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Background Information for DOJ Order 1200.1, Part 12

Background Information for
DOJ Order 1200.1, Part 12


Chapter 1.  Time and Attendance Reporting
Aug. 26, 2002

Order canceled by this chapter: DOJ 2120.6C--Reporting and Certifying Time and Attendance--Jan. 24, 1990. (See paragraph 3 of Change 13.)

This change does not contain major Departmental policy changes; it does reflect the change to the National Finance Center as the Department's Payroll Office, which took place after the previous order on this topic was issued.

Discussion of comments:

As suggested by two components, we addressed the exception allowing timekeepers to have access to both time and attendance (T&A) data and payroll/personnel data with adequate management controls in place (see paragraph B.2.a.). Also, we added T&A Coordinator and Security Officer Responsibilities, and clarified that the National Finance Center (NFC) is the Department's payroll office and that receipt of T&A reports by NFC must be timely (see paragraph B.3.).

In response to comments, we clarified that supervisors must ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations (see paragraph B.4.a.), and we revised the wording in paragraph B.4.b. to say that supervisors are responsible for ensuring that overtime work is ordered or approved in writing. We adopted a suggestion that we not repeat information on leave approval, which is included in the Department's Leave Administration Order. Also, we clarified in paragraph B.4.c. that supervisors must certify the accuracy of T&A reports before and after the T&A data is transmitted to NFC. As suggested by a bureau, we added, in paragraph B.4.d., the supervisory responsibility for initiating the completion of appropriate forms for changes in work schedules.

We adopted a suggestion that we not include information on disposing of the T&A report under Timekeeper Responsibilities and Duties in paragraph B.5., because it is discussed in the Handbook. In paragraph B.5.a., we added tracking overtime to timekeeper responsibilities. In paragraph B.7.b. on supervisory controls, we clarified that internal procedures must ensure that transmitted data matches the signed T&A report. We have not adopted a suggestion to delete the requirement in paragraph B.7.c. that necessary payroll and T&A system edits must be in place, because, even though the payroll system is maintained by NFC, the Department must ensure that NFC implements all necessary edits to insure accuracy. In paragraph B.7.e., we clarified that where possible on reporting tables, a component should delete any pay transaction codes that are not applicable to the component to prevent use of erroneous codes.


Chapter 2.  Clearance Procedures for Employees and Contract Employees Separating From or Reassigned Within the Department of Justice
Aug. 9, 2004

Orders canceled by this chapter: DOJ 2110.41--Clearance procedures for Employees Separating From or Reassigned Within the Department of Justice, Sept. 12, 1980, and OBD 1300.4--Clearance Procedures for Employees Separating From or Reassigned Within the Offices, Boards, Divisions, and the United States Marshals Service, Feb. 18, 1981. (See paragraph 3 of Change 19.)

This change does not contain major Department policy changes; it does extend the Department's clearance procedures to cover individuals working for the Department on a contract basis as well as Department employees.

Discussion of comments:

We have edited the chapter, where appropriate, to use the term "contract employee" instead of "contractor" to clarify that the provisions of this chapter that apply to individual Department employees also apply to individual contract employees.

Paragraph B.1. A Component recommended that the responsibility and accountability for pre-exit interviews and maintenance of records for contract employees be held with the contracting office. Component heads may require this in component procedures developed in accordance with this chapter.

Paragraph B.2.c. A Bureau recommended the need to simplify exit/separation procedures by assigning the responsibility to the immediate supervisor rather than requiring components to designate "clearance officials." Assigning the responsibility to the immediate supervisors would not ensure uniform policy and implementation of such throughout each component.

A Bureau questioned whether there is any provision that would preclude naming either the Finance official or Human Resource official as the Clearance Official. There is no provision in the chapter that would preclude this action.

Paragraph B.3.c. A Component indicated that the mandatory debriefing of separating employees who have access to National Security Information (NSI) was listed on the checklist but not written in the order. Procedures to ensure that appropriate security debriefings have been conducted are required by paragraph B.2.a.

