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ILAB Federal Register Notice

Research on Children Working in the Carpet Industry of India, Nepal and Pakistan [06/21/2007]

[PDF Version]

Volume 72, Number 119, Page 34279-34299



Office of the Secretary

Research on Children Working in the Carpet Industry of India,
Nepal and Pakistan

AGENCY: Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Department of Labor.
    Announcement Type: New. Notice of Availability of Funds and
Solicitation for Cooperative Agreement Applications.
    Funding Opportunity Number: SGA 07-11.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: Not
    Key Dates: Deadline for Submission of Application is August 3,
    Executive Summary: The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
International Labor Affairs, will award up to USD 3.5 million through a
Cooperative Agreement to a qualifying organization or Association to
carry out research on children working in the carpet industry in India,
Nepal, and Pakistan. Research funded under this Cooperative Agreement
will involve gathering and analyzing data in order to answer the
research questions outlined in this solicitation. Applicants must
respond to the entire Scope of Work for this award.

I. Funding Opportunity Description

    The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), Bureau of International Labor
Affairs (ILAB), announces the availability of funds to be awarded by a
Cooperative Agreement to a qualifying organization or Association
(hereinafter referred to as ``Applicant'') to carry out research on
children working in the carpet industry in India, Nepal, and Pakistan.
Research funded under this Cooperative Agreement will involve gathering
and analyzing data in order to answer the research questions outlined
in this solicitation. Research funded as a result of this solicitation
will build and expand upon existing research on child labor in the
carpet industry in the three countries.
    ILAB is authorized to award and administer a Cooperative Agreement
for this purpose by Section 20607 of the Revised Continuing
Appropriations Resolution 2007, Pub L. 110-05, 121 Stat 8 (2007). The
Cooperative Agreement awarded under this solicitation will be managed
by ILAB's Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking
(OCFT). The duration of the research project funded by this
solicitation will be up to three years. The start date of project
activities will be negotiated upon award of the Cooperative Agreement,
but will be no later than September 30, 2007.
    Please note that Appendix A provides USDOL's definitions for all
key terms denoted in italics throughout the text of this solicitation.
(For ease of reference, the term ``child(ren)'' has not been denoted in
italics, though its definition is included in Appendix A. Child(ren)
are defined by USDOL as individuals under the age of 18 years.)

1. Background

A. USDOL Support for the Global Elimination of Exploitive Child Labor
    ILAB conducts research and commissions studies to inform and
formulate international economic, trade, immigration and labor policies
in collaboration with other U.S. Government agencies and provides
technical assistance to countries abroad in support of U.S. foreign
labor policy objectives. OCFT, formerly the International Child Labor
Program (ICLP), was created at the request of Congress in 1993 to
specifically research and report on child labor around the world. More
recently Congress, through the Trafficking Victims Protection
Reauthorization Act of 2005, directed ILAB to include, among its
responsibilities, monitoring and combating forced labor and human
trafficking. Today, OCFT develops policy, conducts research, and
implements technical cooperation projects to eradicate exploitive child
labor, trafficking in persons, and forced labor worldwide.
    Since 1994, ILAB has published over 20 congressionally-mandated
reports and has funded various research initiatives on international
child labor, which have been widely distributed in the United States
and abroad. The congressionally-mandated reports appear in ILAB's By
the Sweat and Toil of Children and Advancing the Campaign Against Child
Labor report series. Beginning in 2001, the USDOL's Findings on the
Worst Forms of Child Labor annual report has focused on child labor in
trade beneficiary countries and countries with which the United States
has negotiated free trade agreements. In 2006, ILAB hosted a research
symposium, Linking Theory and Practice to Eliminate the Worst Forms of
Child Labor, to further advance the knowledge base on child labor, and
provide a forum to promote dialogue between researchers and
practitioners on the barriers to education for working children. All of
these research products can be found at the USDOL Web site,

    In addition to ILAB's research activities, USDOL funds technical
cooperation projects that include direct action to prevent and withdraw
children from exploitive child labor, particularly the worst forms of
child labor, and carry out various research activities to inform policy
and program design. Since 1995, the U.S. Congress has appropriated $595
million to USDOL for efforts to combat exploitive child labor
internationally. This funding has been used to support

[[Page 34280]]

technical cooperation projects to combat exploitive child labor in more
than 75 countries around the world. Technical cooperation projects
funded by USDOL range from targeted action programs in specific sectors
of work to more comprehensive programs that support national efforts to
eliminate the worst forms of child labor, as defined by International
Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labor
Convention, 1999). USDOL places a high level of emphasis on the use of
accurate and reliable data and information for the purposes of program
planning, policy design and impact measurement. Accordingly, technical
cooperation projects have included funding of national child labor
surveys and the development of creative and innovative methodologies to
collect data on working children. Survey instruments and research
methodologies continue to be refined in order to gather data on
children in the worst forms of child labor who would otherwise be
excluded from traditional survey instruments.
B. Factors Contributing to Exploitive Child Labor and Barriers to
    The ILO estimated that 218 million children ages 5 to 17 were
engaged in child labor around the world in 2004. Children engaged in
exploitive child labor on a full-time basis are generally unable to
attend school, and children engaged in exploitive child labor on a
part-time basis balance economic survival with schooling from an early
age, often to the detriment of their education.
    Complex factors contribute to children's involvement in exploitive
labor, including hazardous work, as well as barriers to education for
children who are engaged in or at-risk of entering exploitive child
labor. These include poverty; education system barriers; infrastructure
barriers; legal and policy barriers; resource gaps; institutional
barriers; informational gaps; demographic characteristics of children
and/or families; cultural and traditional practices; tenuous labor
markets; and weak child labor law enforcement. While these factors and
barriers tend to exist throughout the world in areas with a high
incidence of exploitive child labor, they manifest themselves in
specific ways in the countries of interest in this solicitation.
    Some factors unrelated to education that contribute to children
entering exploitive labor include their families' need for extra
income, children's need to provide a livelihood for themselves and/or
their siblings, lack of parent(s) or caregiver(s), cultural practices,
and lack of awareness of the hazards associated with exploitive child
labor, including the worst forms of child labor. In addition, children
have a variety of educational needs and encounter different barriers
depending on their work status (e.g., children withdrawn from
exploitive labor, underage children at risk of dropping out of school
and joining the labor force, children engaged in exploitive labor in a
particular sector).
C. Children Working in the South Asia Carpet Industry
    The carpet manufacturing industry in South Asia--particularly
concentrated in India, Nepal, and Pakistan--has been under
international scrutiny for many years for its use of child labor.
Carpets and rugs are important export products from these countries,
sold primarily within the European and U.S. markets. Manufacturing of
carpets provides jobs and livelihoods to many families in the region,
but also poses health and safety risks to adults and children, and
impedes children's education. However, reliable estimates on the
magnitude of children currently work in the carpet industry in these
three countries is unknown.
    Various types of carpets are manufactured in the region, and as
consumer tastes change, suppliers and manufacturers adjust to meet that
demand. In the past few years, the industry has trended away from the
most labor-intensive, hand-knotted carpets, in favor of hand-hooked or
hand-tufted varieties that are quicker to produce, less durable and
less expensive for the consumer. However, the impact of these shifts on
the use of child labor in the industry is unclear. The use of child
labor has been documented both in the production of the complex, hand-
knotted varieties, as well as in the production of the less expensive,
more modern types of carpets.
    In Pakistan and India, carpet exporters typically engage
contractors or middlemen, who place orders with weavers working in
small weaving centers or in private homes. This arrangement is often
referred to as the ``cottage'' industry. The hidden nature of the
``cottage'' industry in Pakistan and India can lead to greater
involvement of children, with children working either directly with
their families or as hired labor. In Nepal, carpets are typically
produced in factories and the use of child labor within these factories
has been documented.
    Throughout the South Asia region, children migrate along known
patterns, unaccompanied or with their families, from poorer and more
rural regions to villages or cities to work in the carpet industry.
Some migrate across national borders. Children enter into the industry
in a variety of ways, including working alongside family members in
family workshops or in situations of parental debt bondage; being sent
by their families to other areas to work in the carpet industry; being
recruited by brokers or trafficked into the industry; or working as
apprentices to master weavers.
    Many children begin work in the carpet industry at an early age,
some as early as 6 or 7 years of age. They work long hours, for little
pay, and are vulnerable to a variety of workplace hazards such as
injuries from sharp tools, eye disease and strain due to insufficient
light, respiratory disease due to inhaling wool fibers,
gastrointestinal and skin problems, and skeletal deformation and pain
due to cramped working conditions. Indeed, Pakistan's Child Labor
Survey (1996) found that of all industries in which children were
working in Pakistan, the carpet industry had the highest rate of
illness and injuries.
    Some children work in the industry under conditions of bondage,
working to pay back debts owed by themselves or their families to an
employer. In some cases, children accrue debts to their employers for
their initial transportation to a work site and for food and lodging at
the work site, which their wages are not adequate to cover. Many suffer
physical and psychological abuse, including being beaten and denied
food. Many also lack access to education or medical care.
    All three countries have laws in place prohibiting forced labor and
child labor, but the problems persist. In response to growing concern
over the use of child labor, various governmental and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), as well as industry groups, have implemented
initiatives to combat child labor in the carpet industry. These have
focused on improved law enforcement; provision of educational
opportunities for former child carpet-weavers; and labeling initiatives
that provide guarantees to consumers that carpets were produced without
child labor. These efforts have clearly led to a reduction in child
labor in the industry, but the overall magnitude of their impact is
    i. India. In 2000, approximately 4.1 percent of children ages 5-14
were counted as working in India. However, accurate estimates of the
number of children working in carpet-weaving are unavailable. Bonded
child labor is

