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Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations

Subchapter A -- Civil Service Rules

Part 1 - Coverage and Definitions (Rule I)

Part 2 - Appointment through the Competitive System (Rule II)

Part 3 - Noncompetitive Acquisition of Status (RuleIII)

Part 4 - Prohibited Practices (Rule IV)

Part 5 - Regulations, Investigations, and Enforcement (Rule V)

Part 6 - Exceptions from the Competitive Service (Rule VI)

Part 7 - General Provisions (Rule VII)

Part 8 - Appointments to Overseas Positions (Rule VIII)

Part 9 - Reserved

Subchapter B -- Civil Service Regulations

Part 110 - OPM Regulations and Information Collection Requirements

Part 151 - Political Activity of State or Local Officers or Employees

Part 175 - OPM Mandatory Review of Classified Documents

Part 177 - Administrative Claims Under Federal Tort Claims Act

Part 178 - Procedures for Settling Claims

Part 179 - Claims Collection Standards

Part 180 - Employees' Personal Property Claims

Part 185 - Program Fraud Civil Remedies

Part 210 - Basic Concepts and Definitions

Part 211 - Veteran Preference

Part 212 - Competitive Service and Competitive Status

Part 213 - Excepted Service

Part 214 - Senior Executive Service

Part 230 - Organization of the Government for Personnel Management

Part 250 - Personnel Management in Agencies

Part 251 - Agency Relationships with Organizations Representing Federal Employees and Other Organizations

Part 293 - Personnel Records

Part 294 - Availability of Official Information

Part 297 - Privacy Procedures for Personnel Records

Part 300 - Employment (General)

Part 301 - Overseas Employment

Part 302 - Employment in the Excepted Service

Part 304 - Expert and Consultant Appointments

Part 305 - Reserved

Part 307 - Veterans Readjustment Appointments

Part 308 - Volunteer Service

Part 310 - Employment of Relatives

Part 315 - Career and Career-Conditional Employment

Part 316 - Temporary and Term Employment

Part 317 - Employment in the Senior Executive Service

Part 319 - Employment in Senior-Level and Scientific and Professional Positions

Part 330 - Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General)

Part 332 - Recruitment and Selection Through Competitive Examination

Part 333 - Recruitment and Selection for Temporary and Term Appointments Outside the Register

Part 334 - Temporary Assignment of Employees Between Federal Agencies and State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments, Institutions of Higher Education, and Other Eligible Organizations

Part 335 - Promotion and Internal Placement

Part 337 - Examining System

Part 338 - Qualification Requirements (General)

Part 339 - Medical Qualification Determinations

Part 340 - Other than Full-TimeCareer Employment (Part-Time, Seasonal, On-Call and Intermittent)

Part 351 - Reduction in Force

Part 352 - Reemployment Rights

Part 353 - Restoration to Duty from Uniformed Service or Compensable Injury

Part 359 - Removal from the Senior Executive Service; Guaranteed Placement in Other Personnel Systems

Part 362 - Presidential Management Intern Program

Part 410 - Training

Part 412 - Executive, Management, and Supervisory Development

Part 430 - Performance Management

Part 432 - Performance-Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions

Part 451 - Awards

Part 470 - Personnel Management Research Programs and Demonstration Projects

Part 511 - Classification Under the General Schedule

Part 530 - Pay Rates and Systems (General)

Part 531 - Pay under the General Schedule

Part 532 - Prevailing Rate Systems

Part 534 - Pay Under Other Systems

Part 536 - Grade and Pay Retention

Part 550 - Pay Administration (General)

Part 551 - Pay Administration Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

Part 553 - Reemployment of Military and Civilian Retirees to Meet Exceptional Employment Needs

Part 572 - Travel and Transportation Expenses: New Appointees and Interviews

Part 575 - Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses; Retention Allowances; Supervisory Differentials

Part 576 - Waiver of Repayment of Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments

Part 581 - Processing Garnishment Orders for Child Support and/or Alimony

Part 582 - Commercial Garnishment of Federal Employees' Pay

Part 591 - Allowances and Differentials

Part 595 - Physicians' Comparability Allowances

Part 610 - Hours of Duty

Part 630 - Absence and Leave

Part 715 - Nondisciplinary Separations, Demotions, and Furloughs

Part 720 - Affirmative Employment Programs

Part 723 - Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the Office of Personnel Management

Part 731 - Suitability

Part 732 - National Security Positions

Part 733 - Political Activity -- Federal Employees Residing in Designated Localities

Part 734 - Political Activities of Federal Employees

Part 735 - Employee Responsibilities and Conduct

Part 736 - Personnel Investigations

Part 752 - Adverse Actions

Part 754 - Reserved

Part 771 - Agency Administrative Grievance System

Part 772 - Interim Relief

Part 792 - Federal Employees' Health and Counseling Programs

Part 831 - Retirement

Part 835 - Debt Collection

Part 837 - Reemployment of Annuitants

Part 838 - Court Orders Affecting Retirement Benefits

Part 841 - Federal Employees Retirement System -- General Administration

Part 842 - Federal Employees Retirement System -- Basic Annuity

Part 843 - Federal Employees Retirement System -- Death Benefits and Employee Refunds

Part 844 - Federal Employees Retirement System -- Disability Retirement

Part 845 - Federal Employees Retirement System -- Debt Collection

Part 846 - Federal Employees Retirement System -- Elections of Coverage

Part 847 - Elections of Retirement Coverage by Current and Former Employees of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities

Part 870 - Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program

Part 880 - Retirement and Insurance Benefits During Periods of Unexplained Absence

Part 890 - Federal Employees Health Benefits Programs

Part 891 - Retired Federal Employee Health Benefits

Part 892 - Federal Flexible Benefits Plan:   Pre-tax Payment of Health Benefit Premiums

Part 900 - Intergovernmental Personnel Act Programs

Part 911 - Procedures for States and Localities to Request Indemnification

Part 930 - Programs for Specific Positions and Examinations (Miscellaneous)

Part 950 - Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel for Contributions to Private Voluntary Organizations

Part 960 - Federal Executive Boards

Part 970 - Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement)

Part 990 - General and Miscellaneous

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