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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the qualifications for positions with Social Security?

    Different SSA positions have varying qualifications. See the SSA Positions and Qualifications fact sheet for additional information.

  • Where do I send my application?

    Interested applicants should send their application and/or resume to General questions and inquiries should be sent to .

  • Has Social Security successfully employed people with disabilities?

      Yes, we have successfully employed people with disabilities for many years. See the Success Stories fact sheet for additional information.

  • How does a person with a disability apply for Federal jobs?

    In addition to going to and researching jobs they are interested in applying for, an individual may also contact agency Selective Placement Coordinators to find out if they qualify for an exceptive service appointment. See the Hiring People with Disabilities fact sheet for additional information and the list of Selective Placement Coordinators for regional contacts.

  • As an individual with a severe physical disability, what documentation must I provide when applying for a job?

    If an individual competes for an appointment through the regular application process just as most non-disabled applicants must do, then no documentation is required beyond what is outlined in the vacancy announcement. Individuals with severe physical or psychiatric disabilities as well as those with mental retardation are also eligible for special appointment consideration where, if eligible, he or she may be appointed without competition. If he or she does apply non-competitively on the basis of their disability, he or she will be required to provide proof of their disability and a certification of job readiness. See the Hiring People with Disabilities fact sheet for additional information.

  • What is a reasonable accommodation and can I qualify for it?

    A reasonable accommodation is a modification or an adjustment to a job or the work environment that will enable a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions. Reasonable accommodation also includes adjustments to assure that a qualified individual with a disability has equal benefits and privileges of employment enjoyed by other similarly situated employees without disabilities. The accommodation must be job related and not for personal use (e.g. hearing aids, prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, and transportation to work). See the Reasonable Accommodation fact sheet for additional information.

  • Is an agency required to provide a reasonable accommodation to an employee?

    Yes, an individual is entitled to an accommodation if he or she is a qualified individual with a disability, the accommodation is needed to do the essential functions of the position, and the accommodation is reasonable. The need for reasonable accommodation is determined on a case-by-case basis, considering the following: the individual’s specific disability and existing limitations to the performance of a job function, the essential duties of the job, the work environment, and the feasibility of the proposed accommodation. The employee with a disability must be able to perform the essential functions of the position. A request for an accommodation to perform these essential functions is considered when the request meets the three factors listed above. See the Reasonable Accommodation fact sheet for additional information.

  • What is the Ticket to Work program?

    This is a voluntary employment program for individuals receiving Social Security and/or SSI disability benefits who are interested in working. Participants of this program can receive assistance from a service provider and also use a number of work incentives as they explore work options and still receive disability benefits. See the Ticket to Work fact sheet for additional information.

  • Do disabled veterans receive any special consideration when applying for Federal jobs?

    Yes, disabled veterans may qualify for a non-competitive placement into a position based on their skills and abilities under the Veterans’ Recruitment Appointment, the Veterans’ Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 and if he or she has a disability rating of 30 percent or more. See the Veterans Hiring Authority fact sheet for additional information.

  • Can college students apply for positions in Federal service?

    Yes. There are several student programs such as the Student Temporary Employment Program, the Student Career Experience Program and internship programs available. We also suggest students contact their school’s disability services or career services coordinator for information on the Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities. See the Student Programs fact sheet for additional information.

  • Are there any intern programs available for individuals that are not students?

    Yes, the Federal Career Intern Program is available for exceptional individuals with diverse professional experiences, academic training and abilities. See the Federal Career Intern Program fact sheet for additional information.

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Last reviewed or modified Tuesday Apr 28, 2009
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