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ACOG is developing a new 501(c)(6) organization called the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

The XIX FIGO 2009 World Congress will be held October 4-9 in in Cape Town, South Africa.

The January issue of Monthly Member Resources and Information is now online.

Abstracts are now being accepted online for District meetings.

Support ACOG's campaign for liability reform by completing our 2009 Professional Liability Survey now.

Online balloting is open for District & Section Fellow Elections. Deadline to vote is February 1st.

ACOG has posted the New Medical Student Recruitment DVD online.

Early Bird Registration, Spouse Tours Registration, and Child Care Registration are now open for the 2009 Annual Clinical Meeting (ACM) May 2-6, 2009, in Chicago, Illinois. You will be able to register for education sessions at a later date.

Wellbeing 2008 is a free member resource available exclusively to ACOG Fellows.

ACOG Committee on Nominations selects slate of national officers for the 2009-2010 College year. The nominees and their biosketches are available for your review.

The FDA has issued a MedWatch Alert on Transvaginal Placement of Surgical Mesh.

The RCOG 2009 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Scientific Meeting will be held in Trinidad and Tobago, March 4-6, 2009.

Learn more about FDA quarterly reports that list certain drugs under evaluation for potential safety issues.

English and Spanish versions of Episiotomy: Procedure and Repair Techniques are now available to members online.

An RFA for Preterm Birth in Nulliparous Women: An Understudied Population at Great Risk has been issued by The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

As a member benefit, ACOG has pre-registered its members for the Health Care Notification Network (HCNN). Activate Your Health Care Notification Network Membership!

The Joint Commission announces 2009 National Patient Safety Goals outlining new requirements and goals.

Maintenance of Certification by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology is now up and running.

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health call for G8 Leaders and other donors to champion maternal, newborn and child health.

National officers are elected for 2008-2009.

º ACOG Urges Wider Availability of Misoprostol Internationally to Reduce Maternal Mortality.
º Same-Sex Couples and Their Families Should Have Same Legal Protections and Benefits as Married Heterosexuals.
º Practice Healthy Living in 2009.
º Last Ditch Effort by HHS Pushes Ideological Agenda of Outgoing Administration.
º All Patients Should be Asked About Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
º Lung Cancer Awareness Month: Great Time to Quit Smoking and Reduce Secondhand Smoke.
º Women's Cancers the Focus of Network Television Special Frosted Pink with a Twist Airs October 12.
º Pregnant Women Reminded to Get Flu Vaccination.
º ACOG Co-Sponsors National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
º New HHS Regulation Poses Threat to Women's Health.
º ACOG Partners with Frosted Pink with a Twist to Educate Women About Gynecologic Cancers.
º Bone Mineral Density Concerns Should Not Discourage Use of Contraceptive Shot.
º ACOG Directs Attention to Health Risks of Noncoital Sexual Activity.
º Routine HIV Screening Recommended for All Women, Regardless of Individual Risk Factors.
º ACOG Calls Attention to Higher Risk of HIV/AIDS Among Minority Women.
º Fran Drescher Graces Cover of pause Magazine and Speaks Out for Women's Health.
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