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Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pollution)
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Management Measures for Marinas and Recreational Boating - IV. Glossary

IV. Glossary

Bathymetric: Pertaining to the depth of a waterbody.

Bed load transport: Sediment transport along the bottom of a waterbody due to currents.

Benthic: Associated with the sea bottom.

Biocriteria: Biological measures of the health of an environment, such as the incidence of cancer in benthic fish species.

BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand; the quantity of dissolved oxygen used by microorganisms in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter and oxidizable inorganic matter by aerobic biological action.

Circulation cell: See gyre.

Conservative pollutant: A pollutant that remains chemically unchanged in the water.

Critical habitat: A habitat determined to be important to the survival of a threatened or endangered species, to general environmental quality, or for other reasons as designated by the State or Federal government.

DO: Dissolved oxygen; the concentration of free molecular oxygen in the water column.

Drogue-release study: A study of currents and circulation patterns using objects, or drogues, placed in the water at the surface or at specified depths.

Dye-release study: A study of dispersion using nontoxic dyes.

Exchange boundary: The boundary between one waterbody, e.g., a marina, and its parent waterbody; usually the marina entrance(s).

Fecal coliform: Bacteria present in mammalian feces, used as an indicator of the presence of human feces, bacteria, viruses, and pathogens in the water column.

Fixed breakwater: A breakwater constructed of solid, stationary materials.

Floating breakwater: A breakwater constructed to possess a limited range of movement.

Flushing time: Time required for a waterbody, e.g., a marina, to exchange its water with water from the parent waterbody.

Gyre: A mass of water circulating as a unit and separated from other circulating water masses by a boundary of relatively stationary water.

Hydrographic: Pertaining to ground or surface water.

Ichthyofauna: Fish.

Macrophytes: Plants visible to the naked eye.

Mathematical modeling: Predicting the performance of a design based on mathematical equations.

Micron: Micrometer; one-one millionth (0.000001) of a meter.

NCDEM DO model: A mathematical model for calculating dissolved oxygen concentrations developed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM).

No-discharge zone: An area where the discharge of polluting materials is not permitted.

NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. A permitting system for point source polluters regulated under section 402 of the Clean Water Act.

Numerical modeling: See mathematical modeling.

Nutrient transformers: Biological organisms, usually plants, that remove nutrients from water and incorporate them into tissue matter.

Organics: Carbon-containing substances such as oil, gasoline, and plant matter.

PAH: Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon; multiringed carbon molecules resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, wood, etc.

Physical modeling: Using a small-scale physical structure to simulate and predict the performance of a full-scale structural design.

Rapid bioassessment: An assessment of the environmental degradation of a waterbody based on a comparison between a typical species assemblage in a pristine waterbody and that found in the waterbody of interest.

Removal efficiency: The capacity of a pollution control device to remove pollutants from wastewater or runoff.

Residence time: The length of time water remains in a waterbody. Generally the same as flushing time.

Riparian: For the purposes of this report, riparian refers to areas adjoining coastal waterbodies, including rivers, streams, bays, estuaries, coves, etc.

Sensitivity analysis: Modifying a numerical model's parameters to investigate the relationship between alternative [marina] designs and water quality.

Shoaling: Deposition of sediment causing a waterbody or location within a waterbody to become more shallow.

Significant: A quantity, amount, or degree of importance determined by a State or local government.

SOD: Sediment oxygen demand; biochemical oxygen demand of microorganisms living in sediments.

Suspended solids: Solid materials that remain suspended in the water column.

Tidal prism: The difference in the volume of water in a waterbody between low and high tides.

Tidal range: The difference in height between mean low tide and mean high tide.

Velocity shear: Friction created by two masses of water moving in different directions or at different speeds in the same direction.

WASP4 model: A generalized modeling system for contaminant fate and transport in surface waters; can be applied to BOD, DO, nutrients, bacteria, and toxic chemicals.

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