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Torresan, M.E., Hampton, M.A., Barber, J.H., Jr., and Wong, F.L., 1995, K1-95-HW: Cruise report 1995 - Preliminary results. Phase III: sediment chemistry and biological sampling survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-839, 94 p.

Summary 1, 2
Study Area
Previous Studies
  Monitoring 1, 2
  Subsampling 1, 2
Acknowledgments References 1, 2

1 Location
2 Box corer

1 Stations
2 Samples
3 Analyses
4 Bioassay

1 Box Cores
2 Custody: Quanterra
3 Custody: Batelle

Sample Handling and Subsampling (2)

Subsamples designated for sediment chemistry analysis were stored in the I-CHEM labeled jars. The lids contain teflon liners, and each lid was tightly closed and sealed with tape. Each jar was then placed in a freezer located in Kila¹s laboratory and maintained at -4° C. Following the survey the frozen samples were packed in coolers, surrounded with blue ice and shipped to Quanterra Environmental Laboratories, in Arvada, Colorado, via priority overnight delivery. Figure 1, Table 1, Table 2 and appendices 1 and 2 show the samples and sample locations that were used for sediment chemistry. All of the sediment chemistry samples were collected in conjunction with biological samples, and many of the samples were collected from sites occupied in 1994 to allow for direct comparison of data from the same site on successive years.

Following collection of the sediment chemistry samples, the biologists then removed and extruded each subcore into labeled plastic containers. The non-mollusc cores were split into two approximately equal fractions, and were treated with 100-150 ml of a solution of 100% formalin and Rose Bengal dye, and stored in the shade. The mollusc cores were removed and transferred to single 4 oz containers. Sea water was added if necessary and the containers were immediately stored in coolers filled with an ice bath. Biological samples were taken back to the laboratory at the end of each sampling day for further processing at the University of Hawaii. See the progress report by Bailey-Brock and others, (1995) for details of the biological sampling and taxonomic procedures.

Following the removal of the biological subcores at stations sampled for bioassay and bioaccumulation studies (Figure 1, Table 4, Appendix 1), the remaining sediment was sampled with clean, stainless steel spatulas (cleaned as described above) and stored in coolers. Sampling protocols included the following procedures. While transiting to each site, the designated cooler was rinsed three times with sea water. The cooler was then lined with two plastic bags, each of which was also rinsed three times with sea water. About eight gallons of either dredged material or native sediment (site dependent- Table 4, Appendice 1) were placed into the plastic bag, and the top of each bag was then twisted and closed with rubber bands. Four to six blue ice packs were then added to surround the sediment in each cooler. The blue ice packs were placed in ziploc bags to prevent leakage into the cooler should they rupture. Chain of custody forms for the bioaccumulation samples were filled out, placed into ziploc bags and taped to the inside of the cooler lid. Duct tape was then used to tape the edges around the entire lid of the cooler, and two straps were taped around the cooler itself to prevent any material or water from leaking out of the coolers during shipping. At the end of the sampling day each cooler was then stored in a walk-in freezer located at the University of Hawaii Marine Center, and maintained at -4°C until the survey was complete. All coolers were then sent via overnight express delivery to Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Division, Sequim, Washington.


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URL: http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of95-839/05bmeth2.html
Maintainer: Carolyn Donlin
Author: Florence L. Wong
Last modified: 01 Oct 97.

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