[[Page 34281]]

known to occur in the carpet industry in India. Some children are
trafficked into these situations of bondage; both Indian children
trafficked from other parts of the country and Nepali children
trafficked across the border.
    Over the past decade, the industry has increasingly shifted toward
home-based production, making enforcement and monitoring still more
difficult. In addition, the concentration of the industry in the
``carpet belt'' in the eastern part of the State of Uttar Pradesh has
given way to more spread-out production, with pockets in the States of
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Jaipur, and
others. There are indications that some of the newer carpet-producing
zones are areas from which children formerly migrated to work in the
``carpet belt.''
    ii. Nepal. In 1999, approximately 39.6 percent of children ages 5-
14 were counted as working in Nepal. However, accurate estimates of the
number of children working in carpet-weaving are unavailable. Children
work in both carpet factories and in informal, ``cottage,'' carpet
production in Nepal. The proportion of children working in factory
settings compared with cottage settings is reportedly much higher in
Nepal than in India or Pakistan. Some children work in the industry
under conditions of bondage, but the incidence of child bonded labor in
carpet-weaving is reportedly less in Nepal than in the other two
countries. A large percentage of children working in carpet factories
are members of ethnic minority groups, and many have sisters, brothers,
or close relatives already working in carpet-weaving. Some are
reportedly trafficked to work in the industry, or brought to employers
by employment ``brokers.''
    Reports suggest that recent political unrest and armed conflict in
Nepal have led to greater migration of children, often unaccompanied,
from conflict-affected districts to cities to find work. The majority
of carpet factories in Nepal are concentrated in the Kathmandu valley,
an attractive location for child migrants. However, the entire industry
has experienced a decline in production since its high point in the
early 1990s. The impact of the industry decline on the use of child
labor in the industry is not clear.
    iii. Pakistan. In 1999-2000, approximately 16.4 percent of children
ages 10-14 were counted as working in Pakistan. The number working in
the carpet industry is unknown, although a Rapid Assessment carried out
by the ILO in 2004 found that children under 15 made up about 40
percent of the sample carpet-weaving population covered by the study.
The sample included both adults and children. Carpet-weaving is an
important export industry for Pakistan, providing employment for many
families; however, the nature of the industry also is likely to
increase the risk of exploitive child labor. Children are paid very low
wages and are sometimes physically or verbally abused at the work site.
Many work under conditions of debt bondage, and are confined to the
employer's premises until their debts are fully paid. Parents sometimes
take advance payments from employers in exchange for their children's
    Children work in carpet-weaving throughout Pakistan, and many
belong to ethnic minority groups. For instance, in the North-West
Frontier Province, carpet-weaving is concentrated among Afghan
refugees; in parts of Sindh Province, Bihari and Burmese communities
are primarily involved in carpet-weaving; and in Balochistan, Hazara
tribes are primarily involved in the industry.

2. Scope of Work

A. General Research Requirements
    i. Research Objective. USDOL seeks a qualified organization and/or
Association to carry out research and data collection on children
working in the carpet industry in India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Given the
public attention paid to child labor in the carpet industry, the study
should be designed to provide the U.S. Government with reliable and
accurate data and information on the incidence and nature of children
working in the carpet industry. Research should include all aspects of
the supply chain leading up to the production of carpets (i.e., yarn
manufacturing and yarn-dyeing), as well as the weaving itself. To the
extent that families play a role in determining the work situation of
children (i.e., children under parental debt bondage), research should
also be conducted on the impact of family characteristics and the role
of parents in children's work status. The results of this study will be
used to increase the knowledge base on child labor and inform policy
and project considerations.
    ii. Research Concepts and Definitions. Applicants must be familiar
with how international standards on and definitions of child labor
translate into statistical terms. Data analysis on working children
should be disaggregated to the extent possible between children working
in acceptable work and exploitive child labor.
    iii. Research Questions. Applicants must seek to answer the
following primary and secondary questions.
     How prevalent is the use of children in the carpet
industry in India, Nepal, and Pakistan?
     What is the incidence of working children in the carpet
industry in India, Nepal, and Pakistan?
     What are the demographic characteristics of children and
families working in the carpet industry?
    a. What are the individual characteristics of children working in
the carpet industry (i.e., age, sex)?
    b. What is the educational status of children working in the carpet
industry, and what is the educational status of their families?
    c. What are the household demographics, working status, and
socioeconomic status of working children's families?
     What is the relationship between a child's working status
and educational opportunities?
    a. Are there particular educational barriers that make children
more vulnerable to working the carpet industry?
     To what extent do children and families migrate to work in
the carpet industry?
    a. What role does the family play in children's migration?
     To what extent are children working in the carpet industry
working under forced and/or bonded labor conditions?
    a. To what extent are children trafficked into these situations?
     What particular aspects of the carpet industry encourage
or discourage the use of children? Are there aspects of the carpet
industry that lead to greater exploitation of children?
    a. How do children enter into the carpet industry?
    b. What percentage of children work for their families vs. work as
hired labor?
    c. Are there wage/payment systems that lead to exploitation of
child workers?
    d. Is more or less child labor anticipated in the carpet industry
in each country in the future?
     What are children's working conditions in the carpet
    a. In what specific activities are children engaged?
    b. What are the occupational safety and health hazards to which
children are exposed?
    c. What are the typical hours of work?
    d. How are children paid (piece rate, by time period, etc.), and
how does this relate to their overall conditions of work?

[[Page 34282]]

    e. How does children's work affect their participation in
    f. To what extent are children abused in the workplace, and by
whom? And what is the nature of that abuse?
     In what regions of each country is the carpet industry
concentrated, and are there concentrated areas where children are most
likely to be working?
     How are market demands and consequent shifts in the carpet
industry affecting the use of child labor?
    a. What changes are occurring in supply and demand in the carpet
industry in the South Asian region?
    b. To what extent are children working in the carpet sector
involved in producing carpets for export?
    c. Is the use of child labor increasing or decreasing in certain
areas due to changes in the industry?
     What have been the best practices to eliminate child labor
in the carpet industry (e.g., government, industry, employer, and other
nongovernmental efforts)?
    iv. Research Knowledge-Base. Applicants should demonstrate a
thorough knowledge of previous research on child labor in the carpet
industry for each target country and seek to build upon past research
efforts. Currently-available research includes, but is not limited to:
     Global Research and Consultancy Services (2006). Child
Labour in Carpet Industry in India: Recent Developments. International
Labor Rights Fund;
     Srivastava, Ravi K. (2005). Bonded labour in India: its
incidence and pattern. ILO/Special Action Programme on Forced Labour;
     Mueen Nasir, Zafar (2004). A rapid assessment of bonded
labour in the carpet industry of Pakistan. ILO/Special Action Programme
on Forced Labour;
     ILO/IPEC (2002). A rapid assessment of child labour in the
Nepalese carpet sector; and
     ILO/Special Action Programme on Forced Labour (2002).
Annotated bibliography on forced/bonded labour in India.
    Applicants must make every effort not to duplicate existing
research or survey methodologies on child labor. Instead, applicants
must use, improve, and/or refine existing methodologies, or propose new
methodologies for collecting data on child labor in the carpet
industry. Applicants should be familiar with ILO-IPEC statistical tools
developed by the Statistical Information and Monitoring Program on
Child Labor (SIMPOC) for collecting information on exploitive child
labor, These tools include survey methodologies and

data collection instruments.
B. Research Methodology Requirements
    Applicants must develop creative and innovative research
methodologies to gather information in order to answer the research
questions outlined in this solicitation. Applicants are expected to
consider the social, economic, and cultural contexts of the target
countries when formulating research methodologies. However,
methodologies should be designed to allow for the aggregation of data
among the three countries and relevant cross-country comparisons.
Applicants must take into account country-specific issues that could
affect project results, and meaningfully incorporate those into the
proposed methodology to reduce threats to successful research
    While Applicants may rely on secondary resources, the main purpose
of this study is to conduct primary data collection. The research
methodology should include definitions of key concepts and variables;
explain the proposed sampling designs; describe the survey
instrument(s) that will be used to carry out the data collection
activities; develop a data processing plan; and provide a plan for
pilot-testing the methodology in the field. In developing the research
methodology, Applicants must include the elements listed below.
    i. Research Questions. Applicants must answer the research
questions outlined in Section I. 2.A.iii. of this solicitation.
Applicants may propose to USDOL additional research questions that lay
out clear, concise hypotheses.
    ii. Research Design. The research design must be suitable for
responding to the research questions, and must involve quantitative
research. As appropriate, Applicants should propose to use a
combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The
quantitative research should be carried out through a cross-sectional
survey research design. To the extent possible, applicants should
propose a research design that results in statistically-valid
information at the national, regional, and/or local level on the
prevalence and incidence of child labor in the carpet industry of each
    iii. Survey Design. Applicants should propose a detailed survey
design plan that will guide primary data collection. Applicants should
use existing data where applicable, and research and survey
questionnaires to help inform primary data collection. Applicants
should provide a detailed description of the data collection process
including the timing of the data collection taking into account
relevant school calendars; development of the survey questionnaires;
and pilot-testing the data collection instrument(s) to refine the
research methodology. Applicants must develop survey instrument(s) that
will most appropriately and accurately capture the information needed
to answer the research questions listed above. The survey design may
include a variety of data collection methods as appropriate, including
household surveys, establishment surveys, key informant interviews,
school surveys, capture-recapture methods, and others to most
accurately measure child labor in the carpet industry. Applicants must
explain why the proposed data collection instrument is the most
appropriate method to answer the research questions and carry out
primary data collection. Applicants must also describe the subjects
from whom data will be collected (e.g., children, parents, employers).
    iv. Population and Sample. Applicants must provide a detailed
sampling plan. The sampling plan should describe how the sample will be
selected, how many subjects will be surveyed and to what extent the
sample will be representative of the number of children working in the
carpet industry in each of the countries. Applicants should also
include a map showing the regions in the three countries where the
carpet industry is concentrated, and those that will be targeted for
    v. Data Coding and Management. Applicants must describe how the
data will be inputted, coded and managed, and how a data dictionary and
codebook will be developed to identify the variables included in the
data set. Applicants must also include in the proposal an explanation
of how data quality will be assured, including a discussion of how
missing data will be handled.
    vi. Data Analysis. Applicants must include a detailed data analysis
plan. Data analysis on working children should be disaggregated to the
extent possible between children working in acceptable work and
exploitive child labor. The data analysis plan should propose ways in
which the data collected will be analyzed in order to appropriately
address all of the research questions listed in Section I.2.A.iii, and
differentiate among the categories of working children. The data
analysis plan must carry out descriptive analysis of the data
collected. In instances where Applicants propose to carry out
multivariate analyses, the rationale must include a justification, and
explanatory and outcome variables of interest must be clearly
specified. For descriptive or multivariate analysis of the data,
Applicants should describe the computer programs and must specify

[[Page 34283]]

the statistical procedures for analyzing the data. In addition,
Applicants must propose an outline for the final report in which the
final results will be presented. The outline must demonstrate how this
format will answer the research questions based on the different
categories of working children. The analysis should include a
comparison of the study findings with those of other studies or
anecdotal evidence.
    vii. Dissemination. Applicants should propose ways in which
research findings will be disseminated to stakeholders in the target
countries. As part of data collection, Applicants should organize and
execute consultative meetings with key stakeholders in each of the
three countries, as well as an additional consultative meeting near the
end of the research in Washington, DC, with USDOL and other U.S.
Government officials, to discuss the findings of all research conducted
under this Cooperative Agreement. The number of key stakeholders for
each country should not exceed 30 participants, and should be
determined, after award, in consultation with USDOL.
    viii. Limitations to Study. Applicants should describe the factors
that are anticipated to be limitations to the study.
    ix. Human Subjects and Confidentiality Considerations. Applicants
must describe a plan for ensuring the protection of human subjects and
the confidentiality of the respondents.

