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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division
Personnel Staff                       

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Washington, D.C. 20530

March 11, 2002


FROM:            Ana A. Mazzi
                         Acting Director, Personnel Staff
                         Justice Management Division

SUBJECT:      Interim Regulations to Permit Agencies to Decide How Candidates are Referred for Competitive Appointments When Filling Multiple Vacancies Simultaneously

Attached is an interim regulation, with request for comments, which permits agencies to decide how candidates are referred for competitive appointment when filling multiple vacancies simultaneously. This long-standing policy, of the Office of Personnel Management, has now been codified in regulation.

Accordingly, Departmental Delegated Examining Units will refer candidates for consideration by simultaneously listing a candidate on all certificates for which the candidate is interested, eligible, and within reach, except, when it is deemed in the interest of good administration and candidates have been so notified, the DEU may choose to refer candidates for only one vacancy at a time. Selecting officials will receive sufficient names, when available, to allow them to consider at least three candidates for each vacancy. [5 CFR 332.402]

Please review the attached regulation as it describes several advantages for providing agencies with the option of using two methods for certifying candidates for competitive appointment. Written comments on the regulations may be forwarded to Jolliette Spencer, of the Personnel Staff's Policy Group, in Room 1110, National Place Building, by facsimile on (202) 514-6827, or by email to, by no later than April 9, 2002.

Questions regarding the attached regulations may be referred to Ms. Spencer on (202) 514-6778.


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Page created March 15, 2002