HIV Capacity-Building Assistance

HIV Capacity-Building Assistance Program

“Give a person a fish; you have fed that person for today.
Teach a person to fish; and you have fed that person for a lifetime”

- Author unknown

The quote above exemplifies the spirit and approach of the Asian & Pacific Islander HIV Capacity Building Assistance Program. Through its services, the Program seeks to build the capacity of individuals, community based organizations, health departments, and communities to effectively respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

More specifically, the Program provides capacity building assistance (CBA) focused on strengthening organizational infrastructure (also known as organizational development) and strengthening HIV prevention community planning.

Some examples of CBA available in these two areas include:

Strengthening Organizational Infrastructure

Strengthening HIV Prevention Community

HIV CBA Programs and resources include:

Please contact ManChui Leung at or 415.954.9988 if you would like to requests for capacity-building assistance. You will be directed to the appropriate staff. You may also fill out our online form and you will be contacted shortly.

API HIV Capacity-Building Assistance Program
Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum
450 Sutter Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94108


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