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Department of Justice Seal

U.S. Department of Justice

   Washington, D.C. 20530

April 13, 2001


FROM:        Janis A. Sposato
             Acting Assistant Attorney General
               for Administration

SUBJECT:     Justice Management Division Awards

The Justice Management Division (JMD) annually honors employees who have made significant contributions to the Division's mission. This memorandum solicits nominations for three Division-level awards to be presented at this year's JMD Awards Ceremony, which will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2001, 2:00 p.m., in The Great Hall of the Main Justice Building. All awards will be accompanied by cash recognition in the amount of $1,500.

Special Commendation Award

This is the highest level honorary award granted by the Division to a JMD employee. Normally, there are 20-25 recipients in this category. Employees who have received outstanding performance or significant superior accomplishment awards are generally eligible for the Special Commendation Award.

Nomination. Staff Directors should, in general, nominate only one employee for this award. Each nomination must:

  1. Identify the accomplishments which form the basis for the nomination (i.e., a significant act, service, or achievement that materially contributes to the successful accomplishment of the objectives of the organization, innovations in service to the public, or improvements which are of major importance to the organization in communicating its mission to the general community);

  2. Identify any monetary or other honorary award the employee has received during the preceding year;

  3. Include a brief (no more than several sentences) citation which summarizes the accomplishments;

  4. Be signed by the Staff Director, with an approval line at the bottom for the appropriate Deputy Assistant Attorney General; and

  5. Provide the nominee's full name; Social Security number; pay plan, series, and grade; work address; and telephone number.

JMD Cooperation Award

This award recognizes individuals from outside the JMD who have, by personal effort, made a significant contribution to JMD during the preceding year. It may be given to another employee of the Department, to an employee of another federal agency, or to a non-federally employed person. Federally employed persons may be given both cash and award devices. However, non-federally employed persons or members of the Armed Forces can only be given honorary awards such as plaques. Normally, between one and three awards are presented in this category.

Nomination. Each nomination must:

  1. Fully identify the proposed recipient, including his or her organizational affiliation, if any;

  2. Describe the contribution, made within the past year, which serves as the basis for the nomination;

  3. Include a brief (no more than several sentences) citation which summarizes the nominee's contributions;

  4. Include a statement that the proposed award has been discussed with and approved by the nominee's supervisor;

  5. Be signed by the Staff Director with an approval line at the bottom of the nomination for your Deputy Assistant Attorney General; and

  6. Provide the nominee's full name; Social Security number; pay plan, series, and grade (if applicable); work address; and telephone number.

JMD Equal Employment Opportunity Award

This award will recognize one or more JMD managers or supervisors who have made significant contributions to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program, or who have made significant efforts at promoting Equal Employment Opportunity within their own organizations. Qualifying contributions include leadership in the areas of training, recruitment, hiring, and development opportunities for women, minorities, handicapped individuals, or disabled veterans. Other qualifying activity may include resolution of EEO related concerns, and accommodations for handicapped individuals, where applicable.

Nomination. Each nomination must:

  1. Identify the accomplishments which form the basis for the nomination;

  2. Identify any monetary or other honorary award the employee has received during the preceding year;

  3. Include a brief (no more than several sentences) citation which summarizes the accomplishments;

  4. Be signed by the Staff Director, with an approval line at the bottom for your Deputy Assistant Attorney General; and

  5. Provide the nominee's full name; Social Security number; pay plan, series, and grade; work address; and telephone number.

Nominations must be submitted to Vince Micone, Chief of Events Management and Community Service, Personnel Staff, National Place Building, Suite 1110, no later than Friday, May 11, 2001. The Deputy Assistant Attorneys General will meet and make final recommendations to me by May 18, 2001. The Personnel Staff will provide staff support, as necessary, and will also make arrangements for the Awards Ceremony and all services related to that event. Costs for award devices and engraving services will be assumed by my office. Lists of previous year's recipients are attached for your information.

If there are any questions concerning the nomination process or Awards Ceremony, please contact Mr. Micone on 305-1756.