II. Award Information

    Type of assistance instrument for projects to be awarded under this
solicitation: Cooperative Agreement. USDOL's involvement in project
implementation and oversight is outlined in Section VI.2. The duration
of the project funded by this solicitation is up to three years. The
start date of project activities will be negotiated upon awarding of
the Cooperative Agreement but will be no later than September 30, 2007.
    Up to USD 3.5 million will be awarded under this solicitation for
the child labor research in the carpet sectors in India, Nepal and
Pakistan. USDOL will award a Cooperative Agreement to an individual,
organization, or Association. The Grantee may not subgrant any of the
funds obligated under this Cooperative Agreement, but may use
subcontracts, See Section IV.5.B for further information on
subcontracts and Appendix B for additional clarification on the
differences between subgrants and subcontracts.

III. Eligibility Information

1. Eligible Applicants

    Any commercial, educational, or non-profit organization(s),
including any faith-based, community-based, or public domestic, foreign
or international organization(s) capable of successfully conducting
scientifically-valid research is eligible to apply. However, the
Grantee (or Lead Grantee, in the case of an Association) is not allowed
to charge a fee (profit). Neutral, non-religious criteria that neither
favor nor disfavor religion will be employed in the selection of the
Cooperative Agreement recipient. Applications from foreign governments
and entities that are agencies of, or operated by or for, a foreign
state or government will not be considered.
    If any entity identified in the application as an Associate does
not sign the Cooperative Agreement, the Lead Grantee must provide,
within 60 days of award, either a written subcontract agreement with
such entity, acceptable to USDOL, or an explanation as to why that
entity will not be participating in the Cooperative Agreement. USDOL
reserves the right to re-evaluate the award of the Cooperative
Agreement in light of any such change in an entity's status and may
terminate the award if USDOL deems it appropriate.
    For the purposes of this proposal and the Cooperative Agreement
award, the Lead Grantee will be: (1) The primary point of contact with
USDOL to receive and respond to all inquiries, communications and
orders under the project; (2) the only entity with authority to
withdraw or draw down funds through the Department of Health and Human
Services-Payment Management System (HHS-PMS); (3) responsible for
submitting to USDOL all deliverables, including all technical and
financial reports related to the project, regardless of which Associate
performed the work; (4) the sole entity to request or agree to a
revision or amendment of the award or the Project Document; and (5)
responsible for working with USDOL to close out the project. Note,
however, that each Associate is ultimately responsible for overall
project performance, regardless of any assignment of specific tasks,
but Associates may agree, among themselves only, to apportion the
liability for such performance. Each Associate must comply with all
applicable federal regulations and is individually subject to audit.
    In accordance with 29 CFR part 98, entities that are debarred or
suspended from receiving federal contracts or grants shall be excluded
from Federal financial assistance and are ineligible to receive funding
under this solicitation.

2. Other Eligibility Requirements

    Applicants must include their Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS) in
the organizational unit section of Block 8 of the SF 424. For
Associations, Block 8 of the SF 424 should contain the DUNS number of
the proposed Lead Grantee, and a list of the DUNS number(s) of all
proposed members of the Association should be included as an attachment
to the SF 424. DUNS is an acronym which stands for ``Data Universal
Numbering System,'' and a DUNS number is a unique nine-digit number
used to identify a business. Beginning October 1, 2003, all Applicants
for Federal grant funding opportunities are required to include a DUNS
number with their application per the Office of Management and Budget
Notice of Final Policy Issuance, 68 Federal Register 38402 (June 27,
2003). The DUNS number is a nine-digit identification number that
uniquely identifies business entities. There is no charge for obtaining
a DUNS number. To obtain a DUNS number call 1-866-705-5711 or access
the following Web site:

    Requests for exemption from the DUNS number requirement must be
made to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Federal
Financial Management at 202-395-3993. If no DUNS number is provided in
the application, and an Applicant does not provide evidence of an OMB
exemption from the DUNS number requirement, then the application will
be considered non-responsive.
    After receiving a DUNS number, Applicants must also register as a
vendor with the Central Contractor Registration through the following
Web site: or by phone at 1-888-227-2423. Central

Contractor Registration (CCR) should become active within 24 hours of
completion. For any questions regarding registration, please contact
the CCR Assistance Center at 1-888-227-2423.
    After registration, Applicants will receive a confirmation number.
The Point of Contact listed by the organization will receive a Trader
Partnership Identification Number (TPIN) via mail. The TPIN is, and
should remain, a confidential password.

3. Cost Sharing or Matching Funds

    This solicitation does not require Applicants to share costs or

[[Page 34284]]

matching funds, however, Applicants are encouraged to do so, and this
is a rating criteria worth up to five (5) additional points [see
Section V.1.F]. Applicants who propose matching funds, in-kind
contributions, and other forms of cost sharing must indicate their
estimated dollar value in the Standard Form (SF) 424 and SF 424A
submitted as part of the application. Grantees should note that they
will be responsible for reporting on these funds quarterly in financial
reports (SF 269s) and are liable for meeting the full amount of these
costs during the life of the Cooperative Agreement.

IV. Application and Submission Information

1. Application Package

    This solicitation contains all of the necessary information,
including information on required forms, needed to apply for
Cooperative Agreement funding. This solicitation is published as part
of this Federal Register notice. Additional copies of the Federal
Register may be obtained from your nearest U.S. Government office or
public library or online at:

2. Content and Form of Application Submission

    Applications may be submitted to USDOL in hard copy or
electronically at Applicants electing to submit

hard copies must submit one (1) blue ink-signed original, complete
application, plus three (3) copies of the application. The application
must consist of two (2) separate parts, (1) a Cost Proposal and (2) a
Technical Proposal, as described below. Applicants should number all
pages of the application. All parts of the application must be written
in English, in 10-12 pitch font size.
    Part I of the application, the Cost Proposal, must contain the
Standard Form (SF) 424 Research and Related Form, Application for
Federal Assistance, and Sections A-K of the Budget Information Form SF
424 (R&R). Applicants are also required to submit a detailed outputs-
based budget that links costs to project activities and an accompanying
budget narrative. A sample outputs-based budget are available from
ILAB's Web site at Copies of

the SF 424 (R&R) and SF 424 (R&R) Budget are available online at
 The individual

signing the SF 424 on behalf of the Applicant must be authorized to
bind the Applicant.
    The Cost Proposal must contain information on the Applicant's
indirect costs, using the form provided on ILAB's Web site at
 Applicants should note all

instructions outlined on this form and include one of the following
supporting documents, as applicable, in their application: (1) A
current, approved Cost Allocation Plan (CAP); (2) a current Negotiated
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA); or (3) a Certificate of Direct
Costs. In the case of Associations, each member of the Association must
submit a copy of the aforementioned documents.
    All Applicants are requested to complete the Survey on Ensuring
Equal Opportunity for Applicants (OMB No. 1890-0014), which has been
provided in Appendix D.
    Part II, the Technical Proposal, demonstrates the Applicant's
capabilities to plan and implement the proposed research project in
accordance with the provisions of this solicitation. The Technical
Proposal must not exceed 45 single-sided (8-1/2 x
11), double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins. The Technical
Proposal must identify how Applicants will carry out the Scope of Work
in Section I.2. of this solicitation. The following information is
     A two-page abstract summarizing the proposed project and
Applicant profile information including: Applicant name, contact
information of the key contact person at the Applicant's organization
in case questions should arise (including name, address, telephone and
fax numbers, and e-mail address, if applicable), project title,
Association members and/or subcontractors (if applicable), proposed
research activities, funding level requested and the amount of
leveraged resources, if applicable;
     A table of contents listing the application sections;
     A research project description as specified in the
Application Evaluation Criteria found in Section V.1. of this
solicitation (maximum 45 pages);
     A bibliography that includes completes citations of
research referenced in the proposal;
     A Work Plan identifying major project activities,
deadlines for completing the activities and person(s) or institution(s)
responsible for completing these activities.
    Please note that the abstract, table of contents, bibliography, and
Work Plan are not included in the 45-page limit for the research
project description.
    Any applications that do not consist of the above-mentioned parts
and conform to these standards will be deemed unresponsive to this
solicitation and may be rejected. Any additional information not
required under this solicitation will not be considered.

3. Submission Dates, Times, and Address

    Applications must be delivered (by hand, mail, or electronically
through by 4:45 p.m., Eastern Time, August 3,

2007, to: U.S. Department of Labor, Procurement Services Center, 200
Constitution Avenue, NW., Room S-4307, Washington, DC 20210, Attention:
Ms. Lisa Harvey, Reference: Solicitation 07-11. Applications sent by e-
mail, telegram, or facsimile (FAX) will not be accepted. Applications
sent by non-Postal Service delivery services, such as Federal Express
or UPS, will be accepted; however, Applicants bear the responsibility
for timely submission. The application package must be received at the
designated place by the date and time specified or it will be
considered unresponsive and will be rejected. Any application received
at the Procurement Services Center after the deadline will not be
considered unless it is received before the award is made and:
    A. It is determined by the Government that the late receipt was due
solely to mishandling by the Government after receipt at USDOL at the
address indicated; and/or
    B. It was sent by registered or certified mail not later than the
fifth calendar day before the deadline; or
    C. It was sent by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Next Day
Service-Post Office to Addressee, not later than 5 p.m. at the place of
mailing two (2) working days, excluding weekends and Federal holidays,
prior to the deadline.
    The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of a
late application sent by registered or certified mail is the U.S.
Postal Service postmark on the envelope or wrapper and on the original
receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. The only acceptable evidence to
establish the date of mailing of a late application sent by U.S. Postal
Service Express Mail Next Day Service-Post Office to Addressee is the
date entered by the Post Office clerk on the ``Express Mail Next Day
Service-Post Office to Addressee'' label and the postmark on the
envelope or wrapper on the original receipt from the U.S. Postal
    If the postmark is not legible, an application received after the
above closing time and date shall be processed as if mailed late.
``Postmark'' means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed

[[Page 34285]]

impression (not a postage meter machine impression) that is readily
identifiable without further action as having been applied and affixed
by an employee of the U.S. Postal Service on the date of mailing.
Therefore, Applicants should request that the postal clerk place a
legible hand cancellation ``bull's-eye'' postmark on both the receipt
and the envelope or wrapper.
    The only acceptable evidence to establish the time of receipt at
USDOL is the date/time stamp of the Procurement Service Center on the
application wrapper or other documentary evidence of receipt maintained
by that office. Confirmation of receipt can be obtained from Ms. Lisa
Harvey (see Section VII. for contact information). All Applicants are
advised that U.S. mail delivery in the Washington DC area can be slow
and erratic due to concerns involving contamination. All Applicants
must take this into consideration when preparing to meet the
application deadline.
    Applicants may also apply online at

Applicants submitting proposals online are requested to refrain from
mailing a hard copy application as well. It is strongly recommended
that Applicants using immediately initiate and complete the ``Get Registered'' registration steps at http:// These steps may take

multiple days to complete, and this time should be factored into plans
for electronic submission in order to avoid facing unexpected delays
that could result in the rejection of an application. It is also
recommended that Applicants using consult the Web site's Frequently Asked Questions and Applicant User
Guide, which are available at, and, respectively.    If submitting electronically through,
Applicants must save the application document as a .doc, .pdf, .txt or
.xls file. Any application received on after the

deadline will be considered as non-responsive and will not be

4. Intergovernmental Review

    This funding opportunity is not subject to Executive Order 12372,
``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.''

