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Department of Justice Seal
U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
 Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

April 23, 2004


FROM:            Debra M. Tomchek
                         Director, Human Resources

SUBJECT:      Recognition of Volunteer Spirit Among Federal Workers

This provides the attached memorandum from the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) concerning volunteerism in America and among federal employees. OPM endorses the practice of using flexible work options and various leave flexibilities to allow employees to participate in volunteer activities and make a difference in their local communities.

OPM issued guidance (attached) to encourage employee participation in volunteer activities, including information on the use of leave and compensatory time to perform community work. In addition, agencies and departments may grant administrative leave to employees who perform volunteer work that directly relates to the Department’s mission, enhances the employee’s professional development, or when the absence will be brief and advances the interests of the Department. Any applicable regulations or policies and collective bargaining agreements should be reviewed before making determinations on these matters.

The following are some of the flexibilities OPM has outlined:

  • Alternative Work Schedules
  • Credit Hours
  • Annual Leave
  • Leave Without Pay
  • Compensatory Time Off
  • Excused Absence (administrative leave)
  • Part-time employment or job-sharing

OPM reminds agencies to be cognizant of other issues, e.g., labor-management relations, prohibition of coercion, Hatch Act restrictions and conflict of interest laws, use of government facilities and equipment, and liability for work-related injuries, when an employee participates in volunteer activities.

The Department of Justice has a longstanding policy on employee volunteerism and pro bono legal volunteerism. This policy is accessible on the Department's internet site or on the intranet. For additional information regarding the Department's Volunteer Programs, please contact Lynn Sutton, of the Personnel Staff's Programs Group, on (202) 616-3705, or by email For additional information regarding the Department's Pro Bono Legal Volunteer Program, please contact Laura Klein, of the Professional Responsibility Advisory Office, on (202) 353-7529, or by email at

Questions concerning leave and absence in connection with volunteerism should be directed to Jamie Higgins, of the Personnel Staff's Workforce Effectiveness Group. She may be reached on (202) 514-5781, or by email at For information on flexible work options, please contact Kathryn Oliver, Department Worklife Program Manager, on (202) 353-9278, or by email at Employees who have questions concerning these matters should consult appropriate staff in their servicing human resources offices.

Attachment 1
Attachment 2

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Page created:  May 11, 2004