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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Decade Volcanoes

IAVCEI stands for the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior. The Association represents the primary international focus for: (1) research in volcanology, (2) efforts to mitigate volcanic disasters, and (3) research into closely related disciplines, such as igneous geochemistry and petrology, geochronology, volcanogenic mineral deposits, and the physics of the generation and ascent of magmas in the upper mantle and crust. ...

The major activity of the Commission in recent years has been through its Sub-Commission on Decade Volcanoes. This represents the primary IAVCEI contribution to the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR). The aim of the Decade Volcanoes project is to direct attention to a small number of selected, active volcanoes world-wide and to encourage the establishment of a range of research and public-awareness activities aimed at enhancing an understanding of the volcanoes and the hazards posed by them.

Excerpt from: IAVCEI Website HomePage, 1998

The following 16 nominated Decade Volcanoes have been accepted by the IAVCEI Sub-Commission

Map, Decade Volcanoes and their locations, click to enlarge [Map,16K,InlineGIF]

  1. Avachinsky-Koryaksky, Kamchatka
  2. Colima Volcano, Mexico
  3. Mount Etna, Italy
  4. Galeras Volcano, Colombia
  5. Mauna Loa, Hawaii
  6. Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
  7. Niragongo Volcano, Democratic Republic of the Congo

  8. Mount Rainier, Washington

    Image, Mount Rainier from Paradise, click to enlarge Mount Rainier, Washington
    The potential hazards posed by Mount Rainier led to its inclusion as one of sixteen volcanoes worldwide to be designated Decade Volcanoes. The Decade Volcano initiative is part of a United Nations program aimed at better utilizing science and emergency management to reduce the severity of natural disasters. The Decade Volcanoes are the focus of coordinated earth -science studies and land-use planning to learn the best ways to reduce the risks to life and property from volcano-related hazards. Products from Decade Volcano studies at Mount Rainier will include updated maps showing the areas and levels of hazards, maps showing the locations and ages of Rainier's lavas and debris flow deposits, and reports on the style and size of selected eruptions and on the structure and makeup of the rocks forming Mount Rainier and its underpinnings. -- Excerpt from: Sisson, 1995

  9. Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
  10. Santa Maria/Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
  11. Santorini Volcano, Greece
  12. Taal Volcano, Philippines
  13. Teide Volcano, Canary Islands, Spain
  14. Ulawun Volcano, Papua New Guinea
  15. Unzen Volcano, Japan
  16. Vesuvius Volcano, Italy

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12/17/02, Lyn Topinka