5. Restrictions, Unallowable Activities, and Specific Prohibitions

    USDOL/ILAB would like to highlight the following restrictions,
unallowable activities, and specific prohibitions, as identified in OMB
Circular A-122, 29 CFR part 95, 29 CFR part 98, and other USDOL policy,
for all USDOL-funded child labor technical cooperation projects. If any
Grantee has questions regarding these or other restrictions,
consultation with USDOL/ILAB is recommended.
A. Pre-Award Costs
    Pre-award costs, including costs associated with the preparation of
an application submitted in response to this solicitation, are not
reimbursable under the Cooperative Agreement (see also Section VI.3.E.
B. Subgrants
    The funding for this program does not include authority for
subgrants. Therefore, the Grantee may not subgrant any of the funds
obligated under the Cooperative Agreement. Subgranting may not be
included in the budget as a line item or in the text of the
application. However, subcontracting may be included as a budget line
item. Subcontracts must be awarded in accordance with 29 CFR 95.40-48
and are subject to audit, in accordance with the requirements of 29 CFR
95.26(d). Subcontracts awarded after the Cooperative Agreement is
signed, and not proposed in the application, must be awarded through a
formal competitive bidding process, unless prior written approval is
obtained from USDOL.
    The determination of whether a Grantee's relationship with a
subrecipient would constitute a subgrant or subcontract is determined
primarily with reference to an agreement's general purpose,
programmatic functions, and responsibilities given to the subrecipient.
These three elements should be closely examined, together with the
usual characteristics (terms and performance standards, scope of work,
etc.). In case of doubt, consultations are expected to be held between
USDOL and the Grantee with a view to ensuring proper determination of
the particular agreement. As a reference tool in determining whether an
agreement is a subgrant or a subcontract, see Appendix B. The table in
Appendix B is for reference only and does not create any legally
binding obligation.
    See also Section IV.5.F.-H. for related references on Grantee and
subcontractor prohibitions related to Prostitution, Inherently
Religious Activities, and Terrorism. In addition, the debarment and
suspension rule, as outlined in 29 CFR 95.13 and 29 CFR part 98,
applies to all subcontracts issued under the Cooperative Agreement.
Grantees are responsible for ensuring that all subcontractors meet this
requirement. Detailed information on subcontracts may be requested by
USDOL during the Best and Final Offer (BAFO) process.
    In compliance with Executive Orders 12876, as amended, 13230, 12928
and 13021, as amended, Grantees are strongly encouraged to provide
subcontracting opportunities to Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions and Tribal Colleges and
C. Lobbying and Intent To Influence
    Funds provided by USDOL for project expenditures under this
Cooperative Agreement may not be used with the intent to influence a
member of the U.S. Congress, a member of any U.S. Congressional staff,
or any official of any federal, state, or local government in the
United States (hereinafter ``government official(s)''), to favor,
adopt, or oppose, by vote or otherwise, any U.S. legislation, law,
ratification, policy, or appropriation, or to influence in any way the
outcome of a political election in the United States, or to contribute
to any political party or campaign in the United States, or for
activities carried on for the purpose of supporting or knowingly
preparing for such efforts. This includes awareness raising and
advocacy activities that include fund-raising or lobbying of U.S.
federal, state, or local governments. (See OMB Circular A-122). This
does not include communications for the purpose of providing
information about the Grantees and their programs or activities, in
response to a request by any government official, or for consideration
or action on the merits of a federally-sponsored agreement or relevant
regulatory matter by a government official.
    Under the Cooperative Agreement, no activity, including awareness
raising and advocacy activities, may include fund-raising, or lobbying
of U.S. Federal, State or Local Governments (see OMB Circular A-122).
CODE AS A 501(c)(4) ENTITY (see 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(4)), MAY NOT ENGAGE
ANY IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. According to the Lobbying Disclosure Act of
1995, as codified at 2 U.S.C. 1611, an organization, as described in
Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code

[[Page 34286]]

of 1986, that engages in lobbying activities directed toward the U.S.
Government will not be eligible for the receipt of Federal funds
constituting an award, grant, Cooperative Agreement, or loan.
D. Funds to Host Country Governments
    USDOL funds awarded under Cooperative Agreements are not intended
to duplicate existing foreign government efforts or substitute for
activities that are the responsibility of such governments. Therefore,
in general, Grantees may not provide any of the funds obligated under a
Cooperative Agreement to a foreign government or entities that are
agencies of, or operated by or for, a foreign state or government,
ministries, officials, or political parties. However, subcontracts with
foreign government agencies or entities that are agencies of, or
operated by or for, a foreign state or government may be awarded to
undertake relevant research activities subject to applicable laws only
after the Grantee has determined that no other entity in the country is
able to provide these services. In such cases, Grantees must receive
prior USDOL approval before awarding the subcontract.
E. Miscellaneous Prohibitions
    In addition, USDOL funds may not be used to provide for:
     The purchase of land;
     The procurement of goods or services used for private
purposes by the Grantee's employees;
     Entertainment, including amusement, diversion, and social
activities and any costs directly associated with entertainment (such
as tickets, meals, lodging, rentals, transportation, and gratuities).
Costs of training or meetings and conferences, when the primary purpose
is the dissemination of technical information, are allowable. This
includes reasonable costs of meals and refreshments, transportation,
rental of facilities and other items incidental to such meetings and
conferences. Costs related to child labor educational activities, such
as street plays and theater, are allowable; and
     Alcoholic beverages.
F. Prostitution
    The U.S. Government is opposed to prostitution and related
activities which are inherently harmful and dehumanizing and contribute
to the phenomenon of trafficking in persons. U.S. Grantees, and their
subcontractors, cannot use funds provided by USDOL to lobby for,
promote or advocate the legalization or regulation of prostitution as a
legitimate form of work. Foreign-based NGOs, and their subcontractors,
that receive funds provided by USDOL for projects to fight trafficking
in persons cannot lobby for, promote or advocate the legalization or
regulation of prostitution as a legitimate form of work while acting as
a subcontractor on a USDOL-funded project. It is the responsibility of
the Grantee to ensure its subcontractors meet these criteria, and this
provision must be included in any applicable subcontract that the
Grantee awards using USDOL funds and the Grantee will obtain a written
declaration to such an effect from the subcontractor concerned.
G. Inherently Religious Activities
    The U.S. Government is generally prohibited from providing direct
financial assistance for inherently religious activities. The Grantee
and/or its Associates may work with and subcontract with religious
institutions; however, Federal funding provided under a USDOL-awarded
Cooperative Agreement may not be used for religious instruction,
worship, prayer, proselytizing, other inherently religious activities,
or the purchase of religious materials. Neutral, non-religious criteria
that neither favor nor disfavor religion were employed in the selection
of Cooperative Agreement awardees and must be employed by the Grantee
in the selection of subcontractors. This provision must be included in
all subcontracts issued under the Cooperative Agreement. In addition,
Grantees must take steps to ensure that inherently religious activities
are clearly separated in time or physical space from those funded by
USDOL under the Cooperative Agreement. For additional guidance, please
consult the White House Web site for Faith-Based and Community
Initiatives at
 In addition, for any matters of uncertainty, USDOL

should always be consulted for prior approval.
H. Terrorism
    Applicants are reminded that U.S. Executive Orders and U.S. law
prohibit transactions with, and the provision of resources and support
to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the
policy of USDOL to seek to ensure that none of its funds are used,
directly or indirectly, to provide support to individuals or entities
associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of the
Grantee to ensure compliance with these Executive Orders and laws.
Applicants to this solicitation and Grantees subsequently awarded
funding by USDOL under this solicitation must check the following Web
sites to assess available information on parties that are excluded from
receiving Federal financial and nonfinancial assistance and benefits,
pursuant to the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 6101, note, E.O. 12549, E.O.
12689, 48 CFR 9.404: and
 This provision must be
rovision must be

6. Review and Selection Process

    The Office of Procurement Services at USDOL will screen all
applications to determine whether all required elements, as identified
in Section IV.2.above, are present and clearly identifiable. If an
application does not include all of the required elements, including
required attachments, it will be considered unresponsive and will be
rejected. Once an application is deemed unresponsive, the Office of
Procurement Services will send a letter to the Applicant, which will
state that the application was incomplete, indicate which document was
missing from the application, and explain that the technical review
panel will be unable to rate the application.
    The following documents must be included in the application package
in order for the application to be deemed complete and responsive:
    (1) A Cost Proposal;
    (2) A Technical Proposal, including all the attachments listed in
section IV.2.;
    (3) The Applicant's most recent audit report, and those of any
proposed Associates or sub-contractors (as applicable);
    (4) R[eacute]sum[eacute]s of all key personnel candidates and all
other professional personnel;
    (5) Signed letters of agreement to serve on the project from all
key personnel candidates;
    (6) Information on the Applicant's previous and current grants,
Cooperative Agreements, or contracts with USDOL and other Federal
agencies that are relevant to this solicitation; and
    (7) Signed partnership agreement(s), if applicable.
    Each complete application will be objectively rated by a technical
review panel against the criteria described in this solicitation.
Applicants are advised that panel recommendations to the Grant Officer
are advisory in nature. The Grant Officer may elect to select a Grantee
on the basis of the initial application submission or the Grant Officer
may establish a competitive or

[[Page 34287]]

technically acceptable range from which qualified Applicants will be
selected. If deemed appropriate, the Grant Officer may call for the
preparation and receipt of final revisions of applications, following
which the evaluation process described above, may be repeated, in whole
or in part, to consider such revisions. The Grant Officer will make
final selection determinations based on panel findings and
consideration of factors that represent the greatest advantage to the
government, such as cost, the availability of funds, and other factors.
If USDOL does not receive technically acceptable applications in
response to this solicitation, USDOL reserves the right to terminate
the competition and not make any award. The Grant Officer's
determinations for awards under this solicitation are final.

