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Milestones: 1975

arrowIn Albermarle Paper Co. v. Moody, the Supreme Court decides that after a court has found an employer guilty of discrimination, the "wronged" employee is presumed to be entitled to back pay.

Photo of Chairman Perry
Chairman Lowell W. Perry
arrowPresident Gerald Ford appoints and the Senate confirms Lowell W. Perry to be the Chairman of EEOC.

arrowEthel Bent Walsh becomes the Acting Chair for a period of two months. Walsh is the first woman to serve in this capacity. She would later again be Acting Chair from May 1976 to May 1977.

arrowFor the first time in its history, EEOC has a backlog of more than 100,000 charges waiting to be investigated. In response, Congress approves President Gerald Ford's budget of $63 million for EEOC, marking the first year since EEOC opens its doors 10 years earlier that the Agency receives the full amount requested by the President.

Next: 1976

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