the needs of individuals with disabilities in the 
State, including individuals with disabilities who are exiting from 
public school programs;
    (5) Develop a statement of objectives and priorities on an annual 
basis and a plan for achieving these objectives and priorities;
    (6) Provide to the public, including individuals with disabilities 
and, as appropriate, their representatives, an opportunity to comment on 
the objectives and priorities established by, and activities of, the 
eligible system including--
    (i) The objectives and priorities for the activities of the eligible 
system for each year and the rationale for the establishment of those 
objectives and priorities; and
    (ii) The coordination of programs provided through eligible systems 
with the advocacy programs under--
    (A) Section 112 of the Act (CAP);
    (B) The Older Americans Act of 1965 (the State long-term care 
ombudsman program);
    (C) Part C of the DDA; and
    (D) The PAIMI;
    (7) Establish a grievance procedure for clients or prospective 
clients of the eligible system to ensure that individuals with 
disabilities are afforded equal access to the services of the eligible 
    (8) Use funds made available under this part to supplement and not 
supplant the non-Federal funds that would otherwise be made available 
for the purpose for which Federal funds are provided; and
    (9) Implement procedures designed to ensure that, to the maximum 
extent possible, mediation (and other alternative dispute resolution) 
procedures, which include good faith negotiation, are used before 
resorting to formal administrative or legal remedies.
    (b) To receive direct payment of funds under this part, an eligible 
system must provide to the Secretary, as part of its application for 
assistance, an assurance that direct payment is not prohibited by or 
inconsistent with State law, regulation, or policy.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

(Authority: Secs. 12 and 509(f) of the Act; 29 U.S.C. 711(c) and 

[58 FR 43022, Aug. 12, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 8344, Feb. 18, 1994; 59 
FR 33680, June 30, 1994]

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