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Chapter 1-1, Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments

DOJ 1200.1

Chapter 1-1, Intergovernmental Personnel Act Assignments
(August 25, 1998)

A.   References.

Statute 5 U.S.C. 3371-3376
Executive Order E.O. 11589
Code of Federal Regulations 5 CFR, Part 334
Guidance Optional Form 69

OPM Web Page on IPA Mobility Program

B.   Policy.

With the prior approval of the Deputy Attorney General (DAG), bureaus may enter into agreements which authorize the temporary assignment of employees between the Department and State, local, and Indian tribal governments, institutions of higher education and other eligible organizations. Within resource allocations, bureaus may respond to requests from State and local governments and other eligible organizations, to share the expertise of employees.

NOTE: 5 CFR 334.105 requires that Federal employees serving under Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) agreements must agree to accept assignment with the Federal government for a period equal to the length of the IPA assignment.

C.   Documentation and Reporting.

  1. Bureaus will submit requests for IPA assignments, or extension of assignments, to organizations outside of the Department, to the DAG through the JMD's Human Resources Staff. Requests are to be submitted at least two weeks before the proposed beginning date of an assignment, to ensure DAG prior approval, and will include the following information:

    1. The employee's name, title, series, and grade;

    2. The Department organization from which the employee is to be detailed;

    3. The organization to which the employee is to be detailed;

    4. The proposed beginning and ending dates of the detail;

    5. A statement as to whether the proposed detail will be reimbursed or not;

    6. The purpose of the detail and the benefits to the individual/organization; and

    7. A completed request for Personnel Action, Standard Form 52 documenting the proposed detail.

  2. Bureaus will document IPA agreements. (Optional Form 69 may be used for this purpose.) A copy of the IPA agreement or extensions of these agreements will be submitted to the Assistant Director, DOJ Operations Group, Human Resources Staff, Justice Management Division, within ten days of the effective date of the IPA agreement.

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