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Ombudsman for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program

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About the Office

Part E of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act created a system of federal payments to compensate certain nuclear workers for occupational illnesses caused by exposure to toxic substances. Signed into law in October 2004, Part E replaced a previous program administered by the Department of Energy (Part D) that provided assistance to nuclear workers in obtaining state workers’ compensation payments.

Part E of EEOICPA grants covered DOE contractor employees and qualified survivors of such employees a federal payment if the employee developed an occupational illness as a result of exposure to toxic substances at a DOE facility. The amount of the payment to the covered employee is based on the level of the employee’s impairment and/or wage loss due to a qualifying occupational illness. Medical benefits are available to qualifying employees under Part E for the treatment of accepted occupational illnesses. Part E also provides monetary and medical benefits to uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters covered by Section 5 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. Where applicable, survivors of RECA Section 5 employees are also entitled to monetary payments under Part E.

Part E of EEOICPA also created the Office of the Ombudsman, required to be maintained for a period of three years from enactment of the new legislation. Independent from the program office that administers the EEOICPA, the Ombudsman has four primary responsibilities as designated by Congress:

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