    Note to All Applicants: Selection of an organization as a
potential Cooperative Agreement recipient does not constitute
approval of the Cooperative Agreement application as submitted.
Before the actual Cooperative Agreement is awarded, USDOL may enter
into negotiations about such items as program components, funding
levels, and administrative systems in place to support Cooperative
Agreement implementation. If the negotiations do not result in an
acceptable submission, the Grant Officer reserves the right to
terminate the negotiation and decline to fund the application. In
addition, the Grant Officer reserves the right to negotiate program
components further after award, during the project design
consolidation phase and Project Document submission and review
process. See Section VI.2.

7. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates

    Designation decisions will be made, where possible, within 45 days
after the deadline for submission of proposals. USDOL is not obligated
to make any awards as result of this solicitation, and only the Grant
Officer can bind USDOL to the provision of funds under this
solicitation. Unless specifically provided in the Cooperative
Agreement, acceptance of a proposal and/or award of Federal funds does
not waive any Cooperative Agreement requirements and/or procedures.

V. Application Review Information

1. Application Evaluation Criteria

    This section identifies and describes the criteria that will be
used to evaluate applications submitted in response to USDOL's
Solicitation for Cooperative Agreement Applications on the basis of 100
points. Applicants are required to address all of the following rating
factors in their Technical Proposal: Research Background and
Significance (20 points), Research Design (40 points), Key Personnel/
Management Plan/Staffing (20 points), Organizational Capacity (15
points), and Budget Cost-Effectiveness (5 points). Applicants should
note that additional points may be given to applications realistically
proposing to include committed non-Federal leveraged resources as
described below in section V(1)(F) (Cost-Sharing 5 points).
    Please note that all information and requirements presented in
Section I.2. Scope of Work and Appendix A: USDOL's Definitions of Key
Terms will be taken into consideration when evaluating applications on
the basis of the technical rating criteria outlined in this section.
Applicants' Cost Proposals will be considered when evaluating the
rating criteria Research/Budget Cost-Effectiveness. When preparing the
Technical Proposal, Applicants must follow the outline provided in
Appendix C and ensure that the Technical Proposal does not exceed the
maximum length of 45 pages.
    A. Research Background and Significance: 20 points.
    B. Research Methodology: 40 points.
    C. Key Personnel/Management Plan/Staffing: 20 points.
    D. Organizational Capacity: 20 points.
    E. Budget Cost-Effectiveness: 5 points.
    F. Cost-Sharing: 5 extra points.
    Part A and B of the Technical Proposal constitute the ``preliminary
project design document'' and serves as the basis of the final Project
Document to be submitted and approved by USDOL after Cooperative
Agreement award. Applicants' Technical Proposals must describe in
detail the proposed research methodology to carry out the objective of
this solicitation.
A. Research Background and Significance (20 Points)
    Applicants must discuss their understanding of child labor in the
carpet industry, research gaps on the topic, and the link to
eliminating exploitive child labor. Applicants will be rated based on
their: (a) knowledge of children working in the carpet industry and the
specific country contexts that drives the supply and demand for
children's work in the carpet industry in India, Nepal, and Pakistan;
(b) familiarity with previously conducted research on child labor in
their carpet industry and their strengths and limitations; (c)
awareness of existing interventions to prevent child labor in the
carpet industry's supply chain, particularly for the export sector; and
(d) awareness of the policy and implementing environment in the
research countries.
B. Research Methodology (40 Points)
    Applicants must discuss their proposed research methodology to
address the research objective, research questions, and methodological
requirements detailed in Section I.2. Applicants will be rated on the
strength of their proposed research methodology, and the feasibility of
carrying out all stated research activities within the timeframe of
this Cooperative Agreement. Applicants must include the sections
outlined for the research methodology in Appendix C. All sections of
the research methodology listed in Appendix C will be evaluated for the
Technical Proposal.
C. Key Personnel/Management Plan/Staffing (20 Points)
    Successful performance of the proposed work depends heavily on the
management skills and qualifications of the Principal Investigator/
Project Director (PI/PD), as well as the project research team.
Accordingly, in its evaluation of each application, USDOL will consider
the following:
     Whether the PI/PD is appropriately trained and well-suited
to carry out the scope of work;
     The appropriateness of the scope of work to the experience
level of the PI/PD and other researchers;
     The complementary and integrated expertise of the proposed
research team to successfully carry out the scope of work; and
     The potential of the PI/PD and other proposed researchers
to translate their previous knowledge, skills and research experience
to the areas of study under the current solicitation, and their
potential to make significant contributions to the field of child labor
research and data collection.
    In order to promote and increase national and local capacity, USDOL
encourages the hiring of qualified national experts and data collection
organizations. USDOL also encourages Applicants to consider strategies
that aim to develop the capacity of private sector national or local
organizations to carry out research and data collection activities on
child labor. (See section IV.5.D.) Applicants that propose feasible
strategies to develop local or national capacity will, all other things
being equal, be rated higher on this factor.
    i. Key Personnel. Applicants must identify all key personnel/
candidates proposed to carry out the requirements of this solicitation.
``Key personnel'' are staff (PI/PD and Child Labor Research Specialist)
that are essential to the successful operation of the project and
completion of the proposed work.

[[Page 34288]]

    (1) The PI/PD will be responsible for overall project management,
supervision, administration, and implementation of the requirements of
the Cooperative Agreement. The PI/PD will establish and maintain
systems for research operations, including methodological development;
ensure that all Cooperative Agreement deadlines are met and outputs
submitted; maintain working relationships with project stakeholders and
partners; and oversee the preparation and submission of progress and
financial reports. The PI/PD must have a Ph.D. and a minimum of five
years of professional experience in a leadership role in implementation
of large-scale research studies in the social sciences. Candidates with
additional years of experience including experience working with
officials of national statistical offices will be rated more highly.
Preferred candidates must also have knowledge of exploitive child labor
issues, and experience in the development of research methodologies to
investigate the worst forms of child labor. Fluency in English is
    (2) The Child Labor Research Specialist will provide leadership in
developing the technical aspects of this project in collaboration with
the PI/PD. This person must have at least three years experience in
working successfully with research teams, and assisting with the
development and implementation of research projects on child labor in
developing countries. This person must also have demonstrated
experience in survey and research design and data analysis. Fluency in
English is required.
    (3) In addition to key personnel, a technical specialist in
sampling design should be included in the project team, but does not
have to be dedicated to the project 100 percent of the time.
    Applicants must include a resume, as well as a description of the
roles and responsibilities of all key and other professional personnel
(as described below) proposed. Resumes must be submitted as an
attachment to the application and will not count toward the page limit.
At a minimum, each resume must include the following:
     The educational background and previous work experience
for each key and other professional personnel to be assigned to the
project, including position title, duties, dates, employing
organizations, and clearly defined duties;
     The special capabilities of key personnel that demonstrate
prior experience in organizing, managing and performing similar
efforts; and
     The current employment status of key personnel and
availability for this project.
    Applicants must also indicate whether the proposed work will be
performed by persons currently employed by the applying
organization(s), and if so, for how long, or is dependent upon planned
recruitment or subcontracting.
    Applicants must also include a completed salary history form SF
1420 for each key personnel candidate in their application. This form
is available from the U.S. Agency for International Development's Web
site at: A link to this form is also available on USDOL's Web site:


    All key personnel must allocate 100 percent of their time to the
project. The PI/PD and Child Labor Research Specialist positions must
not be combined. Proposed key personnel candidates must sign letters of
agreement to serve on the project and indicate their availability to
commence work within 30 calendar days of the Cooperative Agreement
award. Please note: If key personnel candidates are not designated, or
if letters of agreement to serve on the project or resumes are not
submitted as part of the application for each key personnel candidate,
the application will be considered unresponsive and will be rejected.
The letters of agreement, resumes, and salary history forms (SF 1420)
must be submitted as attachments to the application and will not count
toward the page limit.
    Key personnel must be employed by the Grantee, not a subcontractor.
In the case of an Association, the PI/PD must be employed by the Lead
Grantee. In cases of Associations where Applicants propose that other
key personnel would not all be employed by the Lead Grantee, a clear
indication of the following must be provided in the application: the
rationale for dividing key personnel among the members; the lines of
authority among key personnel and other staff; the process of
supervision and evaluation of personnel who are not members of the same
organization; the process by which all parties would come to agreement
on key implementation issues; and mechanisms of conflict resolution
should the need arise.
    i. Other Professional Personnel. Applicants must identify other
program personnel deemed necessary for carrying out the requirements of
this solicitation, including data analysts, research assistants,
programmers, editors, etc. Applicants must also indicate whether the
proposed work by other professional personnel who are employed or have
been identified will be performed by persons currently employed by the
    ii. Management Plan. Applicants will be rated based on the clarity
and quality of the information provided in the management plan. The
plan must include (a) a description of the functional relationship
between elements of the project's management structure; and (b) the
responsibilities of project staff and management and the lines of
authority between project staff and other elements of the project.
    iii. Staff Loading Plan. The staff loading plan must identify all
key tasks and the person-days required to complete each task. Labor
estimated for each task must be broken down by individuals assigned to
the task, including PI/PD, Child Labor Research Specialist, data
analysts, research assistants, programmers, editors, consultants, and
subcontractors. All key tasks should be charted to show the time
required to perform them by months or weeks. Applicants will be rated
based on the clarity and quality of the information provided in the
staff loading plan.
D. Organizational Capacity (15 Points)
    Under this criterion, Applicants must present the qualifications of
the organization(s) implementing the project. The evaluation criteria
in this category are as follows:
    i. International and U.S. Government Grant Experience. Applicants
must have international experience conducting scientifically valid
research in the social sciences, preferably on child labor and in the
countries of interest.
    The application must include information on previous and current
grants, Cooperative Agreements, or contracts of the Applicant with
USDOL and other Federal agencies that are relevant to this
solicitation, including:
    (1) The organizations for which the work was done;
    (2) A contact person in that organization with his/her current
phone number;
    (3) The dollar value of the grant, contract, or Cooperative
Agreement for the project;
    (4) The time frame and professional effort involved in the project;
    (5) A brief summary of the work performed; and
    (6) A brief summary of accomplishments.
    This information on previous grants, Cooperative Agreements, and
contracts held by the Applicant must be provided in appendices and will
not count

[[Page 34289]]

against the maximum page requirement. USDOL reserves the right to
contact the organizations listed and use the information provided in
evaluating applications.

