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OLA Views Letters 110th Congress Second Session

Letter Dated          Subject
11-14-08 Attorney General Mukasey Letter re S 3501 OLC Reporting Act of 2008
10-01-08 HR 5611 National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers Reform Act of 2008
09-26-08 HR 6768 S 3381 Aamodt Litigation Settlement Act and Taos Pueblo Indian Water Rights Settlement Act
09-23-08 HR 6646 Discussions between the U.S. Government and the Government of Taiwan
09-17-08 S 3320 Tribal Law and Order Act of 2008
08-22-08 Attorney General Mukasey and Director of National Intelligence McConnell Letter Regarding S 2035 Free Flow of Information Act of 2008
07-30-08 S 2838 Fairness in Nursing Home Arbitration Act of 2008
07-15-08 HR 4854 False Claims Act Correction Act of 2007
07-11-08 S 2632 Sex Offender Registration and Notification Retroactivity Correction Act of 2008
07-09-08 S 3061 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
06-26-08 HR 1889 Private Prison Information Act of 2007
06-23-08 HR 5546 Credit Card Fair Fee Act of 2008
06-18-08 S 2471 USERRA Enforcement Improvement Act of 2007
06-03-08 HR 2828 Foreign Service Victims of Terrorism Act of 2007
05-19-08 HR 275 Global Online Freedom Act of 2008
05-15-08 S 2756 Child Protection Improvements Act of 2008
05-14-08 HR 1525 Internet Spyware Prevention Act of 2007
05-08-08 Attorney General Mukasey Letter Regarding HR 980 Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act
05-06-08 HR 1343 Health Centers Renewal Act of 2008
04-30-08 HR 3774 Senior Executive Service Diversity Assurance Act
04-29-08 HR 1537 and HR 5519 Credit Union Regulatory Improvements Act
04-23-08 S 2495 Bail Bond Fairness Act of 2007
04-10-08 HR 1328 Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2007
04-02-08 Title III of HR 1108 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
04-02-08 Attorney General Mukasey and Director of National Intelligence McConnell Letter Regarding S 2035 The Free Flow of Information Act
03-31-08 Attorney General Mukasey Letter Regarding S 2533 State Secrets Protection Act
02-26-08 S 2449 The Sunshine in Litigation Act of 2007
02-21-08 S 2041 False Claims Act Correction Act of 2007
02-12-08 Letter to Senator Kyl Regarding S 316 Preserve Access to Affordable Generics Act
02-05-08 Letter to Senator Feinstein Regarding S 980 Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2007
01-28-08 HR 3195 ADA Restoration Act of 2007
01-23-08 S 695 American-Owned Property in Occupied Cyprus Claims Act
01-11-08 S 1738 Combating Child Exploitation Act of 2007

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