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SBRP Program Administrators Sessions

SBRP Annual Meeting Research Translation and Megasites
January 12-13, 2006, The New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York

Thursday, January 12

10:30 NIH Updates
Dorothy Duke, Chief Grants Management Officer, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
11:30 Grant Administration - Starting Out: Allowable/unallowable costs, long-term budgeting strategies, impatient and anxious researchers
Ilga Wohlrab, Boston University
Betty Newsom, University of Kentucky
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Non-Financial Administration: Discussion/Q&A on compliance issues including effort reporting, JIT, conflict of interest and others
Kathleen Dooley, University of California, Davis
2:30 Website Usage - What is the potential for the use of web pages?
  1. Considerations for website design, content and management
    1. User friendliness
    2. Accommodating diverse audiences and users
  2. The use of the web as a communication tool
    1. Blogs vs. Listserv: advantages and disadvantages
    2. Access to published materials: Copyright issues
Linda Covington, Brown University
3:30-5:00 Poster Session

Friday, January 13

10:00 Communication: Communication between the projects/cores within the Institution as well as with other Superfund programs, federal agencies (NIEHS) and collaborators
Karen Palmer, University of Arizona
Tram Tran, University of Washington
11:00 Miscellaneous Topics of Interest - Including election of 2006/7 Co-chairs: What every newbie administrator needs to know --"Common" mistakes that people make in dealing with Superfund administration
Michelle Feiock, University of California, San Diego
12:00 Adjourn
12:30-2:00 Lunch and Karen Wetterhahn Award Presentation

NIEHS/EPA Superfund Basic Research Program (
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