    Note to All Applicants: In judging organizational capacity,
USDOL will take into account not only information provided by an
Applicant, but also information from USDOL and others regarding past
performance of organizations implementing USDOL-funded child labor
projects, or activities for USDOL and others. Past performance will
be rated by such factors as the timeliness of deliverables and the
responsiveness of the organization and its staff to USDOL or grantor
communications regarding deliverables and Cooperative Agreement or
contractual requirements. In addition, the performance of the
organization's key personnel on existing projects with USDOL or
other entities, whether the organization has a history of replacing
key personnel with similarly qualified staff, and the timeliness of
replacing key personnel, will also be taken into consideration when
rating past performance. Lack of past experience with USDOL
projects, Cooperative Agreements, grants, or contracts is not a bar
to eligibility or selection under this solicitation.

    ii. Country Presence and Collaborations. Given the need to conduct
in-country research, Applicants will be evaluated on their ability to
start up research activities soon after signing a Cooperative
Agreement. Having country presence, or partnering with in-country
organizations, represents the best chance of expediting the
implementation of research activities. In their application, Applicants
must address their organization's country presence; collaborative
arrangements including those with host country governments, NGOs, and
national research organizations, as applicable; and ability to start up
project activities in a timely fashion.
    iii. Fiscal Oversight. Applicants will be evaluated on their
ability to demonstrate evidence that the organization has a sound
financial system in place. If an Applicant is a U.S.-based, non-profit
organization already subject to the single audit requirements, the
Applicant's most recent single audit, as submitted to the Federal Audit
Clearinghouse, must accompany the application as an attachment. In
addition, applications must show that they have complied with report
submission timeframes established in OMB Circular A-133. If an
Applicant is not in compliance with the requirements for completing
their single audit, the application will be considered unresponsive and
will be rejected. If an Applicant is a for-profit or foreign-based
organization, a copy of its most current independent financial audit
must accompany the application as an attachment.
    Applicants should also submit a copy of the most recent single
audit report for all proposed U.S.-based, non-profit partners,
Association members and subcontractors that are subject to the Single
Audit Act. If the proposed Association member(s) or partner(s) is a
for-profit or foreign-based organization, a copy of its most current
independent financial audit should accompany the application as an
    If the audit submitted by the Applicant reflects any adverse
opinions, the application will not be further considered by the
technical review panel and will be rejected. USDOL reserves the right
to ask further questions on any audit report submitted as part of an
application. USDOL also reserves the right to place special conditions
on Grantees if concerns are raised in their audit reports.
    In order to expedite the screening of applications and to ensure
that the appropriate audits are attached to the proposals, Applicants
must provide a cover sheet to the audit attachments listing all
proposed Association members and subcontractors. These attachments will
not count toward the application page limit.
E. Budget Cost-Effectiveness (5 Points)
    This section will be evaluated on the basis of information
contained in Applicants' Cost Proposals in accordance with applicable
Federal laws and regulations. The budget must comply with Federal cost
principles (which can be found in the applicable OMB Circulars). The
requirements for Cost Proposals, including an Outputs-Based Budget, are
listed in Section IV.2. A budget summary must be included in the
application and should include the cost breakdown.
    The evaluation of this section will focus on the extent to which
the budget reflects research goals and methodological design consistent
with the Work Plan in a cost-effective way to reflect budget/
performance integration.
    All projected costs should be reported, as they will become part of
the Cooperative Agreement upon award. In their Cost Proposal (Part I of
the application), Applicants must reflect a breakdown of the total
administrative costs into direct administrative costs and indirect
administrative costs. The Grant Officer reserves the right to negotiate
administrative cost levels prior to award.
    This section of the application must explain the costs for
performing all of the requirements presented in this solicitation and
for producing all required reports and other deliverables (see Section
VI.4.). The project budget must therefore include funds to plan,
implement, and report on all research activities and other deliverables
(including annual single audits or attestation engagements, as
applicable) and finance at lease four trips to be taken by the PI/PD to
meet with USDOL officials in Washington, DC.
    In addition, the budget should include a contingency provision,
calculated at five percent of the project's total direct costs. USDOL
has determined that the use of contingency provision funds for USDOL-
funded projects is essential to address circumstances affecting
specific budget lines that relate to one or more of the following: (1)
Inflation affecting specific project costs; (2) UN System or foreign
government-mandated salary scale or benefits revisions; and (3)
exchange rate fluctuations. USDOL also recognizes that certain
extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances may arise that will lead to
a need for exceptions to the aforementioned uses of contingency
provision funds, related to the need for modifications to budgets or
time extensions. These include but are not limited to the following:
(1) Changes in a country's security environment; (2) natural disasters;
(3) civil or political unrest/upheavals or government transitions; or
(4) delays related to loss of or damage to project property. USDOL will
not provide additional funding to cover unanticipated costs.
    Applicants are also instructed that the project budget submitted
with the application must include all necessary and sufficient funds,
without reliance on other contracts, grants, or awards, to implement's
proposed project activities and to achieve proposed research goals
under this solicitation. If anticipated funding from another contract,
grant, or award fails to materialize, USDOL will not provide additional
funding to cover these costs.
    Where applicable, applicants are encouraged to discuss the
possibility of exemption from customs and Value Added Tax (VAT) with
host government officials during the preparation of an application for
this Cooperative Agreement. While USDOL encourages host governments to
not apply customs or VAT taxes to USDOL-funded programs, some host
governments may nevertheless choose to assess such taxes. USDOL may not
be able to provide assistance in this regard. Applicants should take
into account such costs in budget preparation. If major costs are
omitted, a Grantee may not be allowed to include them later.

[[Page 34290]]

    Note to Applicants: After award, grantees must obtain prior
approval from USDOL before using unobligated contingency funds.
Twelve months before the project ends, after calculating the amounts
needed for cost increases in the remaining life of the project,
forecasted remaining funds in the contingency provision funds may be
used to conduct additional data analysis, report writing, and
augment data dissemination plans to increase the availability of the
study findings.

F. Cost Sharing (5 extra Points)
    USDOL will give up to five (5) additional rating points to
applications that include committed non-U.S. federal government
resources that significantly expand the dollar amount, size and scope
of the project. These programs or activities must complement and
enhance project objectives. To be eligible for the additional points,
Applicants must list the source(s) of funds, the nature, and possible
activities anticipated with these resources under this Cooperative

VI. Award Administration Information

1. Award Notices

    The Grant Officer will notify Applicants of designation results as
    Designation Letter: The designation letter signed by the Grant
Officer will serve as official notice of an organization's designation.
The designation letter will be accompanied by a Cooperative Agreement
and USDOL-OCFT's 2007 Management Procedures and Guidelines (MPG).
    Non-Designation Letter: Any organization not designated will be
notified formally of the non-designation. However, organizations not
designated must formally request a debriefing in order to be provided
with the basic reasons for the determination.
    Notification of designation by a person or entity other than the
Grant Officer is not valid.

2. Roles and Responsibilities of USDOL and Grantees

    The principal purpose of the USDOL-Grantee relationship is the
transfer of money, property, services, or anything of value to the
recipient in order to accomplish a public purpose of support or
stimulation authorized by Federal statute. The Grantee is not allowed
to charge a fee (profit). In general, USDOL's Bureau of International
Labor Affairs/Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
(ILAB/OCFT) uses a Cooperative Agreement modality with its Grantees.
    USDOL's involvement focuses on working with the Grantee in order to
refine the Project Design/Project Document and its corresponding
budget; and monitor implementation through progress reports. USDOL
involvement is generally characterized by written comments and oral
feedback tied to the approval of deliverables outlined in the
Cooperative Agreement. USDOL staff may also conduct field visits to the
    Applicable provisions of law and regulation, including those
provided for in the USDOL Cooperative Agreement with the Grantee, apply
to subcontracts entered into under USDOL-funded projects.

3. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

A. General
    Grantees are subject to applicable U.S. Federal laws (including
provisions of appropriations laws) and regulations, Executive Orders,
applicable OMB Circulars, and USDOL policies. If during project
implementation a Grantee is found in violation of U.S. government laws
and regulations, the terms of the Cooperative Agreement awarded under
this solicitation may be modified by USDOL; costs may be disallowed and
recovered; the Cooperative Agreement may be terminated; and USDOL may
take other action permitted by law. Determinations of allowable costs
will be made in accordance with the applicable U.S. Federal cost
B. Project Audits and External Auditing Arrangements
    Applicants are reminded to budget for compliance with the annual
single audits or attestation engagements as applicable (see below).
Costs for these audits or attestation engagements must be included in
direct or indirect costs, whichever is appropriate, in accordance with
the cost allocation procedures approved by the U.S. Federal cognizant
    USDOL has also contracted with an independent external auditor to
conduct project-specific attestation engagements at USDOL's expense to
supplement the coverage provided by the audits/engagements that
Grantees must arrange. Grantees scheduled for examination by USDOL's
contractor will be notified approximately two to four weeks prior to
the start of the engagement. Please note the following requirements:
    i. U.S.-based non-profit Grantees must conduct audits in accordance
with 29 CFR parts 96 and 99, which codify the requirements of the
Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133, and must comply with the
timeframes established in those regulations for the submission of their
audits to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. Grantees must send a copy of
their single audit to their assigned USDOL Grant Officer Technical
Representative (GOTR) at the time it is submitted to the Federal Audit
    ii. Foreign-based Grantees and private for-profit Grantees that are
awarded a Cooperative Agreement under this solicitation must arrange
for the annual performance of an attestation engagement, conducted in
accordance with U.S. Government Auditing Standards, which includes
auditor's opinions on (1) compliance with USDOL regulations and the
provisions of the Cooperative Agreement, and (2) the reliability of the
Grantee's financial and performance reports. USDOL will provide an
examination guide to be used by the auditor selected by the Grantee to
perform the attestation engagement and will provide assistance in the
event a Grantee is unable to identify an audit firm qualified to
perform an attestation engagement in accordance with U.S. Government
Auditing Standards. The Grantee's contract with the auditor to conduct
the attestation engagement must include provisions granting access to
the auditor's documentation (work papers) to representatives of USDOL,
including the Grant Officer, the GOTR, and the USDOL's Office of the
Inspector General. The reports for these engagements are to be
submitted to the Grant Officer with a copy to the GOTR (1) 30 days
after receipt of the auditor's report, or (2) nine months after the end
of the Grantee's fiscal year, whichever occurs sooner.

