NOAA/ESRL Radiosonde Database Access

General information about this database including access software, CDrom ordering, station histories, and data availability can be found at our home page. We also produce an online inventory that is created at the end of each year when we re-process our real-time data.

  • Feb-11-2009 - 2008 DATABASE UPDATE: Merged all NCDC (IGRA) data and ESRL/GSD collected GTS data for 2008. Updated station lists.
  • Apr-06-2009 - Added 19 WMO stations to the database and updated the master station list.
  • Apr-06-2009 - Updated the online inventory. It now contains an inventory for all stations from 1994-2008.

    I. Input Dates: (UTC units)

    From: yr mo dy hr

    Thru: yr mo dy hr

    II. Sounding Specific Information

    Hours of access: Data levels:

    Wind Units:

    III. Select Stations / Data

    Select Radiosonde Sites by:

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
    Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL)
    Global Systems Division (GSD)

    Prepared by Mark Govett,