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Health Insurance

All Health A-Z Results: 31-40 of 54 Web Pages
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Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Assistance for Obtaining Health Coverage  External Link

Many Americans need to obtain health care services but may have trouble paying for them. This section provides comprehensive information about all of the major federal and state programs to provide co... Details >

National Association of Health Underwriters  External Link

Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage  External Link

The majority of Americans have group health insurance coverage through either their employer, or the employer of a family member. This section is designed for consumers who need more information about... Details >

National Association of Health Underwriters  External Link

Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Health Care Coverage Contacts  External Link

This section provides consumers with a quick reference list of important health coverage assistance contacts.... Details >

National Association of Health Underwriters  External Link

Healthcare Coverage Options Database: Individual Health Insurance Coverage  External Link

Many Americans who do not have access to group health insurance coverage, like self-employed people, early retirees, students and people whose employers do not offer health benefits, choose to purchas... Details >

National Association of Health Underwriters  External Link  External Link offers visitors easy and convenient access to a variety of insurance products designed to help visitors manage their healthcare coverage decisions. Sponsored by America's Health In... Details >

America’s Health Insurance Plans  External Link  External Link

This site provides consumer guides for getting and keeping health insurance for each state and the District of Columbia - fifty-one in all. The guides are updated periodically as changes in federal an... Details >

Georgetown University Health Policy Institute  External Link


An interactive tool provided by the Federal Government that answers your questions on getting and continuing health coverage during events such as losing or changing jobs, pregnancy, moving, or divorc... Details >

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Information for Patients With Kidney Disease  External Link

Also available in: Spanish   External Link

This page provides information for patients with kidney disease, on how patients can get help with assistance programs, health insurnace program etc. ... Details >

American Kidney Fund  External Link

Insure Kids Now: Your State's Children's Health Insurance Program

Also available in: Spanish 

Links to States' official Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) websites. Each website provides information specific to that State's health insurance program.... Details >

Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Managed Care/Health Care Glossary of Terms

A comprehensive listing of managed care and health care terms. Select the appropriate letter to find the definition of a particular term.... Details >

Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace, U.S. Department of Labor