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Project Status Update

3/5/08 Health Care Facilities Construction Project Status
  • Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC), Phoenix, AZ: Existing 1970 PIMC facility no longer supports the workload needs of the Service Area. The PIMC Master Plan identifies the health system delivery needs for the Metropolitan Phoenix Area. It includes a central facility and three ambulatory care centers (ACC).
    • Southwest ACC in Komatke, AZ. - This project is being constructed through a PL 93-638 contract with the tribe. This project is scheduled for completion in September 2008.
    • Southeast ACC in Chandler, AZ. - In FY 2005 $ 2,590,000 was appropriated for planning and design. This project is being designed through a PL93-638 contract with the tribe. IHS could use $58 million to complete this project.
    • Northeast ACC. – Planning documents approved. No funds have been provided to start this facility.

  • Samuel Simmonds Hospital, Barrow, AK: Design funding was provided by the Denali commission. Funding in FY 2005 was provided to purchase a site, and in FY 2006 to complete the design and start construction. Site purchase completed in April 2007. This project is in the Design Development phase. The FY 2008 appropriation provided $12.7 million to continue construction. The FY 2009 Presidents Budget includes $15.8 million to continue construction.

  • Norton Sound Regional Hospital Nome, AK: All planning documents are complete. The Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) is using funds from the Denali Commission to design the facility. The schematic design phase was approved September 2007. The design is scheduled to be complete by February 2009; Construction is scheduled to start in the summer of 2009. $120,000 reprogrammed in FY 2003 for planning. Denali Commission funding includes $500,000 in FY 2003; $4,680,000 in FY 2005; and $6,000,000 in FY 2006 for design. The NSHC is in dialogue with the Alaska Congressional delegation in an attempt to get funding (approx $11M) either through IHS or the Denali Commission to begin early site work in FY 2008. No funds were appropriated in FY 2008. The IHS could use $48,566,000 in FY 2010 for construction.

  • Fort Yuma Health Center Winterhaven, CA: The PJD was approved May 25, 2007. The anticipated cost of the project is $30.3 M. Project was originally planned and had FY 1989 design funding, but funds were withdrawn in FY 1996 when the inpatient care could not be supported by the IHS. The PJD was rewritten by the Phoenix Area IHS and the Tribe under the new HSP process and was reviewed and approved in May 2007.

  • Cheyenne River Health Center, Eagle Butte, SD: The proposed new health center will replace an existing 27-bed hospital. The workload projections do not meet the current IHS thresholds for an acute care inpatient facility. The proposed new health center will have an 8-bed short stay nursing unit for low acuity patients, and 2-bed birthing center. Reprogrammed: $100,000 planning (FY 2004). Appropriated: $2,765,499 planning & design (FY 2004). $4,930,537 design and construction (FY 2005). 100% Design Documents are complete. The estimated total cost of $111.1 million includes a preliminary estimate of $42.6 million for 133 staff quarters. IHS could use $31 million for one of three construction phases beyond site development and plans to request $15.8 million in FY 2009.

  • Kayenta Health Center, Kayenta, AZ: The existing Health Center complex consists of 11 buildings, for a total area of 3,220 GSM. These structures being located in the existing confined land area are functionally overcrowded and no longer support the workload needs of the Service Unit. Reprogrammed: $66,000 planning (FY 2004). Appropriated: $430,929 design (FY 2005). $3,820,946 design (FY2006). $2,000,000 million design (FY 2007). Total estimated cost of $143.7 million includes $46.5 million for 129 staff quarters units. IHS could use $37.2 million for one of the three construction phases beyond site development.

  • San Carlos Indian Health Service Health Center, San Carlos, AZ: The proposed health center will replace a complex of nine health care structures. The functional inadequacies of the existing facility and site constraints preclude expansion at the existing site. The Program of Requirements is being prepared for approval after the Phase II Site Selection and Evaluation Report (SSER) has been prepared and approved. Appropriated: $555,178 planning and design (FY 2005). Per appropriation language, funds for planning and start of design were distributed from funds appropriated in FY 2005 for Planning Studies. $6,109,778 design (FY2006). $2.0 million for design (FY 2007). Total Cost Estimate of $110.7 million includes $15.3 million for 43 additional staff quarters units. IHS could use $32.9 million in FY 2009.

  • Northern California Youth Regional Treatment Center (YRTC), Northern California: This project is one of two YRTCs authorized by Section 704 of amended P.L. 94-437, Indian Health Care Improvement Act, for the California Area IHS. IHS could use $15.8 million to complete a design-build process.

  • Southern California Youth Regional Treatment Center (YRTC), Southern California: This project is one of two YRTCs authorized by Section 704 of amended P.L. 94-437, Indian Health Care Improvement Act, for the California Area IHS. IHS could use $16.4 million to complete a design-build process. Land purchase underway in Hemet, California.

  • Joint Venture Construction Program: This program is continuing to encourage Tribal Procurement and Construction of healthcare facilities. Several Projects are nearing completion:
    • San Simon (Westside) Healthcare Center on the Tohono O’odham reservation near Tucson Arizona. Facility had its grand opening January 19, 2008, and is preparing to commence operations shortly.
    • Cherokee Muskogee (Three Rivers) Healthcare Center is planning its grand opening February 7, 2008. Lease agreement with IHS is currently under negotiation. IHS is to provide 85% of the total staffing of 219 FTE, for a total of 186 FTE.
    • Lake County Healthcare Center, Lakeport California has commenced design. Joint Venture agreement was signed in October 2007.
    Four new Joint Venture project have recently been added to the list. A panel was convened in mid 2007 to rank order seven potential projects. Of those two were selected to participate in the program. When the appropriation for 2008 was signed, two more projects were selected from the same list. Those projects are:
    FY 2007:
    • Carl Albert Indian Health Facility (Chickasaw Nation), Ada Oklahoma. The Joint Venture Agreement was signed in November of 2007
    • Little Axe Healthcare Center (Absentee Shawnee), Little Axe, Oklahoma.

    FY 2008:
    • Santee Sioux Healthcare Center, Santee Nebraska.
    • Vinita Healthcare Center (Cherokee Nation), Vinita, Oklahoma.

  • New projects recently added to the Five- Year Plan from the Health Care Facilities Construction Priority List include:
    • Gallup Indian Medical Center Replacement Facility - $517.7 M
    • Pueblo Pintado Health Center - $29.9 M
    • Bodaway Gap Health Center - $31.2 M
    • Albuquerque Indian Health Center – Central - $69.4 M
    • Albuquerque Indian Health Center – West - $53.0 M
    • Sells Indian Health Center - $108.4 M
    • Alamo Indian Health Center - $35.5 M
    • Total Estimated Cost: 845.1 M

Indian Health Service
Office of Environmental and Health Engineering
Division of Facilities Planning and Construction
12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 600 C
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Phone: 301-443-1851 Fax: 301-443-1810

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852