A Bureau questioned what action would need to be taken by the losing component if an employee fails to resolve government indebtedness or return equipment, but needs to maintain NSI access. The employee will essentially still be a Department employee and the component should follow the steps listed in the Department's Order on the Collection of Debts by the Department of Justice (DOJ 2120.3B).

Paragraph B.3.d. A Component questioned how it would determine the depreciated value of missing or damaged government property. The Justice Property Management Regulations (DOJ 2400.3) provide guidance for determining the financial liability for loss, damage or destroyed government property through the initiation of a Board of Survey.

Paragraph B.3.e. A Bureau recommended that guidance be provided to determine what situations warranted different retention periods for Pre-Exit Clearance forms. The Order gives Components the flexibility to determine how long the form is to be retained; however, the Order indicates that if an employee has an uncollected debt, the form is to be retained up to three years.

Paragraph B.3.f. A Bureau questioned whether its local Property Management Officers should be the retaining officials for the reports on failure to surrender items, or if the reports should be kept in one centralized location. According to the Justice Property Management Regulations (DOJ 2400.3) there should only be one Property Management Officer for each component. A component may have several Property Custodians. Therefore, the Property Management Officer would retain the reports.

Paragraph B.4.a. A Component asked if policy would be in place for employees to be escorted from the building, or for notification to the guards, because the collection of access cards and parking passes on the last day of work would hinder an employee from exiting a turnstile or garage. The responsibility for developing an appropriate plan rests with the Component.

Paragraph B.6. A Component recommended expanding the responsibilities of the immediate supervisor from the Department or contractor to require that outprocessing is initiated and completed in a timely manner, based on the premise that the supervisors have clear authority over their employees until such time as the employees are actually separated. Paragraph B.6. has been revised to clarify the clearance steps to be taken and require that they be initiated and completed in a timely manner.

Paragraph C.2. A Component questioned how its Human Resources Staff would know when to hold an employee's final salary and lump-sum leave payments. Each component must have a mechanism in place for notifying the Payroll Unit of the appropriate servicing personnel office regarding the release of these payments.

General Comments

A Bureau recommended eliminating the requirement for designating Clearance Officials and Accountable Property Officers, thereby providing the Component Head with flexibility in assigning responsibility for carrying out the policy. We do not believe that this change is necessary because the Component Head has the flexibility to designate who the Clearance Officials and Accountable Property Officers will be, as appropriate for the Component.

A Bureau recommended that components would be better served and compliance with the Department's requirements regarding contractor personnel could be more effectively accomplished if all contractor-related policies were compiled in a separate cover containing all specifications. It is beyond our scope at this time to compile all contractor-related policies.

A Bureau recommended use of language other than "clearance" as used in order, because it may be confused with the term "security clearance." We have not adopted this suggestion, as the word "clearance" has been the title generally recognized by the Department, and the chapter explains that these clearance procedures apply to employees and contract employees who are leaving the Department or are reassigned within the Department.

A Bureau commented on the need for a section in the Order that requires that the network port installed in an employee workspace be closed as part of the exit procedures. This is beyond the scope of this chapter.


A Bureau suggested that we add "without a break in service of one full workday" to the definition of "transfer" in the Human Resources Dictionary. We have adopted this suggestion to be consistent with the general definition of "transfer" in 5 CFR 210.102.


A Bureau commented that the sample Pre-Exit Clearance Form was long and confusing and suggested making two separate forms, one for employees and the other for contracting employees. Another Bureau suggested that a section be added in which the agency benefits officer signs off to ensure that separating employees have been counseled on the status of their retirement, FEGLI, FEHB, unemployment compensation, and lump sum payments. Components are given the flexibility to construct the exit clearance form in the manner that better suits their needs. The form is a sample form that will be issued as guidance; it is not a part of the Order.

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