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Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution (CADRE)

Center for Appropriate
Dispute Resolution in Special Education

CADRE, the National Center on Dispute Resolution, encourages the use of mediation and other collaborative strategies to resolve disagreements about special education and early intervention programs.

--What's New:

View a four and a half minute video overview of CADRE (in Adobe Flash format).
APR/SPP Dispute Resolution resources are now available!

Click here for information that includes submission resources, Annual Performance Report summaries and State and National Dispute Resolution Data.

Materials from CADRE's "On the Road to Agreement ~ IDEA '04 & More: The Fourth National Symposium on Dispute Resolution in Special Education"
CADRE convened the "Fourth National Symposium on Dispute Resolution in Special Education" in December 2006. Participants from 47 States attended the event. Click here to review individual session materials.
Materials from CADRE's "National Symposium on IEP Facilitation"
CADRE convened the first "National Symposium on IEP Facilitation" in October 2005. Participants from 42 States, interested in creating effective agreements that benefit educational and early intervention programs for infants, children and youth with disabilities, attended the event. Click here to review individual session materials.
CADRE Flash Videos Listening Video - About the role of listening in problem solving This short video introduces the differences between positions and interests
Iowa Dispute Resolution Coordinator, Dee Ann Wilson, received the Joleta Reynolds Award at LRP's 30th National Institute on Legal Issues of Educating Individuals with Disabilities
Dee Ann Wilson, the coordinator for Iowa's special education procedural safeguard system was recognized for her efforts to promote alternate dispute resolution. This article is reprinted with permission from Congratulations to Dee Ann Wilson!

Perspectives of Participants in Special Education Mediation: A Qualitative Inquiry CADRE undertook a qualitative inquiry of special education mediations in two states. In this exploratory research, CADRE's goal was to gain access to, examine, and compare the perspectives of parents, school personnel and mediators on several dimensions of the mediation experience. A CADRE publication.

Resolution Meetings- State Supports and Practices This brief analysis provides detail on the experience of eight states with Resolution Meetings. A joint effort of Project Forum at NASDSE and CADRE.

Reuniones de Resolución: Una Guía para los Padres Esta Guía ayuda a las familias a tener un mejor entendimiento de las Reuniones de Resolución. Esta es una Publicación conjunta de CADRE y la ALLIANZA.

Initial Review of Research Literature on ADR in Special Education This article describes a literature search process employed to identify research in ADR and special education, organizes some initial search results, briefly summarizes them, and raises important questions for the purpose of generating a future research agenda.

Optional IDEA Alternative Dispute Resolution This In-Depth Policy Analysis is the result of findings based on a survey sent to all special education units of state education agencies. The survey requested information about the use of 10 alternative dispute resolution processes not specifically required under IDEA. This publication is a joint product from Project Forum and CADRE.

VA Department of Education Parents’ Guide to Special Education Dispute Resolution This guide is designed to assist parents in understanding Virginia’s dispute resolution systems of mediation, complaints, and due process hearings.

Resolution Meetings: A Guide for Parents - REVISED June 2008 This guide helps families to have a better understanding of Resolution Meetings. This is a joint Publication from CADRE and the ALLIANCE.

Assuring the Family's Role on the Early Intervention Team This paper, produced and distributed by the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC), is a synthesis of practices and ideas for explaining procedural safeguards to families, which assure that families are fully informed in ways that support their role in the early intervention process.

NICHCY Module 18 ~ Procedural Safeguards: Options for Dispute Resolution CADRE partner, NICHCY, the National Dissemination Center, has developed training curricula titled, Building the Legacy: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 2004. These resources were developed to provide information and training materials related to IDEA and its final Part B regulations. One of the themes, “Procedural Safeguards”, includes Module 18: Options for Dispute Resolution.

Practitioner Perspectives This short article is an excerpted summary, under three organizing headings, of select contributions to a recent CADRE Practitioner Listserv (you may subscribe to the left) thread on caucusing in special education ADR settings. CADRE is publishing this summary with permission of the authors, and with the objective of capturing in an organized manner a variety of contributions to our field’s expanding shared knowledge base.


CADRE Brochure The new CADRE brochure is now available.

Effective IEP Meetings: Tested Tips This brief document offers suggestions for convening successful IEP meetings. It includes preparation tips for parents and educators.

Steps to Success: Communicating with Your Child's School Offers specific communication skills that may be helpful to parents as they develop and maintain partnerships with their child's school. A CADRE publication. This document was published in May 2004. For more information on IDEA 2004, please click here.

Los Pasos hacia el Éxito: Cómo Comunicarse con la Escuela de su Hijo Si Ud tiene un hijo que recibe servicios de educación especial, es más que probable que esté involucrado en la escuela de su hijo y colaborando con sus profesores – esto incluye la planificación, la revisión y evaluación del programa educativo de su hijo. Con el tiempo, Ud aprenderá mucho sobre el proceso de la educación especial y cómo comunicarse y negociar en defensa de su hijo. Mientras su conocimiento, habilidad y confianza van creciendo, existe una serie de destrezas comunicativas específicas que pueden ayudarle a desarrollar y mantener una relación más estrecha con la escuela de su hijo. Esperamos que estos "Pasos hacia el Éxito" sean de utilidad, particularmente, a aquellos padres para los que el proceso de la educación especial es completamente nuevo. To view this document in English, please click here.

Facilitated IEP Meetings: An Emerging Practice This guide provides an introduction to IEP facilitation for parents and other family members to help orient them to this emerging practice. This document was published in November 2004. For more information on IDEA 2004, please click here.

Reuniones de IEP Facilitadas: Una Nueva Opción Esta guía prove una introducción a la facilitación de IEP para los padres y otros miembros de la familia para orientarlos a esta práctica emergente. Este Documento fue publicado en Febrero de 2005. Para mas informacion sobre IDEA 2004, por favor oprima aqui. To view this document in English, please click here.

Beyond Mediation: Strategies For Appropriate Early Dispute Resolution In Special Education This briefing paper describes some of the causes of special education conflict and then explores the range of conflict management approaches being pioneered by state education agencies and school districts. The focus of this paper and the underlying research is on innovative work that is being done related to disagreements regarding those children and youth (3 years and older) served under Part B of IDEA. A CADRE Publication. This document was published in October 2002. For more information on IDEA 2004, please click here.

Summary Report on Visitors to the CADRE Web Site View the summary report here.

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