Paige Offers Suggestions for Educators to Mark Anniversary of Sept. 11
Archived Information

September 5, 2002
Contact: Susan Aspey,
Dan Langan
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today outlined ideas for educators who will be marking the anniversary of Sept. 11 next week.

Paige also announced that he will commemorate the anniversary of Sept. 11 at a school in Florida.

"So many of our nation's schoolchildren have been affected by the tragedy of 9/11, both directly and indirectly," Secretary Paige said. "Collectively, our nation has grown stronger, and our students have learned firsthand the priceless principles of freedom and democracy that our great nation was built upon, particularly at a time when those values were being attacked. The ideas we have will help our educators carry out their programs that day."

Paige advised that educators be aware that some students may be more likely to have reactions to the anniversary -- particularly those who already are anxious or prone to distraction, or those who were directly affected by the events of 9/11. He also advised that going about normal daily lives is reassuring and that schools should maintain a consistent structure and routine. He encouraged keeping the television off during school time and to incorporate the lessons of heroes, courage, the founding fathers and constitutional principles of democracy into teaching plans.

The secretary noted that President Bush has encouraged all of the nation's schoolchildren to participate in a "September of Service" and begin a service activity or service project to help others. More than 130,000 public and private elementary and secondary schools, home schools and after-school programs throughout the country will receive service guide materials this month. In addition, AmeriCorps members and Senior Corps volunteers are encouraged to recruit more young people for service opportunities and to work closely with schools and community organizations to support in-school and after-school programs. Through these efforts, young people will learn how important service is to our nation and how to get started today.

Paige will join Florida Lt. Gov. Frank Brogan to commemorate Sept. 11 by visiting the Emma E. Booker Elementary Program in Sarasota, Fla. The secretary and president were at this school last year when the president was informed of the attacks.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Specific information about Secretary Paige's visit to Florida will be available later.



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