    Please Note: USDOL generally allows the costs to be allocated
based on the following (applicable to U.S.-based agencies only): (1)
A-133 ``single audit'' costs as part of the indirect cost rate/pool
for organizations with more than one Federal source of funding.
Organizations with only one Federal source could charge the A-133
single audit cost as direct costs; (2) A-133 ``compliance
supplement'' costs--as direct costs for Federal sources only through
a cost allocation methodology approved by the Federal cognizant
agency; or (3) A-133 program specific audits as direct costs. Any
deviations from the above must be explained and justified in the

C. Administrative Standards and Provisions
    Cooperative Agreements awarded under this solicitation are subject
to the following administrative standards and provisions outlined in
the CFR that pertain to USDOL, and any other applicable standards that
come into effect during the term of the Cooperative

[[Page 34291]]

Agreement, if applicable to a particular Grantee:
    ii. 29 CFR Part 2 Subpart D--Equal Treatment in Department of Labor
Programs for Religious Organizations; Protection of Religious Liberty
of Department of Labor Social Service Providers and Beneficiaries.
    iii. 29 CFR Part 31--Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted
Programs of the Department of Labor--Effectuation of Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964.
    iv. 29 CFR Part 32--Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in
Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial
    v. 29 CFR Part 33--Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of
Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Department of
    vi. 29 CFR Part 35--Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in
Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance from the
Department of Labor.
    vii. 29 CFR Part 36--Federal Standards for Nondiscrimination on the
Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal
Financial Assistance.
    viii. 29 CFR Part 93--New Restrictions on Lobbying.
    ix. 29 CFR Part 95--Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants
and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and
other Non-Profit Organizations, and with Commercial Organizations,
Foreign Governments, Organizations Under the Jurisdiction of Foreign
Governments and International Organizations.
    x. 29 CFR Part 96--Federal Standards for Audit of Federally Funded
Grants, Contracts and Agreements.
    xi. 29 CFR Part 98--Federal Standards for Government-wide Debarment
and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Government-wide Requirements for
Drug-Free Workplace (Grants).
    xii. 29 CFR Part 99--Federal Standards for Audits of States, Local
Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations.
    Copies of all regulations referenced in this solicitation are
available at no cost, online, at A copy of Title 29

of the CFR referenced in this solicitation is available at no cost,
online, at

    Grantees should be aware that terms outlined in this solicitation,
the Cooperative Agreement, and the MPGs are all applicable to the
implementation of projects awarded under this solicitation.
D. Key Personnel
    As noted in Section V.1.C., Applicants must list all Key Personnel
candidates. The Grantee must inform the GOTR in the event that key
personnel cannot continue to work on the project as planned. The
Grantee is expected to nominate, through the submission of a formal
project revision, new personnel. (Further information on project
revisions will be provided to Grantees after award). However, the
Grantee must obtain approval from the Grant Officer before any change
to key personnel is formalized. If the Grant Officer is unable to
approve the personnel change, s/he reserves the right to terminate the
Cooperative Agreement or disallow costs.
E. Encumbrance of Cooperative Agreement Funds
    Cooperative Agreement funds may not be encumbered/obligated by a
Grantee before or after the period of performance. Encumbrances/
obligations outstanding as of the end of the Cooperative Agreement
period may be liquidated (paid out) after the end of the Cooperative
Agreement period. Such encumbrances/obligations may involve only
specified commitments for which a need existed during the Cooperative
Agreement period and that are supported by approved contracts, purchase
orders, requisitions, invoices, bills, or other evidence of liability
consistent with a Grantee's purchasing procedures and incurred within
the Cooperative Agreement period.
    All encumbrances/obligations incurred during the Cooperative
Agreement period must be liquidated within 90 calendar days after the
end of the Cooperative Agreement period, unless a longer period of time
is granted by USDOL.
    Federal Regulations require Grantees to submit annually an
inventory listing of federally-owned property in their custody to
USDOL. See 29 CFR 95.33(a). Such property must be inventoried and
secured throughout the life of the project. At the end of the project,
USDOL and the Grantee are expected to determine how to best allocate
such property.
F. Site Visits
    USDOL, through its authorized representatives, has the right, at
all reasonable times, to make site visits to review project
accomplishments and management control systems and to provide such
technical assistance as may be required. USDOL intends to make every
effort to notify the Grantee at least two weeks in advance of any trip
to the USDOL-funded project site. If USDOL makes any site visit on the
premises of a Grantee or a subcontractor(s) under the Cooperative
Agreement, the Grantee must provide, and must require its
subcontractors to provide, all reasonable facilities and assistance for
the safety and convenience of government representatives in the
performance of their duties. All site visits and evaluations are
expected to be performed in a manner designed to not unduly delay the
implementation of the project.

4. Reporting and Deliverables

    A Grantee must report to USDOL on a semi-annual basis, or more
frequently if deemed necessary by USDOL, on the implementation of the
program. Guidance on USDOL procedures and management requirements will
be provided to Grantees in the MPGs that are provided with the
Cooperative Agreement. Unless otherwise indicated, a Grantee must
submit copies of all required reports to USDOL by the specified due
dates. Exact timeframes for completion of deliverables will be
addressed in the Cooperative Agreement and the MPGs.
    After award of the Cooperative Agreement the following specific
deliverables will be required.
A. Project Document
    Within 60 calendar days of project award, the Grantee must deliver
a final draft, for approval by USDOL, of the Project Document, based on
the application submitted in response to this solicitation and
including the results of additional consultations with project
stakeholders, government officials in the target countries, local
partners, and USDOL. The Project Document must include a detailed
activities-based Work Plan, including plans to carry out a mapping of
the carpet industry and pilot test survey instruments in the three
countries. An annual Work Plan that updates the initial Work Plan must
be submitted to USDOL annually with the September technical progress
B. Terms of Reference
    Within 90 calendar days of award, Grantees must develop a draft
general Terms of Reference (TOR), for approval by USDOL, to guide the
in-country research conducted by the Grantee's subcontractors. The TOR
must outline the objective, scope, and deliverables for the
subcontractors that includes the timeframe and associated costs for
proposed tasks. Within 120 calendar days of award, the Grantee must

[[Page 34292]]

draft country-specific TORs and submit potential candidates/
subcontractors for data collection.
C. Report Outline
    Within 90 calendar days of award, Grantees must submit for USDOL
approval a general draft report outline that adequately addresses all
of the research questions, and at a minimum describes the data
collection methodologies used, pilot test findings, information on the
country context including cultural, demographic, educational, socio-
economic, and legal and institutional frameworks, conclusions and
recommendations. Grantees may submit suggestions for report formats as
well as relevant dissemination plans.
D. Methodological Plans and Survey Instruments
    Within 210 calendar days of award, the Grantee must draft detailed
methodological plans and survey instruments to USDOL. Draft
methodological plans and survey instruments should include input from
data collection subcontractors and other technical advisors and key
experts knowledgeable on issues related to child labor in South Asia,
particularly the carpet industry, and on child labor data collection.
E. Technical Progress and Financial Reports
    The format for the technical progress reports will be provided in
the MPG distributed to Grantees after the award. Grantees must submit a
typed technical progress report to USDOL on a semi-annual basis by 31
March and 30 September of each year during the Cooperative Agreement
period. However, USDOL reserves the right to require up to four
technical progress reports a year, as necessary. Grantees must also
submit a quarterly financial report (SF 269) electronically to USDOL
through the E-Grants system, and a copy of the Federal Cash
Transactions Report (PSC 272) to USDOL upon its submission to the HHS-
F. Final Report
    At least 90 days prior to the completion of the project, the
Grantee must submit a draft report to USDOL. The final report is
subject to USDOL approval based on the report outline specified above.

VII. Agency Contacts

    All inquiries regarding this solicitation should be directed to:
Ms. Lisa Harvey, U.S. Department of Labor, Procurement Services Center,
200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room S-4307, Washington, DC 20210;
telephone (202) 693-4570 (please note that this is not a toll-free-
number) or e-mail: For a list of frequently asked
questions on USDOL's Solicitation for Cooperative Agreements, please

VIII. Other Information

1. Coordination With ILO/IPEC, other USDOL Grantees, and Other U.S.
Government-Funded Projects

    Recognizing the important work and vast experience of ILO/IPEC in
reducing exploitive child labor and developing research methodologies
to measure child labor world wide, and USDOL's substantial funding and
support for this organization, Grantees are encouraged to establish
good relationships with ILO and IPEC-specific field offices, IPEC/
SIMPOC researchers and statisticians in Geneva, and other U.S.
Government-funded research projects such as those supported by the U.S.
Department of State's Global Trafficking in Persons (GTIP) Office, and
the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in the countries
where they work. Similarly, USDOL intends to inform Grantees of other
organizations that are working on related issues in countries with
USDOL-funded projects. Establishing this type of relationship is
especially important to avoid duplication of efforts and to build
synergies between organizations working in the same issue area.
    Grantees must also become familiar with methodological
developments, standard concepts, and definitions regarding child labor
that are currently used by the ILO, including Convention 138 (Minimum
Age Convention, 1973) and Convention 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labor
Convention, 1999) and their accompanying recommendations.

2. Privacy and Freedom of Information Act

    Any information submitted in response to this solicitation is
subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of
Information Act, as appropriate.

Lisa Harvey,
Grant Officer.

