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U.S. Department of Justice
Office of the Deputy Attorney General

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The Deputy Attorney General                                                        Washington, D.C. 20530

                                                                                                 May 13, 2002


TO:                   Department of Justice Employees

FROM:             Larry D. Thompson

SUBJECT:      Volunteerism and Community Service

Out of the evil of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans have looked for and found many opportunities to do good. President Bush created the USA Freedom Corps in an effort to capture those opportunities and foster an American culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility. During his State of the Union address, he called upon every American to commit to at least two years of their lives–the equivalent of 4,000 hours–to the service of others. Through the USA Freedom Corps, he challenges every American to answer the call to service by strengthening and expanding service opportunities for them to protect our homeland, support our communities, and extend American compassion around the world.

Many Department of Justice (DOJ) employees are already volunteering a few hours each week or month at a local school, church, neighborhood association, hospital, or other local service organization. Many more are looking for new ways serve. In the coming weeks and months, the Department's Events Management and Community Service Group (EMCS), a component of the Justice Management Division's Personnel Staff, will provide you with information about how you can become more fully engaged in your community. In the meantime, however, I need your assistance.

Each year, the Attorney General recognizes and honors employees who volunteer with community service and faith-based organizations, those who are pro bono legal volunteers, and those employees involved with component-sponsored activities such as the DOJ Partners in Education Program, community service projects, blood drives, and other activities. Attached you will find an Employee Volunteerism Informational Survey. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. This request is voluntary in nature; the information will be summarized to assist us in noting the breadth of commitment by our employees to their communities. Employees who complete this form will receive a certificate.

The Attorney General and I are strongly committed to employee volunteerism and community service. Thank you in advance for your commitment and service to your community.

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Page created May 16, 2002
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