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Department of Justice
Attorney General's Memorandum on Worklife Initiatives

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December 22, 1997




The Attorney General [signed Janet Reno]

Worklife Initiatives

As many of you are aware, I strongly support efforts to assist employees in the difficult task of balancing the demands of their careers with the demands of their personal lives, an important part of which includes raising and caring for families.

The President has issued two executive memoranda since the beginning of his Administration concerning the importance of family-friendly programs in the federal service. He states, "It is clear to me that whenever the Federal Government establishes a goal of providing civilian employees and military personnel with an environment supportive to families, the result is greater cost efficiency, increased worker commitment and productivity, better customer service, and improved family life." The President, therefore, directed federal agencies to establish and expand family-friendly programs which provide flexibility and dependent care support to our workforce.

Our agency has a well-defined, comprehensive program for accomplishing that goal. The program is called the Department of Justice Worklife Program (Worklife Program). Since 1991, this exceptional program has been in place and available to Department of Justice (DOJ) managers as a tool for better, more effective management of our most valued asset--you, our employees. In many Department components, the Worklife Program has been successfully implemented and is achieving positive results. Those results include a productive, motivated, and dedicated staff.

I want to make sure the Worklife Program and its benefits are accessible to all employees. Thus, the DOJ will take a proactive posture in expanding access to existing worklife policies to our employees, nationwide, unless clearly in conflict with mission fulfillment or regulatory requirements. Each year the Heads of Department Components provide a report which details flexible work option usage within their organizations and highlights any special programs they offer. I will continue to examine this information closely and encourage broader implementation of these valuable programs.

The DOJ Worklife Program provides for flexible and compressed work schedules, telecommuting, part-time employment, job sharing, credit hours, dependent care, leave for family and parental responsibilities,and leave sharing. The Department recently distributed its Flexible Work Option Request form to each component Personnel Office. Please use this form if you are interested in requesting a flexible work arrangement. The form assists you in making a request for flexibility that addresses how work requirements can be satisfied or enhanced through the use of a flexible work option and helps your manager to make an informed decision. Your manager will review your request and provide a written explanation if the request is modified or denied. This helps to ensure a fair and reasonable process.

I encourage you to request information from your component concerning flexibility and/or dependent care support. Attached to this memorandum is a listing of all Component Worklife Coordinators. If you need additional information, please contact the Department's Worklife Program Manager, Kathryn Wolf, on (202) 616-3618 [Note: This number has since been changed to: (202) 353-9278].


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