Appendix A: USDOL'S Definitions of Key Terms

    Acceptable Work is work that is performed by children of legal
working age, in accordance with national legislation and
international standards, namely the International Labor
Organization's Conventions 138 and 182; work that is non-exploitive
and non-hazardous and does not prevent a child from receiving the
full benefit of an education. Acceptable work would generally
include, for example, light work that is compatible with national
minimum age legislation and education laws.
    Association(s) are considered Grantees by USDOL. Associations
are two or more organizations (that do not constitute a single legal
entity) who join in applying for an award. Each member of the
Association must be individually eligible for award and must sign,
and agree to be bound jointly and severally by the Cooperative
Agreement. The Association must designate one Associate as the Lead
Grantee. Specific obligations of the Lead Grantee are included in
the Cooperative Agreement. All references to ``Applicant(s)'' and
``Grantee(s)'' refer to Associations as well as individual
    At-risk An ``at-risk'' situation refers to a set of conditions
or circumstances (e.g., family environment or situation, proximity
to economic activities prone to employ children) under which a child
lives or to which it is exposed that make it more likely that the
child will be employed in exploitive child labor. A project-specific
definition of ``at-risk,'' clearly articulating the defining
characteristics of the target group, must be provided with the
application, though this definition may be refined after award in
the Project Document as a result of baseline data collection. For
example, siblings of children formerly engaged in exploitive labor
could be considered at-risk.
    Basic education comprises both formal schooling (primary and
sometimes lower secondary) as well as a wide array of non-formal and
informal public and private educational activities offered to meet
the defined basic learning needs of groups of people of all ages.
(Source: UNESCO, Education for All: Year 2000 Assessment: Glossary
[CD-ROM], Paris, 2001.
    A Child is, for the purposes of this solicitation considered to
be an individual under the age of 18 years.
    Child Labor (see definition of Exploitive Child Labor).
    Children Working (see definition of Working Children).
    Cooperative Agreement is a form of a grant where substantial
involvement is anticipated between the donor (USDOL) and the Grantee
during the performance of the proposed activities. The level of
monitoring and accountability required by USDOL under a Cooperative
Agreement is less than what is required in a contract, but more than
in a regular grant.
    Exploitive Child Labor refers to the worst forms of child labor
outlined in ILO Convention 182, and all types of work that prevent a
child from obtaining an education or impede a child's ability to
learn as outlined in ILO Convention 138.
    ILO Convention 182, Article 3, defines the worst forms of child
labor as comprised of:
    (a) All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such
as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom
and forced or compulsory labor, including forced or compulsory
recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
    (b) The use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution,
the production of

[[Page 34293]]

pornography or for pornographic performances;
    (c) The use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit
activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of
drugs as defined in the relevant international treaties;
    (d) Work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it
is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of
    ILO Convention 138, Minimum Age Convention, Article 7.1(b) is
also used to identify exploitive child labor. Article 7.1(b) states
that children within a particular age range shall not participate in
work that will ``prejudice their attendance at school, their
participation in vocational orientation or training programmes
approved by the competent authority or their capacity to benefit
from the instruction received.''
    Hazardous work refers to work that falls under Article 3(d) of
ILO Convention 182. ILO Recommendation 190, which accompanies ILO
Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, gives additional
guidance on identifying hazardous work. ILO Recommendation 190
states in Section II. Hazardous work, paragraph 3, ``In determining
the types of work referred to under Article 3(d) of the Convention
[ILO Convention 182], and in identifying where they exist,
consideration should be given'' to:
    (a) Work which exposes children to physical, psychological or
sexual abuse;
    (b) Work underground, under water, at dangerous heights or in
confined spaces;
    (c) Work with dangerous machinery, equipment and tools, or which
involves the manual handling or transport of heavy loads;
    (d) Work in an unhealthy environment which may, for example,
expose children to hazardous substances, agents or processes, or to
temperatures, noise levels, or vibrations damaging to their health;
    (e) Work under particularly difficult conditions such as work
for long hours or during the night or work where the child is
unreasonably confined to the premises of the employer In some cases,
the work conditions of children involved in hazardous work may be
improved so as to make the work conditions acceptable for children.
This may include, for example, reducing hours of work or changing
the type of work children perform (i.e., disallowing children in
agriculture from working with heavy machinery or pesticide
applications). However, conditions can only be improved for children
who are legal to work according to the specific laws of the target
countries. If, for example, a child is 9 years old and working in
hazardous child labor in a country whose minimum age is 15 years,
this child should be completely withdrawn from child labor, since
conditions cannot be improved to make it legally acceptable for the
child to work.
    Project Design Consolidation Phase lasts no longer than one year
after award. During this phase, the Grantee outlines the goals and
objectives of the project; identifies activities of the project that
support the stated goals and objectives; establishes specific
deadlines and responsibilities for carrying out the activities of
the project; and determines a timeframe for measuring the progress
and achievements of the project. The Project Design Consolidation
Phase, therefore, includes the development of a Project Document and
Work Plan. Grantees must also address minimum requirements
identified in the Cooperative Agreement, which includes but is not
limited to defining and describing the research methodology;
detailed description of activities; and budget and cost
effectiveness. USDOL may provide technical assistance to Grantees to
refine the Project Document and Work Plan, which, as deliverables,
are subject to approval by USDOL.
    The Project Document serves a number of functions. It describes
the situation that gave rise to a particular project, explains
``why'' a project was started, establishes the plan for what must be
done, outlines what must be produced, by when, and by whom, and what
is expected to happen after the project ends. It can serve as a
reference point for all of the implementing partners involved in a
project. The Project Document also provides the basis for assessing
the success of a project. (The format for the Project Document will
be provided to Grantees after award). For the most part, Grantees
are expected to have already presented an essentially complete
Project Design strategy as part of their application submitted in
response to this solicitation. The Project Document (including a
project budget) is a more refined and revised version of the
application and sets the technical parameters and reference points
for the project according to the standardized format outlined by
USDOL. The original proposal is expected to serve as the basis for
the Grantee's Project Document.
    Trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring,
transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or
services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the
purpose of exploitation.
    Unconditional Worst Forms of Child Labor refers to the worst
forms of child labor that fall under ILO Convention 182 Article 3
parts (a)-(c). Children involved in the unconditional worst forms of
child labor, as defined in ILO Convention 182 Article 3 parts (a)-
(c) above (see definition of exploitive child labor), must no longer
be working to be considered as withdrawn from exploitive labor. That
is, no improvements in the working conditions of children involved
in slavery or slavery-like practices, prostitution or pornography,
or illicit activities will create an acceptable environment for
children to work, even for one hour.
    Work Plan must identify major project activities, deadlines for
completing those activities, and person(s) or institution(s)
responsible for completing these activities. The Work Plan must
correspond to activities identified in the rest of the application.
The Work Plan may vary depending on what is the most logical form.
It may, for example, be divided by project component, country, or
    Working Children includes both children working in acceptable
work and exploitive child labor.
    Worst Forms of Child Labor refers to the forms of child labor
that falls under ILO Convention 182 Article 3 parts (a)-(d),
comprised of the forms of work referred to as ``unconditional worst
forms of child labor'' [parts (a)-(c)] and ``hazardous work'' [part
    Youth are individuals aged 17 and under.

   Appendix B: Definitions and Usual Characteristics of Subgrants vs.
[U.S. Department of Labor Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human
                                    Subgrants           Subcontracts
    *General Purpose........  Subject to an         Subject to an
                               agreement that        agreement in which
                               provides for the      the purpose is
                               transfer of money     primarily to
                               or property to        acquire goods and
                               accomplish a public   services.
                               purpose of support
                               or stimulation as
                               authorized under
                               Federal statute.
    *Focus..................  Carries out one or    Provides goods and
                               more major            services that are
                               programmatic          ancillary or
                               functions.            supportive to the
                                                     operation of the
                                                     Federal program.
    *Recipient                Has responsibility    Responsibility for
     Responsibility.           for programmatic      programmatic
                               decision making,      decision making
                               adherence to          rests primarily
                               applicable Federal    with the party
                               program compliance    providing payment
                               requirements, and     and inspecting
                               is able to            deliverables. Is
                               determine which       subject to
                               participants are      procurement
                               eligible to receive   regulations, but
                               Federal financial     not programmatic
                               assistance.           compliance
Usual Characteristics:

[[Page 34294]]

    Recipients..............  Awarded largely to    Awarded largely to
                               non-profits,          commercial
                               institutions of       enterprises,
                               higher education,     although non-
                               and state and local   profits and state
                               governments. Fewer    or local
                               commercial            governments may
                               enterprises are       respond to a bid or
                               recipients.           negotiated
    Terms & Performance       Less rigorous         More rigorous
     Standards.                according to their    according to their
                               terms and             terms and
                               conditions than       conditions.
                               contracts.            Performance is
                               Performance is        measured against
                               measured against      the delivery of
                               whether the           goods and services.
                               objectives of the
                               Federal program are
                               met (for example,
                               to eliminate
                               exploitive child
    Operational Environment.  Less likely to        Operates in a
                               operate in a          competitive
                               competitive           environment and
                               environment and       provides goods and
                               usually provides      services to many
                               services for a        different
                               public purpose.       purchasers
    Monitoring..............  Less regulated. If    More heavily
                               the task is not       regulated and more
                               accomplished, there   likely to carry
                               may be fewer legal    substantial legal
                               and financial         or financial risk.
    Scope of Work...........  Scope of work,        Scope of work may be
                               deliverables and      less flexible and
                               delivery schedule     more difficult to
                               are more flexible     amend. Firm
                               and easier to amend   delivery schedule
                               when changes are      with deliverables
                               necessary.            subject to rigorous
    Payment Schedule........  Funds usually drawn   Payment is usually
                               down by recipient     made by invoice
                               or paid in a lump     only after goods
                               sum. Payments are     are delivered or
                               based on budgeted     services rendered.
                               amounts rather than   Advances are made
                               the unit cost of      under specific,
                               services.             limited
                                                     Payments are
                                                     related to goods
                                                     delivered or
                                                     services rendered.
* The distinction between subgrants vs. subcontracts should be made
  primarily based on these three definitions. Even if an agreement has
  some or many of the ``usual characteristics'' of a subgrant, project
  managers and auditors should closely examine its purpose, focus, and
  recipient responsibilities (using the definitions provided above)
  before determining whether it meets the definition of a subgrant or

Appendix C: Technical Proposal Format

    A. Research Background and Significance.
    B. Research Methodology/Budget-Cost Effectiveness.
    i. Research Design.
    ii. Population and Sample.
    iii. Data Sources and Collection.
    iv. Data Coding and Management.
    v. Data Analysis.
    vi. Dissemination.
    vii. Limitations to Study.
    viii. Human Subjections Considerations.
    ix. Budget-Cost Effectiveness (with cost of activities linked to
Outputs-Based Budget).
    C. Organizational Capacity.
    i. International and U.S. Government Grant Experience.
    ii. Country Presence.
    iii. Fiscal Oversight.
    D. Key Personnel/Management Plan/Staffing.
    i. Key Personnel.
    ii. Other Professional Personnel.
    iii. Management Plan.
    iv. Staff Loading Plan.

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[FR Doc. E7-12011 Filed 6-20-07; 8:45 am]




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