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Torresan, M.E., Hampton, M.A., Barber, J.H., Jr., and Wong, F.L., 1995, K1-95-HW: Cruise report 1995 - Preliminary results. Phase III: sediment chemistry and biological sampling survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-839, 94 p.


Box Core Descriptions

Core NumbersLegend
    72   73   74   75
  76   77   78   79   80
  81   82   83   84   85
  86   87   88   89   90
  91   92   93   94   95
  96   97   98   99 100
101 102 103 104 105
106 107 108 109 110

  No sample recovered
  at 74 or 94. Other
  unlinked samples are

Sample Map
[core description legend]

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URL: http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of95-839/apx01.html
Maintainer: Carolyn Donlin
Author: Florence L. Wong
Last modified: 06 Oct 97.

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Department of the Interior   U.S. Geological Survey   Geologic Division   Western Region Coastal & Marine Geology