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Department of Justice Seal
U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       

                                                                 red, white, and blue horizontal line                                                                               Washington, D.C. 20530

July 19, 2002


FROM:             Debra M. Tomchek
                          Director, Human Resources

SUBJECT:      Web Resources Related to Programs for People With Disabilities

The purpose of this memorandum is to remind you of some of the resources available to Department of Justice (DOJ) employees who want to obtain information on how to hire people with disabilities or who have disabilities and want to learn more about some of the accommodation and assistive technology services available to them.

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Web Site on Federal Employment of People with Disabilities. On March 31, 2002, OPM introduced the roll out of a web site concerning the topic of Federal Employment of People with Disabilities. The world wide web address is The site is supportive of the President's New Freedom Initiative and the Administration's commitment to removing the barriers to employment for people with disabilities and bringing the best talent into government. Clear and understandable information is provided and is geared to applicants, employees, managers, and human resources personnel. There is a wealth of information concerning Federal job opportunities, accommodation issues, benefits, and telecommuting. There is also an E-learning training module for managers on reasonable accommodation that agencies can use, and information on the statutory and regulatory basis of disability employment matters, particularly the topic of reasonable accommodation.

Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP). In June 2001, the Attorney General signed an interagency agreement with CAP, located in the Department of Defense. CAP is the Federal government's centrally funded accommodations program. CAP provided 150 accommodations, at no cost, for individuals with hearing, visual, dexterity, cognitive and communication disabilities, and has saved the DOJ more than $105,000. You can contact CAP at 703-681-8813 or on the world wide web at

Job Accommodation Network (JAN). JAN is a toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations, disability legislation, and the employability of people with disabilities. You can contact JAN on 1-800-526-7234 (V/TTY) or on the world wide web at

General Services Administration Assistive Technology (AT) Showcase. The AT Showcase is located at 18th and F Streets, NW, in Room 1216. DO J employees may use the informational services provided by the AT Showcase. They provide one-stop shopping for state-of-the-art assistive technology and solutions. The AT Showcase also features information on ergonomic solutions to address musculoskeletal disorders. To learn more about business hours or obtain more information about the center contact Marilyn Estep at 202-501-3322. The web address is .

Technology Accessible Resources Gives Employment Today (TARGET) Center. U.S. Department of Agriculture established the TARGET Center to support the department with assistive technology and ergonomic solutions. The TARGET Center provides valuable resources and information to help managers, supervisors, coworkers and employees with disabilities understand the full range of assistive technology available. DOJ employees can obtain limited information free of charge about various assistive technology and equipment from TARGET. However, additional TARGET services are available to DOJ only through a cross-servicing agreement. The Center has two locations; one is located at 1400 Independence Avenue, Room 1006-S, Washington, DC 20250-9876. You can call the Center on (202) 720-2600 (V/TTY). The Midwest TARGET Center is located in St. Louis, Missouri. The phone number is (314) 539-3800. They are open between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. EST/CST. The web address is

Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP). The WRP is an innovative summer employment program for college students with substantial disabilities. It is co-sponsored by the Departments of Labor and Defense. Applicants are highly motivated post-secondary students and recent graduates eager to prove their abilities in the workforce. It is a resource for employers nationwide to identify qualified temporary and permanent employees from a variety of fields. Job candidates are pre-screened and agencies can hire them for summer internships or permanent positions. CAP covers the cost of accommodations for all WRP students participating in the program. To learn more about the WRP you may contact Linda P. Sackie, the Department's WRP representative, on (202) 616-4807 or by e-mail at Components who want to hire a summer student under this program should plan ahead by providing a position description or statement of duties in January or February so that qualified student job applicants can be identified and interviewed for your position.

Training Seminar on DOJ Reasonable Accommodation Procedures. The Justice Management Division, Equal Employment Opportunity Staff will provide training sessions on the recently developed DOJ "Manual and Procedures for Reasonable Accommodation" in the early fall. You may phone or e-mail Ms. Sackie, as noted above, for information about this training.

Questions concerning the use of these valuable resources may be referred to Robert Seymour, on (202) 616-3706, or by e-mail at

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Page created on August 9, 2002